Tommy hated school and was always looking for excuses not to go.If he sneezed.he asked his mother to write a note saying he had a cold. If he had a headache,he asked his mother to take him to the doctor during school hours. He spent more time at home than he did at school. On the days that he did go to school,he looked for excuses to come home early. One morning he came home when the lessons were only half finished. His father was surprised.
"You’ve come home early.”he said.“Is the school closed today?
"No,Dad,"Tommy said,“It’s open. I camehome early.”
"How did you do that”his father asked him. "What did you say to the teacher”
"I told her that I had a new baby brother and that I had to come home and help you."
"But your mother has had twins,"his father said,"a boy and a girl. You’ve got a baby brother and a baby sister.”
"Yes,I know,Dad,”Tommy said.“I’m saving up my baby sister for next week.”
Misha is a pupil in Grade 5 and has just begun studying geography.One day after supper, Misha's father asked Do you like geography,Misha?”
"Yes,Dad,I like it very much.”Misha said.
"Have you learned about the density of population in different parts in the world”Misha’s father asked.
"Yes,of course,we have." Misha answered.
“Do you know where people are the most populous?”Misha’s father asked.
Misha didn't answer immediately.He thought and thought,and then he burst out,“People are the most populous in the bus on Sunday.”
Hank lived in a small town, but then he got a job in a big city and moved there with his wife and his two children.
On the first Saturday in their new home, Hank took his new red car out of garage and was washing it when a neighbor came by. When he saw Hank's new car, the neighbor stopped and looked at it for a minute. Then Hank turned and saw him.
The neighbor said, "That’s a nice car. Is it yours?”
“Sometimes ,” Hank answered.
The neighbor was surprised. “Sometimes?" hesaid, "Whatdoyoumean?"
"Well ,”answered Hank slowly , "when there’s a patty in town, it belongs to my daughter, Jane. When there's a football game somewhere , it belongs to my son , Joe. When I've washed it,and it looks really nice and clean , it belongs to my wife. And when it needs gas, it’s mine.”