

時(shí)間: 若木631 分享

  下面是學(xué)習(xí)啦小編整理的金融英語專業(yè)術(shù)語, 希望對(duì)大家有幫助。

  off-balance-sheet 表外業(yè)務(wù).

  offer rate 賣出匯率

  official borrowing 政府借款.

  official devaluation 法定貶值

  official rate (of exchange) 官方匯價(jià)

  official short-term credit 官方短期信用.

  offset reserve 壞帳準(zhǔn)備金

  offset reserve 壞帳準(zhǔn)備金

  offset reserve 壞帳準(zhǔn)備金

  on a discount basis (以)折價(jià)形式.

  open account business (= open account tr賒帳交易

  open an account 開戶

  open fair transaction tax 集市交易稅.

  open market 公開市場(chǎng).

  open market operation 公開市場(chǎng)業(yè)務(wù)

  open market operation 公開市場(chǎng)業(yè)務(wù)

  open market operation 公開市場(chǎng)業(yè)務(wù)

  open market policy 公開市場(chǎng)政策

  open market policy 公開市場(chǎng)政策

  open market policy 公開市場(chǎng)政策

  open mortgage 可資抵押.

  open negotiation 公開議付.

  open outcry 公開喊價(jià),公開叫價(jià).

  open policy 預(yù)約保單.

  open position (期貨交易中的)頭寸.

  open positions 敞口頭寸.

  open-ended 開口的,無限制的,無限度的.

  opening order 開市價(jià)訂單.

  operating bank 營(yíng)業(yè)銀行

  operating cash flow 營(yíng)運(yùn)現(xiàn)金流(量).

  operating lease 經(jīng)營(yíng)租賃.

  operating leases 操作租賃.

  operating risk 經(jīng)營(yíng)風(fēng)險(xiǎn).

  operation account 交易帳戶

  option 期權(quán),選擇權(quán),買賣權(quán).

  option buyer 期權(quán)的買方.

  option fee (=option premium or premium o期權(quán)費(fèi).

  option purchase price 期權(quán)的購進(jìn)價(jià)格.

  option seller 期權(quán)的賣方.

  options on futures contract 期貨合同的期權(quán)交易.

  ordinary bank 普通銀行

  ordinary deposit 普通存款

  ordinary time deposit 普通定期存款

  our bank 開戶銀行

  out-of-the-money 無內(nèi)在價(jià)值的期權(quán).

  output-capital ratio 產(chǎn)出與資本的比率

  output-capital ratio 產(chǎn)出與資本的比率

  output-capital ratio 產(chǎn)出與資本的比率

  outright position 單筆頭寸.

  outward documentary bill for collection 出口跟單匯票,出口押匯

  outward remittance 匯出匯款

  over-loan position 貸款超額

  over-loan position 貸款超額

  over-loan position 貸款超額

  overnight call loan 日拆.

  overseas bank 海外銀行

  overseas branches 國(guó)外分行

  oversold 超賣

  over-the-counter 場(chǎng)外的,買賣雙方直接交易的,不通過交易所交易的.

  over-the-counter (OTC) option 場(chǎng)外交易市場(chǎng)

  overvalued 估


off-balance-sheet 表外業(yè)務(wù). offer rate 賣出匯率 official borrowing 政府借款. official devaluation 法定貶值 official rate (of exchange) 官方匯價(jià) official short-term credit 官方短期信用. offset reserve 壞帳準(zhǔn)備金 offset r


  • 金融英語專業(yè)術(shù)語M,N

    M/T (= Mail Transfer) 信匯 main bank 主要銀行 maintenance margin 最低保證金,維持保證金. major market index 主要市場(chǎng)指數(shù) management risk 管理風(fēng)險(xiǎn). managing bank of a syndicate 財(cái)

  • 金融英語專業(yè)術(shù)語I,J,K,L

    idle capital 閑置資本 idle cash (money) 閑散現(xiàn)金,游資 idle demand deposits 閑置的活期存款 immobilized capital 固定化的資產(chǎn). immovable property 不動(dòng)產(chǎn). import regulation tax 進(jìn)口

  • 金融英語專業(yè)術(shù)語F,G,H

    face value 面值 facultative insurance 臨時(shí)保險(xiǎn). fair and reasonable 公平合理 far future risks 長(zhǎng)遠(yuǎn)期風(fēng)險(xiǎn). farm subsidies 農(nóng)產(chǎn)品補(bǔ)貼 farmland occupancy tax 耕地占用稅. favourabl

  • 金融英語專業(yè)術(shù)語-A

    D/D (Bankers Demand Draft) 票匯 daily interest 日息 daily limit 每日漲(跌)停板. date of delivery 交割期. dealers 批發(fā)商. death and gift tax 遺產(chǎn)和贈(zèng)與稅. debt of honour 信用借款