

時(shí)間: 長思709 分享



  Two months ago Gullotta saw a 50-year-old man who had delayed doing anything about his smoker’s cough for a year.

  【分析】本句為復(fù)合句。主句為Gullotta saw a 50-year-old man。 who引導(dǎo)定語從句,修飾 a 50-year-old man。delay后常接動(dòng)名詞,表示“推遲做某事”。smoker’s cough指吸煙引起的咳嗽。


  Store managers are often the last to hear complaints, and often find out only when their regular customers decide to frequent their competitors, according to a study jointly conducted by Verde Group and Wharton School.

  【分析】本句為并列復(fù)合句。when引導(dǎo)時(shí)間狀語從句,according to…是介詞短語。conducted by Verde Group and Wharton School作后置定語修飾a study。the last one to do sth.意為“最后一個(gè)做某事的人”。


  “Retailers who’re responsive and friendly are more likely to smooth over issues than those who aren’t so friendly,” said Professor Stephen Hoch. (2008年12月)

  【分析】本句中的直接引語為復(fù)合句。句子主干為Retailers are more likely to smooth over issues than those, more…than是比較級結(jié)構(gòu)。第一個(gè)who引導(dǎo)的定語從句修飾Retailers,第二個(gè)who引導(dǎo)的定語從句修飾those。


  But the real truth is that we don’t know enough to relieve global warming, and - without major technological breakthroughs - we can’t do much about it. (2008年6月)

  【分析】本句為復(fù)合句,主干為the real truth is that…。that從句為is的表語,在該表語從句有兩個(gè)由and連接的簡單句we don’t know…warming和we can’t do much about it。兩個(gè)破折號(hào)之間的內(nèi)容是對we can’t do much about it的原因解釋。


  We need economic growth unless we condemn the world’s poor to their present poverty and freeze everyone else’s living standards. (2008年6月)

  【分析】本句為復(fù)合句,主句為We need economic growth,從句為unless引導(dǎo)的條件狀語從句。在從句中,we有兩個(gè)由and連接的謂賓:condemn…poverty和freeze…standards。


  The trouble with the global warming debate is that it has become a moral problem when it’s really an engineering one. (2008年6月)

  【分析】本句為復(fù)合句,主干為The trouble…is that…。that引導(dǎo)的表語從句that it has become…one作is的表語,該表語從句中又包括一個(gè)由when引導(dǎo)的時(shí)間狀語從句when it’s really an engineering one。


  Whoever it is, they will see you in a way you never intended to be seen - the 21st century equivalent of being caught naked. (2008年6月)

  【分析】本句為復(fù)合句,主句主干為they will see you,從句為Whoever引導(dǎo)的讓步狀語從句Whoever it is。in a way為see you的方式狀語。you never intended to be seen為省略了引導(dǎo)詞的定語從句,修飾的是way。破折號(hào)在這里起解釋說明的作用,解釋前面的句子。


  Psychologists tell us boundaries are healthy, that it’s important to reveal yourself to friends, family and lovers in stages, at appropriate times. (2008年6月)

  【分析】本句為復(fù)合句,主干為Psychologists tell us…。us后接了兩個(gè)賓語從句,第一個(gè)賓語從句為boundaries are healthy,省略了引導(dǎo)詞that;第二個(gè)賓語從句為that引導(dǎo)的that it’s…times。按照規(guī)則,若動(dòng)詞后跟兩個(gè)由that引導(dǎo)的賓語從句,第一個(gè)賓語從句可省略引導(dǎo)詞,但第二個(gè)賓語從句的引導(dǎo)詞必須出現(xiàn),不能省略。


  Few people turn down a discount at tollbooths (收費(fèi)站) to avoid using the EZ-Pass system that can track automobile movements.(2008年6月)

  【分析】本句為復(fù)合句,主干為Few people turn down a discount。at tollbooths為地點(diǎn)狀語。to avoid using the EZ-Pass system為不定式作狀語。that引導(dǎo)的定語從句that can track automobile movements修飾the EZ-Pass system。


  Privacy economist Alessandro Acquisti has run a series of tests that reveal people will surrender personal information like Social Security numbers just to get their hands on a pitiful 50-cents-off coupon (優(yōu)惠券). (2008年6月)

  【分析】本句為復(fù)合句,主干為Alessandro Acquisti has run a series of tests。Privacy economist作Alessandro Acquisti的定語。that引導(dǎo)的定語從句that reveal people… coupon修飾的是a series of tests。to在這里表目的。

  【譯文】隱私權(quán)經(jīng)濟(jì)學(xué)家Alessandro Acquisti做了一系列測試,測試顯示,人們會(huì)為了得到少得可憐的50美分優(yōu)惠券而輕易地就將像社會(huì)保險(xiǎn)號(hào)碼這樣的個(gè)人信息提供出來。

  When you consider that nearly three out of four Americans have seen the game show Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? you can understand the power of television to communicate with a large audience.

  【分析】本句為復(fù)合句,主句主干為you can understand the power,從句為when引導(dǎo)的時(shí)間狀語從句When you consider…Millionaire?。從句中又包含一個(gè)由that引導(dǎo)的賓語從句that nearly…Millionaire?,作consider的賓語。


  Global warming may or may not be the great environmental crisis of the 21st century, but - regardless of whether it is or isn’t - we won’t do much about it. (2008年6月)

  【分析】本句為并列句。句子主干為Global warming…,but we won’t… about it。regardless of意為“不管,不顧”;whether it is or isn’t 中的it指代的是并列連詞but前的句子。


  Al Gore calls global warming an “inconvenient truth”, as if merely recognizing it coAl Gore calls global warming an “inconvenient truth”, as if merely recognizing it could put us on a path to a solution. (2008年6月)

  【分析】本句為復(fù)合句。主句為Al Gore calls global warming an “inconvenient truth”。as if 意為“仿佛/好像……似的”,引導(dǎo)方式狀語從句時(shí)謂語多用虛擬語氣,表示與事實(shí)相反。put us on a path to a solution意為“找到解決之道”。


  The digital bread crumbs(碎屑) you leave everywhere make it easy for strangers to reconstruct who you are, where you are and what you like. (2008年6月)

  【分析】本句為復(fù)合句。句子主干為The crumbs make it easy。make sth.+adj.+to do為固定用法;you leave everywhere為省略了that或which的定語從句;reconstruct后接了三個(gè)并列的賓語從句;digital bread crumbs為比喻用法,意為“數(shù)字碎屑”。


  Only when it’s gone do you wish you’ve done more to protect it. (2008年6月)

  【分析】本句為復(fù)合句。when it’s gone為狀語從句。Only在句首時(shí),主句要部分倒裝,即將助動(dòng)詞do提前。


  But at the same time, the opening of national borders to the flow of goods, services, information and especially people has made universities a powerful force for global integration, mutual understanding and geopolitical stability. (2007年12月)

  【分析】本句為簡單句。句子主干是the opening has made universities a powerful force。動(dòng)名詞opening作主語,of后面都是定語,在這里a powerful force是賓語universities的補(bǔ)語。at the same time是時(shí)間狀語。


  Objections from American university and business leaders led to improvements in the process and a reversal of the decline, but the United States is still seen by many as unwelcoming to international students. (2007年12月)

  【分析】本句為并列句,but連接兩個(gè)并列的簡單句。句子主干為Objections led to improvements and a reversal, but the United States is still seen as unwelcoming。第一個(gè)分句的謂語是led to,其后有兩個(gè)由and連接的并列賓語,分別是improvements和a reversal。第二個(gè)分句里的as是副詞,連接補(bǔ)語。


  In response to the same forces that have driven the world economy, universities have become more self-consciously global: seeking students from around the world who represent the entire range of cultures and values, sending their own students abroad to prepare them for global careers, offering courses of study that address the challenges of an interconnected world and collaborative (合作的) research programs to advance science for the benefit of all humanity. (2007年12月)

  【分析】本句為復(fù)合句。主句主干為 universities have become…global。In response to 連接方式狀語,其中包含了一個(gè)that引導(dǎo)的定語從句,修飾forces,that在從句中作主語。冒號(hào)后面的部分是三個(gè)并列的現(xiàn)在分詞作狀語,解釋說明前面的句子。在第一個(gè)分詞結(jié)構(gòu)里包含了一個(gè)who引導(dǎo)的定語從句,修飾students。在最后一個(gè)分詞結(jié)構(gòu)里也有一個(gè)that引導(dǎo)的定語從句,修飾courses of study。


  Yale professor and Harvard Hughes Medical Institute investigator Tian Xu directs a research center focused on the genetics of human disease at Shanghai’s Fudan University in collaboration with faculty colleagues from both schools. (2007年12月)

  【分析】本句為簡單句。句子主干為Tian Xu directs a research center。主語前面的部分都是它的同位語,說明身份。focused on作后置定語修飾research center;at Shanghai’s Fudan University是地點(diǎn)狀語;in collaboration with…則是方式狀語。


  In the wake of September 11, changes in the visa process caused a dramatic decline in the number of foreign students seeking admission to U.S. universities, and a corresponding surge in enrollments in Australia, Singapore and the U.K. (2007年12月)

  【分析】本句為簡單句。句子主干為 changes caused…and…。caused有兩個(gè)并列賓語,分別是 decline 和 surge。 seeking 是現(xiàn)在分詞作定語修飾 students。



掌握英語句子中長難句分析的方法,能分析較為復(fù)雜的語言現(xiàn)象,對提高英語閱讀能力是很有益處的。下面小編就為大家介紹英語句子成分練習(xí)長難句,希望對大家有用。 英語句子成分練習(xí)長難句如下: Two months ago Gullotta saw a 50-year-old


  • 高考英語句子長難句分析


  • 高考英語句子結(jié)構(gòu)

    英語的基本成分有七種:主語(subject)、謂語(predicate)、表語(predicative)、賓語(object)、定語(attribute狀語(adverbial) 和補(bǔ)語(complement)。下面小編就來跟大家分析下

  • 英文翻譯中文句子

    在高考前多讀讀英文翻譯中文句子是非常有必要的,下面小編就跟你分享英文翻譯中文句子,希望對你有用。 英文翻譯中文句子如下: (一) 句子 1. 會(huì)議

  • 英文翻譯句子

    在高考前多讀讀英文翻譯句子是非常有必要的,下面小編就跟你分享英文翻譯句子,希望對你有用。 英文翻譯句子如下: (一) 句子 1. 史密斯先生第一次