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  GOOD LIFE這首英文歌的開頭有帶吹口哨。下面是學(xué)習(xí)啦小編給大家整理的帶吹口哨的英文歌曲,供大家參閱!

  帶吹口哨的英文歌曲GOOD LIFE歌手評價

  2008年,一曲《Apologize》在網(wǎng)絡(luò)及各大視頻網(wǎng)站掀起潮流,一首好的作品的影響力超出了想象,有人將這首歌的流行以及樂隊的受歡迎程度稱為“偶然”、“口水流行”,但是他們在這之后并沒有滿足于當(dāng)下取得的成績,而是不斷推出一首又一首有著他們特色的歌曲 (21cn評)。

  與一般美國樂隊的粗線條不同的是,OneRepublic的音樂感性細(xì)膩,音質(zhì)動人的Tedder一開腔便散發(fā)出像是Keane般的英倫搖滾氣質(zhì),但也不乏堅毅強(qiáng)硬的陽剛之氣。另一方面,OneRepublic的音樂也像Maroon5一樣很重視節(jié)奏感,只不過Maroon5以搖滾融合Funky,而他們則是滲入了R&B以及Hip-Hop節(jié)奏 (網(wǎng)易評)。

  從不企圖驚艷全場,只是沉穩(wěn)地緩慢推進(jìn),近乎平庸的聲線展示著樸素的美妙。保持平庸是另一種自信,深知靜水流深的道理。跟聲音一樣,OneRepublic的創(chuàng)作同樣追逐平凡美感,他們的歌曲中,不插科打諢不肆意秀文采,平鋪直敘日常事,浪漫時作一首小詩 (騰訊網(wǎng)評)。

  帶吹口哨的英文歌曲GOOD LIFE歌手介紹

  2009年11月17日,發(fā)行第2張專輯《Waking Up》 ,采用純正的獨(dú)立搖滾路線,首支單曲《All The Right Moves》于9月發(fā)行。該專輯在澳大利亞、德國、美國獲得金唱片的銷量認(rèn)證,并在世界范圍內(nèi)賣出了100萬張。同年,全體樂隊成員參與麗安娜·劉易斯的第2張專輯《Echo》中的歌曲《Lost Then Found》的演唱與制作 。

  2013年3月22日,發(fā)行第三張專輯《Native》。該專輯以6萬張的首周銷量登上公告牌專輯榜第4位,成為他們首張前十專輯 。該專輯的單曲《Counting Stars》在美國公告牌百強(qiáng)單曲榜上獲得亞軍,由此成為他們第3支打入該榜前十位的單曲 ,在英國單曲榜上則取得2周冠軍 。另一支單曲《Love Runs Out》則在英國單曲榜上獲得季軍 。

  2016年10月7日,發(fā)布第四張專輯《Oh My My》。該專輯在發(fā)行首周于美國售出4.6萬張,由此獲得公告牌二百強(qiáng)專輯榜季軍 。首支單曲《Wherever I Go》于5月13日發(fā)布,同月17日該曲MV釋出。專輯的第2支單曲《Kids》亦于8月發(fā)布 。

  帶吹口哨的英文歌曲GOOD LIFE歌詞

  Woke up in Londonyesterday

  Found myself in the city near Piccadilly

  Don't really know how I got here

  I got some pictures on my phone

  New names and numbers that I don't know

  Address to places like Abbey Road

  Day turns to night, night turns to whatever we want

  We're young enough to say

  Oh this has gotta be the good life

  This has gotta be the good life

  This could really be a good life, good life

  Say oh, got this feeling that you can't fight

  Like this city is on fire tonight

  This could really be a good life

  A good, good life

  To my friends in New York, I say hello

  My friends in L.A. they don't know

  Where I've been for the past few years or so

  Paris to China to Col-or-ado

  Sometimes there's airplanes I can' t jump out

  Sometimes there's bullshit that don't work now

  We are god of stories but please tell me-e-e-e

  What there is to complain about

  When you're happy like a fool

  Let it take you over

  When everything is out

  You gotta take it in

  Oh this has gotta be the good life

  This has gotta be the good life

  This could really be a good life, good life

  Say oh, got this feeling that you can't fight

  Like this city is on fire tonight

  This could really be a good life

  A good, good life


  I feel like there might be something that I'll miss


  I feel like the window closes oh so quick


  I'm taking a mental picture of you now

  'Cuz hopelessly

  The hope is we have so much to feel good about

  Oh this has gotta be the good life

  This has gotta be the good life

  This could really be a good life, good life

  Say oh, got this feeling that you can't fight

  Like this city is on fire tonight This could really be a good life

  A good, good life

  To my friends in New York, I say hello

  My friends in L.A. they don't know

  Where I've been for the past few years or so

  Paris to China to Col-or-ado

  Sometimes there's airplanes I can' t jump out

  Sometimes there's bullshit that don't work now

  We are god of stories but please tell me-e-e-e

  What there is to complain about






