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  A protein in spider venom may help protect the brain from injury after a stroke, according to research.


  Scientists found a single dose of the protein Hi1a worked on lab rats. They said it showed "great promise as a future stroke treatment" but had not yet been tested in human trials.


  The Stroke Association said the research was at its early stages but it would "welcome any treatment that has the potential to reduce the damage caused by stroke".


  The researchers, from the University of Queensland and Monash University, travelled to Fraser Island in Australia to hunt for and capture three potentially deadly Australian funnel web spiders.


  They then took the spiders back to their laboratory "for milking". This involved coaxing the spider to release its venom, which can then be sucked up using pipettes.


  The scientists honed in on a protein in the venom and recreated a version of it in their lab. They then injected this Hi1a into the lab rats.


  They found that the protein blocked acid-sensing ion channels in the brain - something the researchers say are key drivers of brain damage after stroke.


  Prof Glenn King, who led the research, said the protein showed "great promise as a future stroke treatment".


  "We believe that we have, for the first time, found a way to minimise the effects of brain damage after a stroke. Hi1a even provides some protection to the core brain region most affected by oxygen deprivation, which is generally considered unrecoverable due to the rapid cell death caused by stroke."


  The research was published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.



  You may have seen men setting nets in the sea, or in a river, to catch fish. Let me tell you about the little animals that are always setting nets in your house and in your garden in much the same way. These animals are called spiders, and they use their nets or webs to catch flies and other insects.

  你可能看到過有人在海面或河面上撒網(wǎng)捕魚?,F(xiàn)在, 我來跟你說一說, 有一種動(dòng)物經(jīng)常在你的家里、花園里結(jié)網(wǎng)捕食。這種動(dòng)物叫做蜘蛛, 它們利用自己的網(wǎng)來捕食蒼蠅與其他昆蟲。

  The spider itself is not an insect. An insect has only six legs, while the spider has eight. The insect's body is plainly divided into three parts; but the spider has its body in two parts only, the head and the chest being united into one part, while the belly forms the other. Insects have four wings;spiders have no wings. Spiders, again, have no feelers in front of their heads, as insects have.

  蜘蛛并不屬于昆蟲, 因?yàn)槔ハx只有六條腿, 但蜘蛛有八條;昆蟲的身體很明顯地分為三個(gè)部分, 但是蜘蛛則只有兩個(gè)部分:它們的頭部與胸部連接在一起, 腹部則構(gòu)成另外一部分。昆蟲長有四只翅膀;而蜘蛛沒有翅膀。蜘蛛的頭部也沒有昆蟲那樣的觸角。

  An insect lays an egg, which changes first into a grub or cater-pillar, then into a pupa or chrysalis, and lastly into an insect. The spider also lays eggs, but each egg produces a perfect little baby spider. The perfect insect never grows bigger;but the little spiders grow so fast for a time that they have to throw off their leathery skins, and grow larger ones every few weeks.

  昆蟲產(chǎn)卵, 然后孵化為幼蟲或毛蟲, 再變成蛹并最終生長為昆蟲。蜘蛛同樣產(chǎn)卵, 但是每一顆卵都能夠孵化出結(jié)構(gòu)完整的小蜘蛛。昆蟲成蟲身體不會(huì)生長變大, 但是小蜘蛛的生長速度卻快, 經(jīng)過一段時(shí)間之后就要蛻皮, 每過幾周時(shí)間身體就會(huì)長大一些。

  The web of the spider is made of silk. This silk is formed inside the spider's body as a gummy fluid. It is squeezed out of several holes at the end of the spider's body, and the moment it comes out into the air it hardens and forms a delicate thread. The spider twists several of these fine threads together to form one strong line.

  蜘蛛網(wǎng)由細(xì)絲構(gòu)成, 這些細(xì)絲來自其體內(nèi)的粘稠液體。蜘蛛通過身體末端的幾個(gè)小孔將這些液體排出, 它們一遇到空氣就會(huì)立刻凝固并形成細(xì)線。蜘蛛將這些細(xì)線纏繞在一起, 形成一條結(jié)實(shí)的繩索。

  Try to find a spider's web on a bush or on the grass in your garden, and look very closely at it. The spider makes the outside lines of the web first. Then it forms the lines which extend like the spokes of a wheel from the centre of the net to the edges. All these lines of the web are made of smooth elastic threads of silk.

  走到花園中, 試試看能不能在樹叢或草地上找到一張蜘蛛網(wǎng), 然后仔細(xì)觀察。蜘蛛首先編織的就是外圍的蛛絲, 然后從中間往邊緣的方向搭建輪輻般的蛛絲。這些蛛網(wǎng)全部由極富彈性的柔順絲線組成。

  Lastly, it starts from the centre of the web and fastens a slender line across the others, going round and round in a spiral. This spiral or cross thread is covered by the spider with thousands of tiny drops of a very sticky substance. Then the spider goes to one corner of the net and waits.

  最后, 蜘蛛從蛛網(wǎng)中心繞上一圈又一圈的細(xì)絲, 它們構(gòu)成彼此交叉的橫絲。蜘蛛又在這些螺旋或交叉橫絲上涂抹了數(shù)以千計(jì)的非常粘稠的物質(zhì)。然后, 它便躲在一個(gè)角落里, 耐心等待。

  Soon an insect—perhaps a common fly—rushes in its flight against the web, and is caught by the drops of sticky stuff. Out comes the spider, runs to the fly, and rolls a band of its gummy silk around it. Then the spider gives the fly a bite, to kill it, or carries it away to one corner of the web till it is wanted for food.

  很快, 有只昆蟲——可能就是一只普通點(diǎn)的蒼蠅——在飛行中撞上了這張蛛網(wǎng), 然后便被粘稠物質(zhì)抓個(gè)正著。這時(shí), 蜘蛛就會(huì)爬出來, 撲向蒼蠅, 用粘稠的細(xì)絲將其團(tuán)團(tuán)圍住。然后, 蜘蛛就會(huì)在蒼蠅身上咬上一口, 把它殺死或者把它搬運(yùn)到蛛網(wǎng)的某個(gè)角落, 等到想吃的時(shí)候再慢慢品嘗。

  The spider's jaws are grooved, and in its head are some tiny poison-bags. When the spider bites, some of the poison runs down the grooves, and so enters the body of the insect which is bitten. After this the insect is unable to move or to fly away.

  蜘蛛的牙齒長有溝槽, 頭部則生有幾個(gè)很小的毒囊。當(dāng)蜘蛛咬下獵物時(shí), 一部分毒液順著凹槽流入獵物。這時(shí)候, 被咬的昆蟲動(dòng)不了也飛不走了。

  There are many spiders which in habits and appearance are quite different from the garden spider. Some of them have their nests in little holes in the ground, and make little trap-doors to close them. Others live under water, and carry down little bubbles of air to breathe in their homes.

  蜘蛛的種類很多, 它們的習(xí)性、外貌與我們?cè)诨▓@中見到的蜘蛛相差很大。有些蜘蛛在地下的洞中棲身, 在洞口造出一個(gè)既能遮擋地洞又能捕獲獵物的活門。還有些蜘蛛生活在水中, 它們能夠?qū)⑿馀輲胨? 用于在自己的巢穴中呼吸。


  By now, you may have heard about a study that came out a couple of weeks ago about spiders. The study got a lot of attention because coverage of the research often focused on the idea that spiders could eat every single person on the planet in a year and still find room for a lot of cows and elephants and such. In other words, spiders need a lot of meat. Fortunately, the food of choice for the overwhelming majority of spiders is other arthropods, mostly insects and another type of tiny critter called springtails.

  Anyway, the study—which never mentions spiders eating all the world's people—was done by Martin Nyffeler at the University of Basil in Switzerland and Klaus Birkhofer of Lund University and Germany's Brandenburg University of Technology.

  Places with plenty of spiders. Because most places are places with plenty of spiders. The write-up the April issue of the journal The Science of Nature concluded that the world's spider population weighs some 25 million tons. Now, your average spider only weighs an itty-bit, so if you do the calculation you get a total worldwide population of some eleventy gazillion spiders. More or less. But the 25 million tons of spiders is a real number, derived from other published studies, dating as far back as 1951.

  The researchers then estimated how much weight in food that much weight of spiders would need. And they also went through many other studies that had estimated how much spiders ate in particular habitats, ranging from tropical forests to farms. Once they crunched all those arthropods, the intrepid spider speculators reached their verdict: spiders snatch between 400 million and 800 million tons of meat annually.

  So if you see a spider—and there's almost certainly a bunch in your home right now—you could stomp it. Or you could gently put it outside. Or you could wish it bon appétit! And leave it to dine on the other stuff you probably want in your home even less.











