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時間: 燕妮639 分享



  1. 多少年,多少天以前,用這個詞“ago”, 比如說,三年以前:three years ago. 幾星期以前, weeks ago, 一個半月以前:one month and a half ago,下面,我們來看幾個例句:

  I bumped into my ex-boyfriend days ago. 我?guī)滋烨盁o意間撞見了我的前男友。

  Marry dropped out of school months ago. 瑪麗幾個月前輟學(xué)了。

  We settled down in New York 2 weeks ago. 兩星期前我們在紐約定居下來。

  2. 多少年,多少天以后,用介詞“in”,如:幾年后:in years, in a couple of years, 5個月后:in 5 months, 10天后:in 10 days:

  I’ll let you know our final decision in a week. 一個星期后,我會通知你我們的最后決定。

  We’re moving to Guangzhou in 2 days. 兩天后,我們就要搬去廣州了。

  3. 在。。。時間以內(nèi): within, within 2 weeks, within one year, within 7 months

  The quotation is subject to your confirmation by fax within one week.


  4.“before”, ”after”這兩個詞怎么用呢?,它們的后面可以接從句,:“before” 在某事發(fā)生之前,”after”在某事發(fā)生之后:

  I was only a clerk before I came to Guangzhou. 在我來廣州之前,我只是個小文員.

  We went to a concert after we finished our work. 我們下班后去聽了音樂會.

  “before”, ”after”這兩個詞后面還可以接名詞:

  I would like to have a chat with you before meal. 吃飯前我想和你談一下。

  I’ll meet you at the entrance after class. 課后我們在入口處見。
