Todd: So, James, you're in a band!
James: Yes!
Todd: OK, tell us about your band.
James: I play in a Swedish Bubblegum Punk Band.
Todd: Swedish Bubblegum Punk Band. What exactly is that?
James: I don't know, but that's what it says on the CD.
Todd: OK. What do you play in your band?
James: I play base guitar.
Todd: OK. How long have you been playing the guitar?
James: I've been playing the guitar for about 12 or 13 years.
Todd: Oh, really! OK. Nice. Do you play any other instruments?
James: I play a little guitar and a little drums.
Todd: Since you're in a band do you meet lots of women?
James: Yes.
Todd: Really! You're a rock star.
James: Yes.
Todd: Nice. Nice. Do you tour or do you just play where you live?
James: We just play in clubs. Local clubs.
Todd: OK. What the best thing about being a musician, in the band?
James: It's really good for relaxing and having fun.
Todd: Is it your full-time job?
James: No, it's not. It's only a hobby.
Todd: Oh, OK.
Todd: OK. Ramon, we're going to talk about opposites.
Jamon: OK.
Todd: What is big?
Jamon: The earth is big.
Todd: Yeah, I agree. What is small?
Jamon: I'm small on the earth.
Todd: That's true. How much do you weigh?
Jamon: I weigh 65.
Todd: Wow! 65 kilograms.
Jamon: Yeah.
Todd: Yeah, yeah. I'm a little bit heavier, about 72....What is expensive?
Jamon: A big house is expensive.
Todd: Yeah, pretty much anywhere. Ooh..loud motorcycle. Sorry! What is small? I mean..I'm sorry..what is cheap?
Jamon: What is cheap? The 100 Yen shop is cheap.
Todd: Yeah. What can you buy at a 100 Yen shop?
Jamon: About everything.
Todd: Yeah.
Jamon: Which is good?
Todd: Do you think 100 Yen shops are a good idea, or do you think they're environmentally a bad idea?
Jamon: No, I like the 100 Yen shop.
Todd: Yeah. The cheap stuff. Actually. I do to. It's nice. Alright. Thanks a lot.
Todd: OK. Keri, can you drive?
Kerri: Yes, I can.
Todd: Do you have a driver's license?
Kerri: I do.
Todd: OK. So, how long have you had your driver's license?
Kerri: I think I got it when I was 17 actually.
Todd: OK. How do you get a driver's license in your country?
Kerri: Well, I think it's changed since I was a teenager. At that time, you get a learner's permit. And then you start driving with your parents. And you'd also go to drivers ed. And then you had to pass a driving test. I think a written test as well.
Todd: OK. Did you get a perfect score on your driving test?
Kerri: I was close to perfect, yeah. I can't remember my exact score but I remember it was pretty good.
Todd: Do all the members of your family drive?
Kerri: Yeah.