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時間: 楚欣650 分享



  最后[zuì hòu]


  last ; final ; ultimate ; at length ; bitter end

  網(wǎng) 絡(luò)at last;finally;in the end;last



  The last two lines of this poem don't rhyme properly.



  At last he successfully solved the problem.


  After a series of unsuccessful attempts, he has finally passed the driving test.


  Finally, they arrived at an agreement.


  When will you pay the last installment of the loan?


  So the last frontier is the last boundary that humanity must overcome.


  And every deadline should have milestones that lead up to the final success.


  Brad had the last laugh when the boss that fired him was arrested for fraud.


  China has to win the last two games to win the series.

  1. I picked first all the people who usually were left till last. 我先挑出了所有通常留到最后的人。

  2. The Liberal Democrat'ssupport fell away at the last minute. 自由民主黨的支持率在最后一刻有所下降。

  3. One month before the deadline we see the hollowness of these promises. 離最后期限只有一個月時,我們認(rèn)識到了這些許諾都是空頭支票。

  4. The army is still one of the last male bastions. 軍隊仍然是男人占據(jù)的最后堡壘之一。

  5. They had met by chance at university and finished up getting married. 他們在大學(xué)偶遇,最后結(jié)了婚。

  6. The final word will still come from the Secretary of State. 最后仍然要由國務(wù)卿來定奪。

  7. Jovial ladies chivvy you into ordering more than you can eat! 熱情的女招待會一再推薦,最后點的餐多到吃不下!

  8. Poland provide the opposition for the Scots' last warm-up match at home. 蘇格蘭隊在國內(nèi)最后一場熱身賽的對手是波蘭隊。

  9. She lifted the last of her drink to her lips. 她將最后一點飲料送到唇邊。

  10. I feel certain that it will all turn out well. 我覺得最后肯定會皆大歡喜。

  11. The minutes towards departure ticked by, until finally the pilot arrived. 離出發(fā)的時間越來越近,最后飛行員終于到了。

  12. Mack made his voice quiver with fear on these last two words. 麥克說出最后這兩個字時,嚇得聲音顫抖。

  13. The last of the older children had left for school. 年齡較大的幾個孩子中,最后一個也已經(jīng)上學(xué)去了。

  14. I haven't come all this way to bottle out. 我一路走來不是為了在最后關(guān)頭打退堂鼓。

  15. In the course of time, many of their myths become entangled. 最后,他們很多荒誕的說法都變得錯綜復(fù)雜了。

  16. Dart, who had at first been very tense, at last relaxed. 起初,達(dá)特非常緊張,最后終于放松了下來。

  17. Supposedly his last words to her were: "You must not pity me." 據(jù)說他對她說的最后一句話是:“別憐憫我。”

  18. In the end I just couldn't kick Jimmy when he was down. 最后我就是無法做到在吉米倒霉時落井下石。

  19. This was Hyer's last fight, for no one else challenged him. 這是海爾的最后一場比賽,因為再沒有人向他發(fā)起挑戰(zhàn)。

  20. We were not able to meet the deadline because of manufacturing delays. 因為制造方面的延誤,我們沒能趕上最后期限。