學(xué)習(xí)啦 > 學(xué)習(xí)英語(yǔ) > 英語(yǔ)口語(yǔ) > 7的英文是什么


時(shí)間: 玉蓮928 分享







  0 zero 5 five 1 one 6 six 2 two 7 seven 3 three 8 eight 4 four 9 nine


  10 ten 20 twenty 30 thirty

  50 fifty 60 sixty 70 seventy

  90 ninety 100 one hundred 40 forty 80 eighty


  ⑴ 十幾寫字

  11 eleven 12 twelve 13 thirteen 14 fourteen 15 fifteen 16 sixteen 17 seventeen 18 eighteen 19 nineteen


  21 twenty-one 22 twenty-two 23 twenty-three 24 twenty-four 25 twenty-five 26 twenty-six 27 twenty-seven 28 twenty-eight 29 twenty-nine


  31 thirty-one 32 thirty-two 33 thirty-three 34 thirty-four 35 thirty-five 36 thirty-six 37 thirty-seven 38 thirty-eight 39 thirty-nine


  41 forty-one 42 forty-two 43 forty-three 44 forty-four 45 forty-five 46 forty-six 47 forty-seven 48 forty-eight 49 forty-nine

  ⑸ 五十幾數(shù)字

  51 fifty-one 52 fifty-two 53 fifty-three 54 fifty-four 55 fifty-five 56 fifty-six

  57 fifty-seven

 ?、?六十幾數(shù)字 61 sixty-one 64 sixty-four

  67 sixty-seven

  ⑺ 七十幾數(shù)字 71 seventy-one 74 seventy-four 77 seventy-seven

 ?、?八十幾數(shù)字 81 eighty-one 84 eighty-four 87 eighty-seven

  ⑼ 九十幾數(shù)字

  91 ninety-one 94 ninety-four 97 ninety-seven

  58 fifty-eight 59 fifty-nine

  62 sixty-two 65 sixty-five 68 sixty-eight 63 sixty-three 66 sixty-six 69 sixty-nine

  72 seventy-two 75 seventy-five 78 seventy-eight 73 seventy-three 76 seventy-six 79 seventy-nine

  82 eighty-two 85 eighty-five 88 eighty-eight 83 eighty-three 86 eighty-six 89 eighty-nine

  92 ninety-two 95 ninety-five 98 ninety-eight 93 ninety-three 96 ninety-six 99 ninety-nine


  一百多的數(shù)字前面寫個(gè)“one hundred and” 兩百多的數(shù)字前面寫個(gè)“two hundred and” 千 thousand 萬(wàn) myriad 百萬(wàn) million 例:

  100 one hundred 1,000 one thousand 10000 one myriad 1,000,000 one million 100 one hundred

  101 one hundred and one 156 one hundred and fifty-six

  192 one hundred and ninty-two 200 two hundred 300 three hundred 400 four hundred 500 five hundred 600 six hundred 700 seven hundred 800 eight hundred 900 nine hundred 1,000 one thousand

  1,001 one thousand and one

  1,300 thirteen hundred;one thousand and three hundred 2,000 two thousand

  2,034 two thousand and thirty-four

  6,502 six thousand five hundred and two 38,000 thirty-eight thousand

  45,672 forty-five thousand six hundred and seventy-two 500,000 five hundred thousand 1,000,000 one million

  3,123,400 three million,one hundred and twenty-three thousand and four hundred 8,000,000 eight million

  47,000,000 forty-seven million 900,000,000 nine hundred million

  1,000,000,000 a milliard,one milliard(美作:a billion,one billion) 1,050,000,000 one billion and fifty million 10,000,000,000 ten billion

  200,000,000,000 two hundred billion

  1,000,000,000,000 a billion,one billion(美作:a trillion,one trillion)

  6,000,000,000,000 six million million





  202讀作:two hundred(and)two

  234讀作:two hundred(and)thirty-four 1,234讀作:one thousand two hundred(and)thirty four


  a.在英式英語(yǔ)中,一個(gè)數(shù)的最后兩位(十位和個(gè)位)得用“and\'’,但美式英語(yǔ)中則不用。如:3,077讀作:U.S:three thousand seventy—seven.


  146讀作:a hundred(and)forty-six 2,146讀作:two thousand,one hundred(and)forty six


  c.1,000這個(gè)整數(shù)我們說(shuō)a thousand,在and前我們也說(shuō)a thousand,但是在一個(gè)有百位數(shù)的數(shù)目前就得說(shuō)one thousand試比較:

  1,031讀作:a thousand,(and)thirty-one,

  1,150讀作:one thousand,one hundred(and)fifty

  d. hundred,thousand和million這幾個(gè)詞的單數(shù)可以和:“a”者“one”連用,但是不能單獨(dú)使用。在非正式文體中“a”比較常見;當(dāng)我們說(shuō)話比較準(zhǔn)確的時(shí)候就用“one”試比較: I Want to live for a hundred years.

  The journey took exactly one hundred days.

  e.我們常常說(shuō)eleven hundred(1,100),twelve hundred(1,200)等,而不說(shuō)one thous and one hundred.從1,100到1,900之間的整數(shù),這種說(shuō)法最常見。


  5位以上數(shù)字的讀法 11,234讀作:eleven thousand two hundred(and),thirty—four

  155,721讀作:one hundred(and) fifly-five thous and seven hundred(and)twenty-one

  6,155,702讀作:six million one hundred(and)fifly-five thous and seven hundred and two

  26,000,008讀作:twenty-six million and eight 326,414,718讀作:three hundred(and)twenty-six mil-lion,four hundred(and)four teen thous and,seven hundred(and)eigh-teen

  4,302,000,000讀作:four billion three hundred(and)two million



  例如,當(dāng)你聽到“twenty thous and andfour\'’寫出20,“and four”意為后一組僅有個(gè)位,即:004,那么,這個(gè)數(shù)字完整地寫下來(lái)就是20,004;若聽到“six million twenty thousand four hundred and twenty—three,”則第一步先寫:6,020,再將最后一組423寫在第一個(gè)逗號(hào)后面。完整的翠字為6,020,423。若聽到“One billion,one hundred and four million,twenty thousand four hundred and twenty-three”:主第一步寫出1,104,第二步接下去寫第三組020,第三步二寫423,這樣得到的完整數(shù)字便是1,104,020,423,由此:見這個(gè)三位一逗號(hào)的作用有多大。只要我們?cè)谄綍r(shí)的訓(xùn)練中加強(qiáng)對(duì)三位數(shù)讀寫的訓(xùn)練,能分辨“ty”與“teen\'’,并能借助這個(gè)不可缺少的“逗號(hào)”,無(wú)論數(shù)字多么大,也不會(huì)對(duì)我們



  lst讀作:(the)first 2nd讀作:(the)second 3nd讀作:(the)third 4th讀作:(the)fourth 20th讀作:(the)twentieth 21st讀作:(the)twenty-first 22nd讀作:(the)twenty-second




  1/2讀作:a/one half(口語(yǔ)中更傾向于用“a”代替“one”)

  1/3讀作:a/one third 1/8讀作:an/one eighth

  1/4讀作:a/one quarter(fourth) 2/3讀作:two thirds

  1/5/9讀作one and five ninths

  比較復(fù)雜的分?jǐn)?shù)常常用over這個(gè)詞表示。如: 317/509讀作:three hundred and seventeen over five hundred and nine

  3/4hour,7/lOmile則說(shuō)three quarters of an hour(三刻鐘),seven tenths of a mile(十分之七英里)。


  含小數(shù)點(diǎn)的數(shù)字,小數(shù)點(diǎn)“.”讀“point”,小數(shù)點(diǎn)后的數(shù)若是兩位以上,則分別讀出。 0.5讀作:(nought) * point five 0.25讀作:(nought) point two five 0.125讀作;(nought)point one two five

  93,64m讀作:ninety-three point six four meters 2’15.11’’讀作:two minutes fifteen point one one seconds



  讀百分比只需在相應(yīng)的數(shù)字后加“percent"。如: 25%讀作twenty-five percent

  11.3%讀作eleven point three percent


  數(shù)字表示的年份通常分成兩半來(lái)說(shuō)。 2000B.C.讀作:two thousand BC 1558讀作:fifteen fifty-eight

  1603讀作:six teen(hundred and)three/sixteen oh three

  921讀作:nine twenty-one

  日期的表達(dá)英式和美式有所不同,請(qǐng)注意區(qū)別。 在日期的寫法上,英式先寫日子,美式先寫月份。

  英1999年4月6日=6th April l999 美1999年4月6日=April 6,1999 在讀法上,英國(guó)人有兩種表達(dá)方式: 1.April the sixth,nineteen ninety-nine 2.The sixth of April,nineteen ninety-nine 美國(guó)人則一般這樣表示: April sixth,nineteen?ninety-nine(省略“the")



  英7:00 seveno’clock a.m./p.m. 8:15 a quarter past eight/eight fifteen 9:30 half past nine/nine thirty

  9:45 a quarter to ten/nine forty-five 10:03 three(minutes)pastten/ten ohthree

  美用法基本相似,只是英國(guó)用past之處,美國(guó)通常用after;英國(guó)用to之處,美國(guó)常用fo。美5:15 a quarter after five/five fifteen 9:30 nine thirty/half past nine* 9:45 a quarter of ten/nine forty-five 9:55 five of ten/nine fifty-five

  當(dāng)用于軍事命令和旅行時(shí)間表時(shí),其讀法如下: 07:00 (Oh)seven hundred hours=7:00a.m. 09:15 (Oh) nine fifteen=9:15a.m.

  12:00 twelve hundred hours=midday/noon 13:45 thirteen forty-five-1:45p.m.

  19:00 nineteen hundred hours:7:OOp.m. 23:05 twenty-three(Oh)five--11:05p.m.

  24:00 twenty-four hundred hours=midnight 24:10 twenty-fourten’ten past midnight



  讀電話號(hào)碼時(shí),每個(gè)數(shù)字一一讀出,“o”英式讀d1[ou];美式則讀zero(有時(shí)也讀nought)。英國(guó)人在讀兩個(gè)相同數(shù)字時(shí),通常讀成doublex尤其是當(dāng)這兩個(gè)數(shù)處在同一組時(shí)(電話號(hào)碼由右向左每?jī)晌灰唤M)。例如: 345—6638讀作:three four five,double six three eight

  307—4922讀作:three oh seven,four nine double two而美式則讀成:three zero seven,four nine two two但如果相同的兩個(gè)數(shù)不在同一組,則可以有兩種讀法。例如:62899033即可讀成six two eight double nine oh double three,也可讀作six two eight nine nine oh double three,但99033絕不可讀作nine nine oh three three。相反,在遇到號(hào)碼中數(shù)字相同時(shí),美式則一律重復(fù)念出該數(shù)字。但英式有一例外,英國(guó)的緊急電話999卻總讀成nine,nine,nine。



  15℃讀作:fifteen degrees Centigrade(或Celsius) 32℉讀作:thirty-two degrees Fahrenheit 0C讀作:nought degrees Centigrade -5C讀作:five degrees below zero



  Room 302讀作:Room three Of two/three zero two

  3491 King Street讀作:thirty-four ninety-one King Stred






