學(xué)習(xí)啦 > 學(xué)習(xí)英語 > 英語寫作 > 英語寫作方法 > 英語作文如何造句


時(shí)間: 燕妮639 分享


  下面是學(xué)習(xí)啦小編整理的英語作文造句的方法, 希望對(duì)大家有幫助。




  2.句子要連貫。所謂連貫,一是指意思上的連貫;二是指結(jié)構(gòu)上的連貫。也就是說一個(gè)句子不僅要做到思想內(nèi)容的和諧,還要做到遣詞造句的和諧。例如: Tell my friend if she is at home,I will go to see her.

  該句因語序的關(guān)系,使意思不明確。如果 my friend與she是同一個(gè)人,我們應(yīng)該說:If my friend is at home,tell her I will go to see her.如果不是同一個(gè)人,就應(yīng)說:Tell my friend I will go to see her if she is at home.

  又如:An Indian came into the doctor's door,and walked quickly to the waiting room.


  An Indian came into the waiting room,and walked quickly to the doctor's door.



  4.句子要重點(diǎn)突出。凡是重要的意思都應(yīng)在表達(dá)時(shí)予以強(qiáng)調(diào)。為此說話時(shí)人們可用各種方法,如提高聲音、放慢語速、使用短句或加上手勢(shì)等。寫文章時(shí),也可以使用倒裝、感嘆、重復(fù)、反問等方法對(duì)應(yīng)該強(qiáng)調(diào)的詞語或句子加重語氣。一般情況下,一個(gè)句子的開頭和末尾是比較引人注目的地方。如:There was an old woman at the head of the queue.這是一般的表達(dá)方式。但可進(jìn)行這樣改:At the head of the queue was an old woman.通過這種結(jié)構(gòu)的改變分別突出了at the head of the queue以及an old woman.這樣句子就顯得非常生動(dòng)有力。


  6.句子要一致。一個(gè)句子無論長(zhǎng)短應(yīng)當(dāng)只有一個(gè)中心思想。句中的詞、短語應(yīng)當(dāng)緊緊圍繞這一中心思想服務(wù)。如果時(shí)而談甲,時(shí)而談乙,則會(huì)破壞句子的一致性。如: Class Three have a map,and the map is on the wall of their classroom,it's a map of China.

  此句在語法和詞匯上都沒有什么錯(cuò),但由于東拼西湊,讓人不知所云。如果將這一大句改為三個(gè)短句,使每句都有一個(gè)中心思想,那么就條理清楚,意義明確了。試比較: Class Three have a map.The map is on the wall of their classroom.It's a map of China.

  句子的一致性是一個(gè)句子的意思清楚與否的關(guān)鍵。要達(dá)到一致性就要保持主語的一致、思想的完整、邏輯的合理和修飾的緊密。如: I opened the door,and the cat was under a desk,and the desk was black.

  這個(gè)句子意思混亂,因?yàn)橹髡Z不斷改變。如果我們用I作全句主語,并作適當(dāng)刪改,則句子簡(jiǎn)單明了,意思清楚而且句子緊湊。比較一下: I opened the door and found the cat under a black desk.



  Could you tell me where is the park?→ Could you tell me where the park is?

  What a beautiful girl is she!→ ?What a beautiful girl she is!


  The house has been built five years ago.→ The house was built five years  ago.

  The bike hasn't returned yet.→ The bike hasn't been returned yet.


  We can get there either by car or taking a bus.→ We can get there either by car or by bus.

  She likes studying English but she doesn't like English grammar.→ She likes studying English but she doesn't like studying English grammar.


  Everybody thinks a king can do he wants to do.→ Everybody thinks a king can do what he wants to do.


  This morning has no classes.→ There are no classes this morning .

  Although he is over 60,but he is very healthy.→ He is over 60,but he is very healthy.→ Although he is over 60,he is very healthy.



 ?、賁he has finished the writing yesterday.

 ?、赥o study English well,England is the best place to go.

 ?、跧 don't know when we will have a meeting and where the meeting will be held.

 ?、蹾e very likes English.

 ?、軼hat you mean?


 ?、貶e finished the writing yesterday./He has finished the writing.

 ?、赥o study English well,the best place for you to go is England.

 ?、跧 don'tknow when and where we will have a meeting.

 ?、蹾e likes English very much.

  ⑤What do you mean?
