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  B: This is a small world! Nice to meet you.


  C: Nice to see you, too. What kind of book are you looking for?


  B: Nothing special, just looking around. How about you?,


  C: I want to have a look at Germaine Greer's book.


  B: Germaine Greer, the feminist? I don't like her.


  C: I'm afraid I cannot agree with you. I think she is courageous and interesting. You know, she is one of the pioneers of women's movement.

  C:恐怕我和你看法不同。我覺得她很勇敢也很有趣。你也知道,她是女權主義運動 的先驅之一。

  B: Yes, her book The Female Eunuch is very influential.


  C:Oh, I'm very interested in the book. Have you read it?


  B:No, I haven't. I get to know it from the Australian magazine Monthly of this month and Germaine Greer is the cover woman of Monthly.

  B:沒有。我只是在這個月的澳大利亞的雜志《月刊》中才知道這本書的,而且杰曼格里爾就是這期 《月刊》的封面女郎。

  C:I know. They made a special topic to commemorate the 100th anniversary of International Women's Day and the 40th anniversary of the publication of The Female Eunuch. I find that is interesting, so I decided to have a look at this book.

  C:這我知道。他們?yōu)閲H婦女節(jié)的百周年紀念和 《女太監(jiān)》出版40周年而做了一個專題。我覺 得挺有趣的,所以過來看看這本書。

  B: I don't think it is appealing at all.


  C: I see. Since you are a man, you don't have the same kind of feeling as I do. The Female Eunuch explores the idea of continual female oppression arguing that society seeks to impose certain norms onto women's expected behaviour.

  C:我能理解。你們男的不能理解我們的感受?!杜O(jiān)》指出當前婦女在社會中仍 然飽受壓迫,社會總是想把一定的行為準則強加于女性。

  B: True. See, things changed nowadays. You women even got a special day to celebrate your female identity.

  B:對。但是你看,現(xiàn)在情況已經(jīng)改變了許多。你們甚至都有_個專門的節(jié)日來慶祝 你們的女性身份了。

  C: Yes. There are some changes and this book actually serves as a catalyst in the popularization of ideas about women's liberation.


  B: It seems that women's status in the society has been changed a lot, but an Australian playwright named Louise Nora said in his article that Greer must be very disappointed in women's life style nowadays.

  B:看起來女性的社會地位的確改變了不少,但是一個叫路易斯諾拉的大利亞劇 作家在他的一篇文章中指出,格里爾肯定對當代女性的狀況感到特別失望。

  C: Why is that?


  B: He held that instead of choosing the life style she advocated, most of the women just be content with being a housewife‘

  B:他認為,絕大多數(shù)婦女都滿足于當一個家庭主婦,而不是選擇格里爾所鼓吹的生 活模式。

  C: I don't think so. There are more and more career women now. However, the glass ceiling has not been broken yet. It's still not easy for a woman to get promoted. What else did this Mr. Nora say?

  C:我不這么認為。當今社會中職業(yè)女性越來越多了。不過,女性的職場瓶頸還是設 被打破。女性想要普升仍然不容易。這位諾拉先生還說了什么?

  B: I bet you don't want hear that. He even sneer at Greer that she can only remind him of his mad grandmother


  C: Not surprised. Greer has been a controversial figure ever since she leaped into fame in her thirties. Have you heard that On Easter weekend 2000,a 19-year-old student at the University of Bath tied Greer up in her home and proceeded to smash her belongings with a fire poker?

  C:我一點也不覺得奮怪。格里爾自從30多歲一夜成名以來就一直是個有爭議的人 物。你聽說過沒,在2000年的復活節(jié),一個19歲的巴斯大學女生闖進了格里爾家, 把她綁了起來,還用火鉗打碎了好多東西。

  B: Really? What happened to Greer next, has she been hurt?


  C: No. Greer s colleagues eventually came looking for her as they had been expecting her for dinner. The student had apparently been stalking Greer for some time after reading her books.

  C:沒有。格里爾的同事們一直都在等她吃晚飯,見她沒來就到她家去找。這個女生 明顯是在讀過格里爾的書后,一直試圖接近她。

  B: Fortunately, she is safe. It seems that she continues advocating her principal that it is time for women to get angry again and pursue greater independence away from the social pressures that exist.

  B:幸好這位奮怪的老太太沒出什么事兒。好像后來她還是一直在宣揚自己的原則, 女性應該再次憤怒起來,去追求社會重壓之外的更大程度的獨立性。

  C: Yes. Greer is known as an “angry” feminist, and most people have no idea that she received her Ph.D. in Cambridge. If it is not the feminist movement in the 1960s, it's very possible that she would spend the rest of her life teaching in a University.

  C:嗯。其實許多人只知格里爾是位“憤怒的"女權主義者,卻不知她擁有劍橋大學 的文學博士學位,如果不是20世紀60年代風生水起的女權運動,或許她會一直 安靜地在大學里敎書直至終老。


  A: Hi, Wendy. Who are those people on the paper?


  W: Oh, these are the Denmark royal family.


  A: Let me have a look. Is the old lady in the middle the Queen of Denmark?


  W: You are right. She is Margrethe II, and her sons, daughter-in-law and grandchildren.


  A: It is a happy family and all of them are good-looking.


  W: Yes. From left to right, this is Prince Joachim, his two sons, the Queen, Prince Frederik and his wife.

  W:是啊。從左到右分別是約阿希姆王子,他的兩個兒子,女王,腓烈特王子和他的 王妃。

  A: Is this their baby? It is so cute!


  W: Yes, it is a little prince.


  A: The Queen is so elegant. How old is she now?


  W: She is nearly seventy now.


  A: I cannot believe it! She still looks beautiful and she is just lucky to be a Queen.


  W: Yes. But you know, she was not born to be Monarch. At the time of her birth, only males could ascend the throne of Denmark.

  W:嗯。但是你知道嗎,她并不是生來就能當女王的。她出生的時候,丹麥只有男性 子嗣才有資格繼承王位。

  A: Really? How did she become the Queen at last?


  W: The Denmark constitution has been amended. The process of changing the constitution started in 1947,when it became clear that Queen Ingrid would have no more children. At this time, Margrethe uncle Prince Knud was the Heir Presumptive.

  W:丹麥修改了憲法。憲法的修改開始于1947年,那個時候,英格麗王妃明顯不可 能再生育了。這時,瑪格麗特的叔叔努德王子是王位的假定繼承人。

  A: What happened next?


  W:The new Act of Succession permitted female succession to the throne of Denmark, according to cognatic primogeniture,where a female can ascend to the throne only if she does not have a brother. Princess Margrethe therefore became the Heiress Presumptive.

  W:新的繼承法允許女性繼承丹麥王位,根據(jù)血親長子繼承的原則,女性在設有兄弟 的情況下,有繼承王位的資格。所以,瑪格麗特公主就成為了假定繼承人。

  A: That's cool. How long has she been the Queen?


  W: After King Frederik IX died in 1972. Queen Margrethe II became the first female Danish Sovereign under the new Act of Succession.

  W: 1972年,她的父親弗雷德里克九世去世之后,根據(jù)新的繼承法,瑪格麗特二世成 為了丹麥歷史上第一位執(zhí)政女王。

  A: She must be very busy since then. What's her task?


  W: The Queen's main tasks are to represent the Kingdom abroad and to be a unifying figurehead at home. The queen performs the latter task by accepting invitations to open exhibitions, attending anniversaries, inaugurating bridges, etc.

  W:女王的主要職責就是在國外代表她的王國,在國內(nèi)維護統(tǒng)一,是個象征性的國家 元首。女王常常會參加一些公開的展覽,出席周年慶典、就職典禮等等,來履行 她的職責。

  A: It is more or less the same as things in other countries like Britain. I heard that as an unelected public official, the Queen takes no part in party politics and does not express any political opinions.

  A:這和英國的情況差不多嘛。我聽說,作為一個非民選的公職人員,女王不參與黨 派政治,也不發(fā)表任何政治觀點。

  W: That's true. Well, let me tell something else about Margrethe II of Denmark, She is a chain smoker,and she is famous for her tobacco habit. However, a Danish newspaper reported an announcement from the Royal Court stating that the queen would never again be seen smoking in public.

  W:你說的對。好吧,我再跟你講一些關于瑪格麗特二世的事情。她煙癮很大,人們 都知道她有抽煙的習慣。但是,一個丹麥報紙曾經(jīng)發(fā)表過一篇皇室的聲明,宣布 女王將不會再在公眾面前吸煙。

  A: She likes smoking, that's bad.


  W: Absolutely. Still, the queen does continue to smoke but in the future she will do so only privately. The announcement is probably due to the fact that the Danish parliament recently has decided on strict rules concerning smoking.

  W:就是。不過女王還是會再抽煙,只是她以后只會在私人空間這么做。這個聲明可 能是因為丹麥議會最近決定要制定嚴格的條列來管制吸煙。

  A: Smoking is difficult to quit.


  W: Anyway, she is a smart woman and has a gift for art. She has even studied prehistoric archaeology at Girton College, Cambridge.

  W:不過,她還是一位聰明的女性,在藝術上很有天分。她曾經(jīng)在在劍橋大學格頓女 子學院學習史前考古。

  A: Wow, that's great. But, I bet she has no time in doing the archeology work.


  W: Maybe. In addition, the Queen is an accomplished painter, and has held many art shows over the years. It is said that were she not the queen, she could make a living as a professional artist.

  W:也許吧。此外,女王還是一位頗有成就的國家,過去幾年還辦過不少S展。有人 說,如果不是女王的話,她肯定會是一位富有成就的藝術家。


  J: Mark, which university is better, Oxford or Cambridge?


  M: It's hard to say. Both of them rank the top in the world.


  J: Well, which one is older?


  M: Both were founded more than 800 years ago, and continued as England's only universities until the 19th century. Let me see...Oxford was first mentioned in 12th century records, while Cambridge was found in 1209.

  M:兩所大學都有超過800年的建校歷 史,直至19世紀仍然是英國僅有的 兩所大學。讓我想想……公元12世 紀的記錄中有了對牛津的最早記錄,而劍橋成立于1209年。

  J: Is there any relationship between them since they were the only universities that time?

  J:旣然他們是那時候僅有的大學,他 們之間有設有什么特殊關系呢?

  M: Yes. It was said that Cambridge grew out of an association of scholars in the city of Cambridge that was formed, early records suggest, in 1209 by scholars leaving Oxford after a dispute with townsfolk.

  M:有啊。據(jù)早期文獻記載,那個時候 一些牛津學者為了躲避反對他們的 市民而來到劍橋,建立了劍橋大學。

  J: That’s interesting! No wonder it is said that Oxford is the mother of Cambridge?


  M: The two “ancient universities” have many common features and are often jointly referred to as Oxbridge.


  J: Oxbridge? Oh, I see. It is a combination of the name of the two universities—the former part of Oxford and the latter part of Cambridge.

  J:牛橋?哦,我明白了。這是用他們的名字組含而成的,也就是牛津的前半部分和 劍橋的后半部分。

  M: You are right!


  J: Who invented this name?


  M: William Thackeray. In his novel Pendennis, published in 1849,the main character Pendennis wants to attend the fictional College, Oxbridge, but failed. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, this is the first recorded instance of the word.

  M:英國作家威廉薩克雷。他1849年完成的小說《潘登尼斯》中的主人公想到一所 叫‘‘牛橋”的大學求學卻沒有被錄取。根據(jù)牛津英語詞典,這是關于這個詞的最早記載。

  J : I never read his works, but I bet he is full of imagination.


  M: Yes, he is. Actually, Pendennis also introduced the term Camford as another combination of the university names, but this term has never achieved the same degree of usage as Oxbridge.

  M:他的確是。實際上蓄登尼斯》中還創(chuàng)造了這兩所大學的另外一個合成詞“劍津", 但這個詞從來就沒有“牛橋”的使用頻率高。

  J: Since both of them are the top universities in Britain and even in the world, I,m wondering whether they want to slug it out for who is the best.

  J:旣然兩所都是英國乃至世界最頂尖的學府,我在想,他們有沒有想過要決一勝負, 看看誰是最好的呢?

  M: Many annual competitions are held between Oxford and Cambridge, including the famous annual Boat Race. The first Boat Race was won by Oxford, but Cambridge lead the overall series with 79 wins to Oxford's 75, with one dead heat in 1877.

  M:他們會舉行許多各種各樣的年度比賽,其中就有著名的賽艇。第一屆賽艇,牛津 獲勝。但是劍橋以獲勝79次的總成績超過了獲勝75次的牛津,除了 1877年出 現(xiàn)了一次平局。

  J: I know the boat race, and I heard that the boat race for this year will be held on Saturday, 3 April.


  M: Yes. It is a big event in Britain,


  J: Anything else besides this competition?


  M: The other major Oxbridge competitons are the Rugby union and Rugby League Varsity Matches.


  J: I don't think they are as popular as the Boat Race since I never heard about that.


  M: The Boat Race and the two Varsity Matches are notable in the UK in that they are the only university sports events that have any public profile outside the universities themselves; all three are screened live on national television and are widely covered in the national media.

  M:賽艇和兩個對杭賽在英國都很有名,因為他們不僅是大學內(nèi)部的體育比賽,還受 到公眾的廣泛關注。這三項比賽都會對全國觀眾進行直播,也會受到全國媒體的 廣泛關注。

  J: Despite the impassioned rivalry between the two universities, there is also much cooperation when the need arises.


  M: That's true. Most Oxford colleges have a sister college in Cambridge. Some Oxford and Cambridge colleges with the same name are “sisters”,for example, Jesus College, Cambridge and Jesus College, Oxford. Trinity College, Oxford is the sister college of Churchill College, Cambridge, while Trinity College, Cambridge is the sister college of Christ Church, Oxford.

  M:這倒是真的。牛津大學的大多數(shù)學院都在劍橋大學有兄弟學院。有一些學院的名 字都一樣,例如劍橋大學耶穌學院和牛津大學耶穌學院。而劍橋大學三一學院和 牛津大學基督學院就是兄弟學院。





