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  關(guān)于科技的大學(xué)英語(yǔ)作文:What Does Technology Do to Tradition

  What Does Technology Do to Tradition?

  "Technology or tradition", a sc-called contradiction, didn't become a popular topic until recently. When the tradition of "men plow and women weave" is broken up by the influx of advanced agricultural tools, skyscrapers stand firm where there used to be the homes of intimate neighbors, and handwork is replaced by machines, people can't help wondering, "What's wrong with us?" Apprehensions abound among scholars. Is it true that too much of our attention and energy have been diverted to the technology and the traditional culture will reduce to a desolation?

  "Technology or tradition" is a question causing increasingted to the technology and the traditional culture will reduce to a desolation?

  "Technology or tradition" is a question causing increasing controversy nowadays, but in my opinion, it is not a choice that we can make. It's true that technology will affect our traditionalculture but the former can and should never undermine the lat

  With a history of thousands of years, traditional culture is not so fragile as we thought it might be. It is rooted in our minds, influencing our every deed. We are strictly governed by the tradition passing from generation to generation. Technology from which we benefit much in our daily life gives us conveniences and may change our lifestyle in some parts as well. Thus some tradition may be affected. Farmers lose their opportunity of plowing and, with the appearance of grain drill, their sowing skills are no longer needed.., but we should be cautious that technology also plays the role of selector here, singling the long lasting vital values while eliminating the others which account for only a small percentage. Permanent spirits such as "teamwork"and "love for others" still stand firm in all societies and hold its dominance. Moreover, tradition doesn't always stay unchanged.Its development is somewhat a process of evolution. So why should our technological world be thought of as a threat rather than a system of selection in harmony with the human evolution?

  In addition, what technology brings to our traditional world are changes, the gradual changes, rather than radical revolution that gives rise to chaos and panics. With new technology emerging, we're allowed to have enough time to look back and guard against its invasion into the core of our traditional culture to strive for a balance.

  Looked at from another angle, new technological development also contributes to the enrichment and perfection of our traditional culture. It adds new contents to our culture and opens a new vista for it. The modern communications technology prorides more opportunities of cultural exchanges. And the combination of technology and human culture has become an irreversible trend. Do you remember the advertisement, "Technology is determined by men. "That's a perfect example.

  In conclusion, while changing traditional cultures slightly,technology benefits it as well. They can be balanced if handled properly.

  簡(jiǎn) 評(píng)



  文章觀點(diǎn)新穎獨(dú)特,耐人尋味。作者見(jiàn)解較為深刻,具有洞察力。整個(gè)論證部分層層深入,有條不紊,穿插的事例鮮活、生動(dòng)而有說(shuō)服力。尤其是作者的遣詞造句靈活多樣,足見(jiàn)一番功底。可惜文中有少數(shù)句子表述不清,概念模糊,后文又無(wú)完整、合理的解釋或說(shuō)明,比如“but we should be cautious that technology also plays the role Of selector here,singling the long-lasting vital values while eliminating the others which account for only a small percentage,從而削弱了重點(diǎn)。



  Technology--A Double-edged Sword

  In the past, technological advancement was generally held to be synonymous with progress, and progress to be synonymous with absolute good. People thought of technology as a solution to problems, not a creator of them. As we took each step forward, technologically speaking, we assumed that we were leaving old difficulties behind and advancing into a new and more pleasant future. This was only partially true. For us technological advancement did solve old problems, it also created new ones. These problems are of various types, each having different implications and requiring different degrees of human decision.

  One set of problems can be readily identified by looking around. These problems concern the "pollution" of our environment by technology as a result of sudden upsets and imbalances in the physical, economic and social equilibrium. The most obvious aspects of these are the general pollution of our physical environment and the destruction of irreplaceable natural resources.Not so obvious as these, but just as painfully significant to some, are the effacement and displacement of jobs which over

  night often create large groups of jobless citizens.

  Can technology be used to undo what it has done, replace what it has destroyed or substitute what it has caused to disappear? No one knows. Many of us wonder whether all of the sources of pollution have yet been identified, whether they are being arrested and whether they will be prevented from recurring.

  Another set of problems relate to what technological advancement has done to the quality of life. An improved life has not been, unfortunately, either the goal or the chief beneficiary of technological change. Too much has happened too fast. In contrast, in the past, things changed slowly enough to accommodate gradual change. People could be aware of it and adjusted to it, and perhaps they could even change it. In the modern world, we must make rapid decisions today, or tomorrow we

  may find a whole new world built up.

  Presumably the most significant and potentially explosive issues, however, are those related to methods of human manipulation and control. There is also the new horizon of genetic analysis, manipulation and correction. And there is now the possibility of creating a living substance and decoding and generating a complete organism from the information found within a cell.This is no longer a daydream. Some consider these possibilities visions, others nightmares.

  It is true that incredible powers are now within our hands,or at least within our reach, and the question no longer is "Can we do it?" but "How soon can we do it?" Our lives have been and are being changed drastically. The point is to take control of technology or to be driven by it.

  簡(jiǎn) 評(píng)





  How Does Technology Influence Our Lives?

  Whether one is willing or not, he can not deny that endless innovations of technology are constantly changing our lives. Appatently, not everyone is optimistic about the trend, but there are unquestionable positive aspects of it.

  To the senior in the society, health and security are the most concerned issues. Today, thanks to the growing process in medicine field, the life span and quality have been greatly enhanced. Old people are becoming increasingly energetic and rigorous. Besides, technology also ensures the security of those old people who live separately from their offspring gimmicks such as auto-alarming bell free them from the worries about possible gas release or theft.

  To the young, the startling advances in application technology enable them to work and live more comfortably. Automation the computer-controlled system, along with assembly lines and robots not only cuts down the prices by mass production,but also frees people from dangerous and tiring working conditions. After work, benefiting from all the conveniences provided by such handy appliances as microwave ovens, washing machines, or automobiles, people enjoy a lot more leisure time and feel more relaxed.

  As to children, they benefit most from the boom of information technology. For decades, computers and communication systems processed information only for selected audiences. Now,the development of technology makes everyone, including children, to get cheap information. Exposed to this from the early age, today's children learn by trial and error how to collect and process information into useful knowledge at a fast pace. What's more, through Internet and telecommunication, the children are closely connected with the outside world and are likely to be more competitive and creative than their older generations.

  It might be because new technology is booming out at such a fantastic speed that many people aren't feeling at ease with it.However, it does aim at making our lives more convenient and comfortable. My opinion is that wait indulgently for technology to perfect itself, try it voluntarily, and the world is certain to be much better than ever.

  簡(jiǎn) 評(píng)


  文章篇幅不長(zhǎng),卻概括了不同科技對(duì)不同年齡階層的巨大影響和人們行為方式和精神面貌的變化,可謂言簡(jiǎn)意賅。這是由于本文作者語(yǔ)言風(fēng)格緊湊,并較好地掌握了內(nèi)容要具體,用詞要明確的寫作原則:如“technology also ensures thesecurity Of those old people who live separately from their offspring—gimmicks such as auto-alarmlng bell free them from the worries about possible gas—release or theft.”一句既是概述:科技保障老年人安全;又是論據(jù):現(xiàn)代設(shè)施解決后顧之憂。而auto-alarming bell和possible gas—release or theft等詞提供了具體例證。同時(shí),作者語(yǔ)言地道,"most concerned issues,life span,selected audiences,exposed to"等表達(dá)十分準(zhǔn)確老練。如果沒(méi)有在學(xué)習(xí)中的透徹掌握和平時(shí)的大量閱讀,是很難做到詞匯如此運(yùn)用自如的。







