學習啦 > 學習英語 > 英語聽力 > 二年級英語聽力


時間: 玉蓮928 分享




  一、 聽一聽,連一連。

  1. Amy is skipping rope.

  2. Lingling is flying a kite.

  3. Daming is swimming.

  4. Sam likes playing ping pong

  5. Tom is cold.

  二、聽錄音,為下列句子排序. ( 3 ) Let’s go and play football. ( 4 ) It’s warm and windy.

  ( 1 ) Here are some newspapers for you. ( 5 )Now It’s going past a hospital. ( 2 ) What do you like doing in summer?


  1、What’s the weather like?

  2、It’s cloudy

  3、Can you ride a bike?

  4、Sorry, I.can’t make a cake

  5、she is singing


  一、 聽錄音選出你所聽到的字母(20) 二、 聽錄音,根據(jù)你所聽到的內容排序。(10) ( )1、Noodles, no, I don’t like noodles. ( )1. A Cc ( )2 A Gg ( )3 A Ss ( )4 A Bb ( )5 A Mm ( )6 A Kk ( )7 A Ff ( )8 A Ii ( )9 A Uu ( )10 A Ww

  B Gg B Jj B Xx B Dd B Nn B Aa B Mm B Yy B Vv B Mm C Dd C Bb C Mm C Ee C Ll C Jj C Hh C Ll C Qq C Vv ( )2、Are you a good boy?Sweets for good boy. ( )3、Noodles for you, Tom. ( )4、I like sweets. ( )5、Ok, I like noodles.

  三、 聽錄音,根據(jù)你所聽到的內容判斷正誤。(10)( )1、Good evening.

  ( )2、Tom, sweets are for good boys. ( )3、You are good boy. ( )4、I don’t like ABC song. ( )5、I like ice cream.

  四、 聽錄音,選出你所聽到的單詞。(15) ( )1、A. nice B. rice C. ice ( )2、A. song B. onion C. rice ( )3、A. meat B. team C. Sam ( )4、A. sweets B. ginger C. Ice cream ( )5、A.come B. children C . like 五、 聽錄音,選出你所聽到的句子。(30)

  ( )1、A. I like the ABC song. B. It’s my favourite song. ( )2、A. I like basketball. B. I like football. ( )3、A. Let’s ride my bike. B. Let’s my kite. ( )4、A. I like meat. B. I don’t like meat. ( )5、A. Noodles for you. B. Meat for you. ( )6、A. I like rice. B. I like sweets.

  ( )7、A. Thank you. B. How are you. ( )8、A. I don’t like ginger. B. I don’t like onions. ( )9、A. Stand up. B. Sit down. ( )10、A. Sorry, Sam. B. Thank you ,Sam. 六、 聽錄音,根據(jù)所聽問句選擇正確的答語。(15) ( )1、A. I like football. B. I’m playing football. ( )2、A. Yes, I can. B. No, I won’t. ( )3、A. They are cats. B. It’s a cat. ( )4、A. Yes,I am. B. No,I don’t. ( )5、A.Good night. B. Good afternoon.


  一. 聽錄音選出你所聽到的字母(20) 1. C Dd 2 B Jj 3 A Ss 4 A. Bb 5 C Ll 6 A Kk 7 A Ff 8 B Yy 9 A Uu 10 A Ww

  二、 聽錄音,根據(jù)你所聽到的內容排序。(10) ( 2 )1、Noodles, no, I don’t like noodles. ( 4 )2、Are you a good boy?Sweets for good boy. ( 1 )3、Noodles for you, Tom. ( 3 )4、I like sweets. ( 5 )5、Ok, I like noodles.

  三、 聽錄音,根據(jù)你所聽到的內容判斷正誤。(10)( )1、Good evening.

  ( √ )2、Tom, sweets are for good boys. ( )3、You are good boy. ( )4、I don’t like ABC song. (√ )5、I like ice cream.

  四、 聽錄音,選出你所聽到的單詞。(15)

  ( B )1、A. nice B. rice C. ice ( B)2、A. song B. onion C. rice ( A)3、A. meat B. team C. Sam ( C)4、A. sweets B. ginger C. Ice cream ( B )5、A.come B. children C . like 五、 聽錄音,選出你所聽到的句子。(30)

  (B)1、A. I like the ABC song. B. It’s my favourite song.

  ( A )2、A. I like basketball. B. I like football. ( A )3、A. Let’s ride my bike. B. Let’s my kite. ( B )4、A. I like meat. B. I don’t like meat. (A )5、A. Noodles for you. B. Meat for you. ( B )6、A. I like rice. B. I like sweets. (B )7、A. Thank you. B. How are you. ( A )8、A. I don’t like ginger. B. I don’t like onions. ( A)9、A. Stand up. B. Sit down. (A )10、A. Sorry, Sam. B. Thank you ,Sam. 六、 聽錄音,根據(jù)所聽問句選擇正確的答語。(15) ( A )1、A. I like football. B. I’m playing football. (A )2、A. Yes, I can. B. No, I won’t. ( B )3、A. They are cats. B. It’s a cat.

  ( A )4、A. Yes,I am. B. No,I don’t. ( A )5、A.Good night. B. Good afternoon.


  一, 聽錄音,把聽到的單詞或字母的序號填到括號內。10分

  ( )1、A b B j C g

  ( )2、A v B z C s

  ( )3 A green B blue C glow

  ( )4 A kite B cat C sky

  ( )5 A like B likes C nice

  ( )6 A red B white C wind

  ( )7 A do B does C did

  ( )8 A write B white C want

  ( )9 A they B their C them

  ( )10 A cool B cold C hot


  y n


  ( )Sping is warm.

  ( )We can see mang butterfly.

  ( )We can play games.

  ( )There are four season in a year.

  ( )I like spring best.

  ( )Spring is nice.


  They in a year.I .We can





