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  Tuesday(Tue.)—Day of the Mars(火星日)。這一天是為了紀念戰(zhàn)神Tyr而由他的名字命名的。那么,你知道星期二的英文音標是什么嗎?


  Tuesday 英[ˈtju:zdeɪ] 美[ˈtu:zdeɪ]





  The baseball game on Tuesday is the most important game this year.


  Will he go on Monday or on Tuesday?


  When he said Tuesday, he really meant Thursday. It was a slip of the tongue.


  Tuesday the boys had the same ill luck.


  The meetings are on Tuesdays and Thursdays in the main hall.


  School will begin next Tuesday.


  Would next Tuesday be too late?


  He's available on Tuesday.


  Let me look over my schedule.


  1. Tuesday's notable gainer was Sony, which reached a high of 9,070 yen. 星期二的大贏家為索尼公司,其股票上漲至9,070日元的高點。

  2. Nottingham Forest qualified for the final by beating Tranmere on Tuesday. 諾丁漢森林隊于星期二打敗了特蘭米爾隊,取得了決賽資格.

  3. The first debate was supposed to have been held on Tuesday. 第一場辯論本該在星期二就舉行了。

  4. New York holds its primary election on Tuesday. 紐約州將在星期二舉行預(yù)選。

  5. Tuesday was a fine, clear and calm day. 星期二天氣晴朗,沒有刮風。

  6. Tuesday's lunch overran by three-quarters of an hour. 星期二的午餐超時了45分鐘。

  7. The first ballot is on Tuesday Nov 20. 第一輪投票在11月20號,星期二。

  8. They'll probably be here Monday and Tuesday. 他們星期一和星期二可能會在這兒。

  9. Tuesday is her half day. 星期二她只工作半天。

  10. She's been off work since Tuesday. 星期二以來她一直沒上班。

  21. The meeting has been arranged for Tuesday evening. 這次會議已安排在星期二晚上舉行.

  22. Episodes 1 and 2 of Tales of the City will be shown together on Tuesday. 《城市故事》的第一、二集將于星期二兩集連播。

  23. The barman tells me you saw Ann on Tuesday morning. Is that right? 酒吧招待員告訴我你星期二早上看見了安,對嗎?

  24. If all goes according to plan, the first concert will be Tuesday evening. 如果一切都按計劃進行的話,第一場音樂會將在星期二晚上舉行。

  25. Tuesday has been fixed as the date for instituting the minister into his newliving. 授予那位牧師新圣職的日期已定于星期二.

  26. The verbal skirmish is viewed as the opening round in negotiation schedules to start next Tuesday. 這場爭論被看作預(yù)定下星期二舉行的談判的序幕.

  27. " It's your Tuesday night dance party from WGN , Chicago,'said the smoothbaritone. “ 這里是芝加哥WGN電臺, 現(xiàn)在是各位的星期二舞會節(jié)目時間. ”

  28. Tuesday the boys had the same ill luck. Also Wednesday. 星期二,兩個孩子遭了同樣的歹運, 星期三也是如此.

  29. " Why not come down to The Fair, " he suggested, " next Tuesday? " “ 星期二到大商場來, 你看 怎么樣 ? " 他提議說.

  30. Tuesday came , and with it appropriate indecision and speculation. 到了星期二, 她仍是左思右想舉起不定.