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時(shí)間: 焯杰674 分享




  be made up of  由…構(gòu)成,由…組成

  make for  走向,駛向;有助于,有利于

  make out  辨認(rèn),區(qū)分;理解,了解;開(kāi)列,書(shū)寫(xiě)

  make up  構(gòu)成,組成,拼湊;彌補(bǔ),賠償;化裝,編造;和解

  make up for  補(bǔ)償,彌補(bǔ)

  a great/good many  許多,大量

  many a  許多的

  mark time  原地踏步,停止不前,拖延時(shí)間

  a matter of  (關(guān)于…的)問(wèn)題;大約

  as a matter of fact  其實(shí),事實(shí)上

  no matter how(what,when…etc.)  無(wú)論怎樣(什么,何時(shí)…等)

  by all means  無(wú)論如何,必定

  by means of  借助于,用

  by no means  決不

  in memory of  紀(jì)念

  at the mercy of  在…支配下

  bear/keep in mind  記住

  have in mind  記住,考慮到,想到

  make up one's mind  下決心

  never mind  不要緊,沒(méi)關(guān)系

  by mistake  錯(cuò)誤的

  mix up  混合;混淆,搞糊涂

  at the moment  現(xiàn)在,此刻

  for a moment  片刻,一會(huì)兒

  for the moment  現(xiàn)在,暫時(shí)

  in a moment  立刻,馬上

  the moment (that)  一…就

  more and more  越來(lái)越

  more or less  或多或少;幾乎

  no more  不再

  no more than  不過(guò),僅僅,和…一樣不

  at most /at the most  最多,至多,不超過(guò)

  make the most of  充分利用


  by nature  天生,就其本性而言

  in nature  本質(zhì)上

  neither…nor  既不…也不

  nothing but  只有,僅僅

  every now and then  有時(shí),時(shí)時(shí),偶爾

  just now  剛才,一會(huì)以前

  just and then  時(shí)而,不時(shí)

  just that  既然,由于

  a number of  若干

  on occasion  有時(shí),不時(shí)

  occur to  被想到,被想起

  at odor (with)  (與)…不一致;差異,爭(zhēng)執(zhí)

  off and on  斷斷續(xù)續(xù),不時(shí)的

  and so on  等等

  all at once  突然,同時(shí),一起

  at once  立刻,馬上

  once (and) for all  一勞永逸,限此一次

  once more  再一次,又一次

  one another  相互

  by oneself  獨(dú)自的,單獨(dú)的

  come/go onto operation  開(kāi)始運(yùn)轉(zhuǎn),開(kāi)工

  put/bring into operation  使投入生產(chǎn),使運(yùn)轉(zhuǎn)

  in order  秩序井然,整齊

  in order to  以便,為了

  in order that  以便

  out of order  發(fā)生故障,失調(diào)

  put in order  整理,檢修

  every other  每隔一個(gè)的

  other than  不同于

  out of  喪失,失去;缺乏,沒(méi)有

  over and over (again)  一再,再三

  owing to  由于

  on one's own  獨(dú)自的,獨(dú)立的






