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  ADIMM(advanced Dual In-line Memory Modules,高級雙重內嵌式內存模塊)

  AMR(Audio/Modem Riser;音效/調制解調器主機板附加直立插卡)

  AHA(Accelerated Hub Architecture,加速中心架構)

  ASK IR(Amplitude Shift Keyed Infra-Red,長波形可移動輸入紅外線)

  ATX: AT Extend(擴展型AT)

  BIOS(Basic Input/Output System,基本輸入/輸出系統(tǒng))

  CSE(Configuration Space Enable,可分配空間)

  DB:(Device Bay,設備插架 )

  DMI(Desktop Management Interface,桌面管理接口)

  EB(Expansion Bus,擴展總線)

  EISA(Enhanced Industry Standard Architecture,增強形工業(yè)標準架構)

  EMI(Electromagnetic Interference,電磁干擾)

  ESCD(Extended System Configuration Data,可擴展系統(tǒng)配置數(shù)據(jù))

  FBC(Frame Buffer Cache,幀緩沖緩存)


  FSB: (Front Side Bus,前置總線,即外部總線 )

  FWH( Firmware Hub,固件中心)

  GMCH(Graphics & Memory Controller Hub,圖形和內存控制中心)

  GPIs(General Purpose Inputs,普通操作輸入)

  ICH(Input/Output Controller Hub,輸入/輸出控制中心)


  IR(infrared ray,紅外線)

  IrDA(infrared ray,紅外線通信接口可進行局域網(wǎng)存取和文件共享)

  ISA:(Industry Standard Architecture,工業(yè)標準架構 )

  ISA(instruction set architecture,工業(yè)設置架構)

  MDC(Mobile Daughter Card,移動式子卡)

  MRH-R(Memory Repeater Hub,內存數(shù)據(jù)處理中心)

  MRH-S(SDRAM Repeater Hub,SDRAM數(shù)據(jù)處理中心)

  MTH(Memory Transfer Hub,內存轉換中心)

  NGIO(Next Generation Input/Output,新一代輸入/輸出標準)

  P64H(64-bit PCI Controller Hub,64位PCI控制中心)

  PCB(printed circuit board,印刷電路板)

  PCBA(Printed Circuit Board Assembly,印刷電路板裝配)

  PCI:(Peripheral Component Interconnect,互連外圍設備 )

  PCI SIG(Peripheral Component Interconnect Special Interest Group,互連外圍設備專業(yè)組)

  POST(Power On Self Test,加電自測試)

  RNG(Random number Generator,隨機數(shù)字發(fā)生器)

  RTC: (Real Time Clock 實時時鐘)

  KBC(KeyBroad Control,鍵盤控制器)

  SAP(Sideband Address Port,邊帶尋址端口)

  SBA(Side Band Addressing,邊帶尋址)

  SMA: (Share Memory Architecture,共享內存結構 )

  STD(Suspend To Disk,磁盤喚醒)

  STR(Suspend To RAM,內存喚醒)

  SVR: (Switching Voltage Regulator 交換式電壓調節(jié))

  USB(Universal Serial Bus,通用串行總線)

  USDM(Unified System Diagnostic Manager,統(tǒng)一系統(tǒng)監(jiān)測管理器)

  VID(Voltage Identification Definition,電壓識別認證)

  VRM (Voltage Regulator Module,電壓調整模塊)


  ZIF: (Zero Insertion Force, 零插力 )

  主板技術Gigabyte ACOPS:(Automatic CPU OverHeat Prevention SystemCPU 過熱預防系統(tǒng))

  SIV: (System Information Viewer系統(tǒng)信息觀察)

  磐英ESDJ(Easy Setting Dual Jumper,簡化CPU雙重跳線法)


  芯片組ACPI(Advanced Configuration and Power Interface,先進設置和電源管理)

  AGP(Accelerated Graphics Port,圖形加速接口)


  MIOC: (Memory and I/O Bridge Controller,內存和I/O橋控制器)

  NBC: (North Bridge Chip北橋芯片)

  PIIX: (PCI ISA/IDE Accelerator加速器)

  PSE36: (Page Size Extension 36-bit,36位頁面尺寸擴展模式 )

  PXB:(PCI Expander Bridge,PCI增強橋 )

  RCG: (RAS/CAS Generator,RAS/CAS發(fā)生器 )

  SBC: (South Bridge Chip南橋芯片)

  SMB: (System Management Bus全系統(tǒng)管理總線)

  SPD(Serial Presence Detect,內存內部序號檢測裝置)

  SSB: (Super South Bridge,超級南橋芯片 )

  TDP:(Triton Data Path數(shù)據(jù)路徑)

  TSC: (Triton System Controller系統(tǒng)控制器)

  QPA: (Quad Port Acceleration四接口加速)