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  back and forth  (前后)來回地,往返

  back away   逐漸后退

  back down off   放棄,讓步,退卻

  back of   在…的后面;在…背后

  back out of   收回(諾言等)

  back up   支持,援助;倒退

  based on   以…為基礎(chǔ)

  be able to   能,會

  be about to   即將(做)

  be absorbed in   專心致力于…

  be abundant in   …富于,…豐富

  be accustomed to   習(xí)慣于

  be acquainted with   開始認(rèn)識;開始了解

  be addicted to   沉溺于;使吸毒成癮

  be adequate for   適合

  be alike to   與…相同,與…相似

  be alive to   對…敏感,覺察,關(guān)心

  be all ears   全神貫注地傾聽著

  be at the end   到盡頭,達(dá)限度

  be at war   處于交戰(zhàn)狀態(tài)

  be attached to   附屬于;喜愛;愛慕

  be attentive to   對…關(guān)懷

  be available for   有效

  be aware of   知道,意識到,認(rèn)識到

  be beneficial to   有利于,有益于

  be better off   境況富裕;更富有

  be blind to   不了解,對…是盲目的

  be bound for   準(zhǔn)備到…去;開往

  be bound to   一定會…,必然…

  be bound up in   熱心于;忙于

  be bound up with   與…有密切關(guān)系

  be burned to a crisp   燒脆

  be busy with   忙于…

  be capable of   有做出(某事)傾向的

  be careful of   當(dāng)心…對…仔細(xì)

  be careful with   照顧;對…過細(xì)地

  be caught up in   對…特別感興趣

  be cautious of   留心…,謹(jǐn)防…

  be certain of   確信,肯定

  be certain to do sth   一定做…

  be charitable to   對…慈善

  be civil to   對…有禮貌,對…謙恭

  be clear about   對…明白,對…明確

  be comparable to   比得上…

  be comparable with   與…可比較的

  be composed of   由…組成

  be concerned with   關(guān)心,掛念;從事于

  be considerate of   體諒…,替…著想

  be detached from   把…從…上卸下

  be disagreeable to   不合…意;對…發(fā)脾氣

  be disgusted with   討厭…,厭惡…

  be eager for sth.   渴求某事物

  be envious of   羨慕(或忌妒)

  be equal to   等于,相當(dāng)于

  be essential to   對…不可缺少

  be familiar to   為…所熟悉

  be familiar with   對…熟悉

  be favourable to   贊成…

  be fed up with   對…感到厭煩,膩了

  be fed up   吃得過飽;對…極厭倦

  be fond of   愛好

  be friends with   與…交友(友好)

  be full of   充滿

  be generous in   樂于…

  be generous with   用…很大方

  be good at   善于,擅長于

  be good to   對…好;對…很慈善

  be hard on sb.   過于嚴(yán)厲對待某人

  be hard up for money   缺錢,手頭緊

  be hard up   短缺,在急需中

  be ignorant of   對…不知道(了解)

  be in drink   喝醉了

  be in fashion   (人、物)合于時尚

  be in for   參加(競賽、考試等)

  be in love with   跟…戀愛

  be in sympathy with   贊同,同情

  be in the habit of   有…習(xí)慣(或脾氣)

  be in the wrong   錯,理虧

  be inferior to   (質(zhì)量等)比…差

  be jealous of   嫉妒…

  be keen about   喜愛,對…著迷

  be keen on   喜愛,愛好;渴望

  be keen on   喜愛;渴望

  be known as   以…知名;被認(rèn)為是

  be known for   因…而眾所周知

  be known to   為…所知

  be located in   位于…,坐落在…

  be lost on   對…不起作用

  be loyal to   忠于

  be married to sb.   和…結(jié)婚

  be noted as   以…而聞名

  be occupied in   忙于…,正從事…

  be off one's head   神經(jīng)錯亂,神志不清

  be on a diet   節(jié)食

  be on the advance   (物價)在上漲中

  be on the drink   常常喝酒,酗酒

  be out for   為圖要;一心為

  be out of employment   失業(yè)

  be out of style   不合時式,不時髦

  be qualified to   能勝任…

  be remarkable for   以…而著稱

  be representative of   代表…

  be responsible to sb   向…負(fù)責(zé)

  be rid of   擺脫,去掉

  be satisfied with   對…感到滿意

  be seated   坐下,坐著;位于…

  be short of   缺乏,不足;達(dá)不到

  be skilled in   擅長

  be subject to   易受…的;慣患…的

  be superior to   比…更優(yōu)越

  be supposed to   被期望;應(yīng)該

  be sure and...   一定要…

  be sure of oneself   有自信心

  be thick with   充滿;與(某人)很親密

  be to blame for   對…應(yīng)負(fù)責(zé)任

  be to blame   該受責(zé)備;應(yīng)該負(fù)責(zé)

  be typical of   是…的特點

  be up against   面臨(困難等)

  be up to   該由…負(fù)責(zé);勝任

  be used to['ju:stu]習(xí)慣于

  be useful to   對…有益

  be very useful at   精通

  be worth doing   值得(做)

  bear away   奪得;贏得(獎品等)

  bear down on   沖向;對…施加壓力