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  豆角的英文1:green bean英 [ɡri:n bi:n]美 [ɡrin bin]

  豆角的英文2: long bean英 [lɔŋ bi:n]美 [lɔŋ bin]


  1. The soup of the day is green bean or mushroom.


  2. For breakfast, we have fried rice, potato and green bean soup.

  今天我們早餐吃炒米飯 、 土豆和綠豆粥.

  3. Do you want some green bean soup?


  4. Mike is just a green - bean missionary.


  5. Aromas of green bean, grass and lifted white currant intermingle with passion fruit and lime citrus.

  散發(fā)出綠豆 、 青草和白葡萄干的混合芳香,伴有濃郁的果香和酸橙芬芳.

  6. Guest A Green Bean Sha and a snappy orange drink for this lady and me.


  7. Unbelievably lively and zippy , showing passionfruit and mango flavours amid the green bean and lemony overtones.

  入口活潑, 唇齒間透露出百香果,芒果滋味,隱約帶有綠豆和檸檬馨香.

  8. Ron picked up a green bean, looked at it carefully, and bit into a corner.

  羅恩捏起一個綠色的豆子, 仔細檢查了一番, 然后咬了一個小角.

  9. This zesty and refreshing wine offers a freshly cut grass nose, herbaceous green bean.


  10. Soya bean fizzles out year after year, gram is annual green.

  黃豆年年黃, 綠豆年年綠.

  11. What's beneath this green sugar - coat of an M & M bean?

  什么的下方這份綠皮糖外衣一米 & 米豆腐?

  12. Tips: Hairy crabs go well with green soy bean and Nian - Gao sticks.

  提示: 毛蟹用六月黃最佳,也可同年糕或毛豆一起烹調別有風味.

  13. Yellow eggs, green Chinese onions and white bean - curd are all in sight!

  熱騰騰的燴貓耳朵出鍋了,雞蛋的黃, 香蔥的綠,豆腐的白盡收眼底!

  14. Products: green soya bean , peapod sword bean.

  主要產品: 毛豆、荷仁豆、青刀豆.

  15. The stuffing consists of mushrooms, green vegetables, flour gluten and spiced dried bean curd.

  餡料包括蘑菇, 綠色蔬菜, 面粉面筋和五香干豆腐.

  1. The ingredient for curry laksa like eggplant and long bean favourites of the customer.


  2. If we kind of red beans, mung bean, watermelon long drawn!

  如果我們種紅豆 、 綠豆,長得出西瓜嗎!

  3. These adzuki bean have gone bad after this long period.


  4. With a long history , bean curd is rooted deep in Chinese culture.

  豆腐有悠長的汗青, 深深地扎根于中國的文化.

  5. South American bean having very long succulent pods.


  6. Red Bean Dumplings , the special dessert in Xiao Long Bao - look - like, yet this is the sweet one.

  豆沙小籠包,特色的甜品, 外貌與小籠包無異, 差別就只在是甜的.