A: who is cindy’s husband?
B: cindy’s husband is ron.
A: how many children do cindy and ron have?
B: they have two children-one son and one daughter-as well as one daughter-in-law and one son-in-law.
A: do they have any grandchildren?
B: yes, they have three grandchildren-one girl and two boys.
A; does their daughters get along well with her in-laws?
B: yes, she gets along with them quite well.
A: do they have a large family?
B: their family is very similar to cindy and ron’s family.
A: do you think I still fashionable in this dress?
B: I think so. Blue is still fashionable at the moment.
a: this style came out last year, though. I like the dress, but I’m not sure whether last year’s fashions will be same this year.
b: I think this kind of dress will stay in fashion for a few more years. People don’t change fashions every year. It would be too expensive.
a: yes. Only the top designer try to tell people to change fashion every year, but only rich people can do it.
b: there are some real fashion victims who just have to keep totally up-to-date with expensive clothes.
a: I wish I could be one of those people, but my budget simply doesn’t stretch that far. I have to limit the amount of money I spend on clothes otherwise I would go on a shopping frenzy.
B: I know what you mean. The situation will be worse if we marry our boyfriends and have children. The we’ll have even less money to spend on fashionable clothes!
What are you parents like?
Boy: Hey, Kerry. Can I ask you something.
Kerry: Yes. What‘s that?
Boy: You know,I ran into your parents on the street the other day.
Boy: They made a good impression on me.
Boy: What are you parents like?
Kerry: Well. How can I say?
Kerry: My father is very kind-hearted and considerate.
Kerry: And my mother is always kind to me and praises me a lot.
Boy: They are very nice people as I expected.
Kerry: Thank you for saying so.