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  J: This movie is so touching and sweet.


  B: Exactly. The heroine looks familiar.


  J: You mean Meryl Streep? Yeah, she did a very good job in this movie. Recently I had learned that she is a graduate from Yale University.

  J:你是說梅麗爾斯特里普嗎?她在這部電影中表現(xiàn)不凡。我最近才知道她是從耶 魯大學畢業(yè)的。

  B: Wow, that’s news to me. I always held the idea that Yale has nothing to do with2) entertainment.


  J: It's common to think that way because Yale is known as “the cradle of leadership”.


  B: Yeah. A galaxy of luminaries in the political circle, such as former President Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, spent their prime time at Yale.

  B:是的。很多政界要員,如比爾克林頓和喬治布什,都在耶魯度過了他們最美 好的時光。

  J: There is a saying at Yale: “Incautiously, you will teach a President to come”.


  B: Yes. There have been five presidents and one vice-president, as well as many heads of state, prime ministers and ministers from Yale in American history.

  B:是啊。美國歷史上有五位總統(tǒng)、一位副總統(tǒng)以及許多州長、部長都是從耶魯大學 畢業(yè)的。

  J: That may owe to Yale’s leader’s education, I think.


  B: I’m for it.


  J: That reminds me of the story of former President George W. Bush. It is said that he was not as outstanding as his father on campus. He was a dark horse in U.S. political history.

  J:這使我想起了前任總統(tǒng)小布什的故事。據(jù)說,他并不如他父親優(yōu)秀。在美國政治 史上也算是一匹黑馬了。

  B: He had served as the President for 8 years. During his office, the diplomatic flexibility and wits he and his Vice President exhibited in the political arena are very impressive. All these achievements are closely related to their education at Yale.

  B:他執(zhí)政8年。執(zhí)政期間,他與副總統(tǒng)在政治舞臺上所表現(xiàn)出來的外交靈活性與智 慧令人印象深刻。他們?nèi)〉玫某删团c在耶魯所接受的教育是密不可分的。

  J: Indeed it is. A Yale degree is worth a lot, as Bush often mentioned Dick Cheney, who studied at Yale, but left a little early. He said that if you graduate from Yale (like himself, even if he was just a C student), you become President; if you drop out, you get to be Vice President.

  J:的確。耶魯?shù)膶W位還是很值錢的,正如小布什經(jīng)常提及的副總統(tǒng)迪克切尼,他 也曾在耶魯讀書,只是還沒到畢業(yè)就輟學了。布什說,如果你拿到了耶魯?shù)膶W位, 你就能成為總統(tǒng)(正如他自己,雖然讀書期間平均成績只取得C);中途退學就只 能當副總統(tǒng)了。

  B:He is really humorous. I heard there is a secret society named Skull and Bones at Yale, many leaders in politics, law, education and business are members of it.

  B:他可真幽默。聽說耶魯有個神秘組織名為“骷髏會”,許多政界、法律界、教育 界以及商界的領(lǐng)導者都是它的成員。

  Well, I know it is a secret club for the “power elite’.


  B:It seems that Yale really lives up to the reputation of “the cradle of leadership”.


  J:It is. The outstanding political couple, former President Bill Clinton and current Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, are also Yalies.

  J:是啊。杰出的政治夫妻——前總統(tǒng)比爾克林頓和現(xiàn)任國務(wù)卿希拉里克林頓也是 耶魯學子。

  B:Then why Yale is the alma mater of so many illustrious persons?


  J:I get this information from the newspaper, reading that Yale shows its very concern for the society, and lays its stress ons) the concept of leaders training. The mission of Yale is to develop the intelligence, sense of responsibility and creativity of the students so that they can serve the country and American people.

  J:我從報紙上讀到,耶魯關(guān)注社會,尤其強調(diào)“領(lǐng)導者敎育”。耶魯?shù)氖姑褪情_ 發(fā)學生智力、培養(yǎng)學生責任感和創(chuàng)造力,使他們能夠服務(wù)于國家和美國人民。

  B: Has Yale achieved any fulfillment in science and technology?


  J: Of course. Yale is well-known as a source of Nobel Prize winners in science field, although it does better in the aspect of arts study.

  J:當然。在科學領(lǐng)域,耶魯也是培養(yǎng)諾貝爾獎獲得者的地方,盡管她在人文科學方 面做得更好些。

  B: I major in Finance, are there any stories about financiers at Yale?


  J: Sure. You must be quite familiar with Jim Rogers, who is one alumnus of Yale.


  B: Really? I thought he graduated from Oxford University.


  J: To some degree, we can say in that way. He graduated with a bachelor’s degree from Yale University in 1964,and then he acquired a second BA degree from Oxford University in 1966.

  J:從某種程度上,我們可以那樣說。1964年,他畢業(yè)于耶魯,獲得學士學位。1966年, 又從牛津畢業(yè),獲得第二學士學位。

  B: He is a successful investor, well-known for the Quantum Fund.


  J: In addition, the former President of Coca-Cola, Roberto Goizueta, also left his footprint at Yale.


  B: Under the direction of Goizueta, Coca-Cola became a top U.S. corporation. He is credited with invigorating the company with a global vision. In the process, he created more wealth for shareholders than any other CEO in history.

  B:在高茲耶達的領(lǐng)導下,可口可樂成為美國一流的公司。是他用全球化視野引領(lǐng)了 可□可樂公司。他為股東創(chuàng)造的財富是以往任何_位總裁都無法比擬的。

  J: It sounds you really do good jobs in your major.


  B: Sure. Surprised?


  J: A little.



  A:Hey, what are you doing?


  J:I overheard two students talking about Lei Zhang’s donation to Yale University. I had heard a little about the matter, now I’m learning the details.

  J:剛才無意聽到兩個學生在談?wù)搹埨谙蛞敶髮W捐款的事。之前我只是略有耳聞, 現(xiàn)在想詳細了解一下。

  A:I’ve heard of that news, too. He made a contribution of ,888,888 to Yale, didn’t he?

  A:我也聽說過那個新聞。他向耶魯捐贈了 8,888,888美元,是嗎?

  J:That’s right. It amounts to RMB 60,000,000 and more.


  A:That’s a lot of money!


  J:A storm of protest has evidently broken out in China expressing unease and anger over this donation. Many people scolded him for donating so much money to a foreign university instead of his Alma Mater-Renmin University of China. They said he forgot his origin.

  J:很明顯,這在中國掀起一股反對之聲,紛紛表達對張磊此次捐款的不安與憤怒。 很多人責罵他,把這么大一筆錢捐給一所國外大學,而不捐給自己的母校——中 國人民大學。他們說他忘了本。

  A:To my knowledge,on the reason why he donated to Yale, Zhang said Yale had changed his life. Yale must have really made a big difference in the man’s life.

  A:據(jù)我所知,在說到給耶魯捐款的原因時,張磊說耶魯改變了他的一生。耶魯大學 在他的生命中,肯定有很重要的地位吧。

  J:Indeed, it is said that Lei Zhang started Hillhouse Capital Management with ,000,000 from Yale’s endowments. So his performance is understandable.

  J:確實是這樣。據(jù)說,張磊的高瓴資本管理有限公司正是用耶魯綰的3000萬美元 捐贈基金才得以起步的。這樣看來,他的行為就可以理解了。

  A: Yale treats its students generously,and its students will remember the school’s kindness and return the favor after graduation. What could be a more ideal relationship than this?


  J: Yes. It’s a question worth careflil deliberation. Why a foreign university can attract so much money from a Chinese student while Chinese universities can not?

  j:是的,這個問題值得深思。為什么一所外國大學能吸引_名中國學生如此之多的 捐款,而中國大學卻不能?

  A: Well, I think the matter is complicated. It’s a matter of culture as well as social circumstances. Hopefully, in the near future, our education system could be sound enough to attract Lei Zhangs.

  A:哦,我覺得此事并不簡單。這與文化及社會環(huán)境有關(guān)。希望在不久的將來,我們 的教育體系也可以完善到能夠吸引像張磊這樣的捐贈者。

  J: In fact, many American universities count on alumni endowments. Yale is one of the most successful ones. It has been a private university since 1817 and had undergone a harsh time on her road to independence. With no government appropriation,alumni,s donations have been vital to the university.

  J:事實上,許多美國大學都倚賴校友捐贈,而耶魯是其中較成功的一所。從1817 年起,耶魯就是一所私立大學,自立之路充滿艱辛。設(shè)有了政府撥款,校友的捐 助對這所大學來說,尤為重要。

  A: Is there any organization operating the system, or do alumni donate directly to the school?


  J: Sure. There are many Yale alumni groups all around the world.


  A: How much do you know? Tell me about it.


  J: There are over 140 domestic Yale clubs and associations and more than 40 international clubs providing a “Yale away from Yale”.

  J:耶魯大學有140多個國內(nèi)俱樂部和協(xié)會,還有40多個國際俱樂部,這些組織共 同打造了_所耶魯之外的耶魯”。

  A: What do you mean by “Yale away from Yale”?

  A: “耶魯之外的耶魯"?什么意思啊?

  J: These clubs and associations keep alumni connected to the University, to their local communities, and to each other. No matter how long you have graduated from the university, these alumni groups will keep in touch changes of Yale in time.

  J:這些俱樂部和協(xié)會將校友們與學校、當?shù)厣鐓^(qū),以及與其他校友聯(lián)系在一起。不 論你已經(jīng)畢業(yè)了多久,這些校友組織都會與你保持聯(lián)絡(luò),并及時告知耶魯?shù)男伦兓?/p>

  A: How do these organizations operate with you and inform you the new


  J: These alumni groups are run by volunteers and reflect Yale’s core values of education, community and service. Yale clubs offer alumni a wide variety of activities, services, and opportunities.

  J:都是由志愿者管理的;這也反映了耶魯教育的核心價值觀——集體意識與服務(wù)意 識。這些俱樂部為校友們提供豐富多彩的活動、各種各樣的服務(wù)和機會。

  A: I see. Through these activities, the sense of community gets reinforced.


  J: You’re right. These alumni groups provide valuable resources. You canindle',event)"> rekindle old friendships, make new acquaintances, continue lifelong learning, enjoy special events, and explore professional opportunities.

  J:是的。這些組織能夠提供許多有價值的資源。這里,你可以重溫老友誼、結(jié)識新 朋友、繼續(xù)終身學習、享受特別的活動,還可以探索職業(yè)機會。

  A: In this way, more and more Yalies achieve success through mutual aid, and in turn they will think of paying back for all these good things their Alma Mater provides.

  A:這樣一來,更多的耶魯人通過互助取得成功;反過來,他們也會想到去回報自己 的母校,是母校提供了這些好的機遇。

  J: Yeah. What’s more, The Association of Yale Alumni oversees the direction of all these alumni organizations and programs, so that they’ll function very well.

  J:是的。另外,耶魯大學校友總會負責監(jiān)督所有校友組織的活動,以確保它們發(fā)揮 應(yīng)有的作用。

  A: It must be a huge alumni system. No wonder Yale has grown up to be such a powerful university. It’s a community of all its alumni.

  A:那一定是個龐大的校友系統(tǒng)。難怪耶魯這么強大,它是一個由全體校友組成的集 ^本。


  L: Hi, Sarah.


  S: Hi, Louis. Long time no see.


  L: Yeah. It seems that you are always busy. Where are you going?


  S: Well. I’d just finished my Latin class. I found it interesting and want to know more, so I’m going to the library to find some relative books.

  S:哦。我剛上完拉丁語課,覺得很有意思,想多了解點。所以,正要去圖書館找點 相關(guān)的書呢。

  L: Latin class? I haven’t heard about that. Is it a course given in Foreign Languages Department?


  S: Nope. During this semester, there are a series of public elective courses on classical languages. The teacher is from Holland. He has been teaching in China for several years.

  S:不是的。本學期有一系列有關(guān)古典語言的公選課。老師是荷蘭人,他已經(jīng)在中國 敎了好幾年了。

  L: What do you mean by “classical languages”?


  S: Well. Besides Latin, he also opens other courses such as Hittite and Ancient Greek.


  L: Are you studying all these languages?


  S: Yeah. That’s why I,m so busy. Anyway, I enjoy to learn new languages and get to know ancient civilization. You know, language is a wonderful manifestation of history.

  S:是的。要不然我整天這么忙碌啊。不過,我喜歡學習新語言,接觸人類古老文明。 要知道,語言能最好地詮釋歷史。

  L: I agree. By the way, what do you mean by “Hittite”? I haven’t heard about it before.


  S: It is an Indo-European language, and is related to languages such as Ancient Greek, Latin, Vedic, and so on. Within the Indo-European language family, Hittite is the oldest attested to date. Hittites used to live in today’s Turkey but there is now no native speaker of this language.

  S:是印歐語言中的一種,它與古希臘語、拉丁語、吠陀語等古老語言都有聯(lián)系。赫 梯語是迄今為土證實的印歐語系中最古老的語言。赫梯人曾經(jīng)生活在今天的土耳 其那塊兒,但是現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)設(shè)有真正的赫梯人了。

  L: So it’s a dead language.

  L:那它是一門夕t 了的語言了。

  S: Actually, not only Hittite, Latin and Ancient Greek are also considered to be “dead languages”.


  L: Then, why do you spend so much time on dead languages?


  S: I’ll ask you a question first. Have you heard of “general education”?


  L: Sounds so familiar. Is it the same as Chinese quality-oriented education?


  S: Yeah. In my opinion, they are similar. What do you think about “general education”?


  L: Actually I don’t know any detail about it. It’s said that American students have Latin classes at junior high school.

  L:實際上,我一點也不了解‘‘通識教育”是什么。據(jù)說,美國學生從初中起就學習 拉丁文了。

  S: That’s true. And it is the case in many western countries. Originally, the concept came from “liberal education” in Ancient Greek. The term “general education” first appeared in America after the release of the Yale Report of 1828. In the report, it was argued that the appropriate object of a collegiate education is to lay the foundation of a superior education rather than train students to be qualified professional workers. That is to say, all the students should learn the basic things.

  S:是的。很多西方國家都是這樣的。其概念可追溯至古希臘時期的"自由教育"(或 稱"博雅教育”理念。“通識教育"的說法最早出現(xiàn)在美國,是在《1828年耶魯報告》發(fā)表之后?!兑攬蟾妗抵赋?,大學教育的目標在于為更高層次的教育奠定基礎(chǔ), 而不是把學生訓練成合格的職業(yè)工作者。就是說,大學期間,學生的任務(wù)就是學 習一些基礎(chǔ)的東西。

  L: But why should all the students in a college be required to tread in the same steps? Why should not each one be allowed to select those branches of study which are most to his taste, which are best adapted to his peculiar talents, and which are most nearly connected with his intended profession?

  L:可是,為什么要要求所有學生步調(diào)一致呢?為什么不能根據(jù)他們各自的興趣、天 分、職業(yè)意向來選擇各自的學習內(nèi)容呢?

  S: According to general education, these are to be learned in the professional and practical schools. Through general education, students enter upon some elementary truths, and will get to know whether he or she has a taste or capacity for a science.

  S:以通識教育的觀點來看,這些都是在職業(yè)學校要學的東西。接受了通識教育,學 生就能夠接觸到一些基本常識,這樣,才能判斷自己是否對某一學科真地感興趣, 是否有這方面的天分。

  L: I see. If he is really destitute of talent sufficient for the common departments of education, he is destined for some narrow sphere of action. However, if he acquires a thorough5 knowledge of the principles of science, he may then educate himself and make proper choice.

  L:我明白了。如果沒有發(fā)揮學生多方面的才能,那么,他的活動范圍注定會是很狹 隘的;相反,如果能對學科各個方面有個全面的了解,他就可以實現(xiàn)自我教育, 做出正確的選擇了。

  S: Yes. Actually, we are easily made to believe that we have no capacity for the study of a science because we know little or nothing about it.

  S:是的。事實上,由于我們的基本常識少之又少,很容易就會相信自己沒有能力勝 任某學科領(lǐng)域的學習。

  L: Still I have a question. Under the general education system, what is a young man fitted for when he takes his degree? Does he come forth7 from the college qualified for, for example, business?

  L:我還有一個疑問。假如實施通識教育,那么,從這樣的教育體系下畢業(yè)的年輕人 能做什么呢?他能勝任諸如從商這樣的工作嗎?

  S: Well, if he stops here, the answer is No. His education is begun, but not completed.

  S:哦,如果他從此不再學習的話,答案是否定的。他是接受過教育,但是這個教育 過程并沒有完成。

  L: Then the college should be reproached because it doesn’t provide its students with the skills tomake a living.


  S: Just imagine. Do we complain of the mason who has laid the foundation of a house but has not finished the building since the product of his labor is not habitable?

  S:設(shè)想,泥瓦匠為建設(shè)一所房子鋪設(shè)了地基,但是并設(shè)有完成建造房子這項工作, 這樣一來,他的工作成果是沒有居住價值的。那么,我們有理由譴責他的工作做 得不好嗎?

  L: Nope.


  S: The role of a mason is similar to that of a college. A well-planned general education program of study will provide students with the foundation they will need to excel in whatever disciplines they choose to pursue.

  S:泥瓦匠的角色與大學的角色是類似的。只要含理地規(guī)劃通識教育,就能夠幫肋學 生奠定所需的基礎(chǔ)知識,從而勝任他想選擇的任何學科。

  L: You are right. So it would be useful to take classical classes. By the way, when will be the next class from that classical scholar? I’d like to go with you.

  L:有道理。看來,學習古典課程還是很有用的。對了,那位古典學者什么時候上下 一節(jié)課啊?我想和你一起去聽聽。

  S: Tonight there will be a Hittite class at 7 p.m. Maybe we can go together.


  L: Ok. Now, maybe you’d like to help me with the lessons since you have already covered a lot.


  S: No problem. Let’s sit down there and have a talk.


  L: You are really nice. Thank you very much.


  S: Never mention it.
