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時(shí)間: 楚欣650 分享




  satisfy / meet the needs of … 滿足……的需要

  save money 存錢

  save sb’s life 挽救某人的生命

  say “no” to … 拒絕,否認(rèn),不同意

  say thanks to … 向……表示感謝

  say to oneself 心里想,自言自語(yǔ)

  school day 學(xué)校上課時(shí)

  school play 校園劇

  school things 學(xué)習(xí)用具

  school / field trip 郊游

  search for 搜查,尋找,查找

  self rescue 自救

  see for oneself 自己去看,親眼看

  see sb off 為某人送行(比較:meet sb 接某人)

  see to 處理,料理,照顧

  see to it that…= make sure that… 確保,務(wù)使

  seek after 追求

  seek for 尋找

  sell out 賣完,出賣

  sense of responsibility 責(zé)任感

  sentence / beat sb to death 判處某人死刑 / 把某人打死

  separate … from … 把……和……分離開

  serve as 作為,當(dāng)作

  serve in the army 服役

  serve the dishes 上菜

  serve the people 為人民服務(wù)

  settle an argument about… 解決關(guān)于……的爭(zhēng)論

  settle down 定下心來(lái),安家落戶,定居,平靜下來(lái)

  settle for 勉強(qiáng)同意,接受

  settle in(使)習(xí)慣(環(huán)境等),定居

  settle up 付清,結(jié)賬

  shake hands with sb 和某人握手

  share (in) sth 分享

  share sth with sb 與某人分享……

  shop assistsant 售貨員

  short wave 短波

  shoot at 向……射擊

  shout at (sb) 沖(某人)嚷嚷 [比較:smile at (sb) 沖(某人)笑]

  show off 炫耀

  show up 出席,露面

  show respect for sb 對(duì)某人表示尊敬

  show sb how to do sth 教某人做某事

  show sb out / in 送某人出去/ 迎某人進(jìn)來(lái)

  show sb to the door 帶某人到門口

  shut down 關(guān)閉,把……關(guān)上

  shut up 閉嘴

  silver screen 銀幕

  sign an agreement with… 與……達(dá)成協(xié)議

  sit down = be seated 坐著,坐下

  sit up 熬夜

  side by side 肩并肩,一起,相互支持

  social problems 社會(huì)問(wèn)題

  soft drink 清涼飲料,軟飲料

  solar system 太陽(yáng)系

  soup opera 肥皂劇,連續(xù)劇

  so far = up till now 到目前為止

  some day 將來(lái)某一天,來(lái)日

  some … , others … 一些……,另一些……

  sooner or later 遲早,終歸

  sound like 聽起來(lái)像……

  space / train station 太空/火車站

  speed skating 速滑

  speak about 談?wù)?,交?/p>

  speak against 發(fā)表抨擊

  speak of 談到

  speak out 大膽講出

  speak to 談話,與……通話

  speed by 飛馳而過(guò)

  speed up 加快速度(比較:slow down 減緩,減速,慢下來(lái))

  spend … (in) doing sth 花(錢,時(shí)間) 做某事

  spend …on sth 在……花費(fèi)(錢,時(shí)間)

  spread out 伸開,鋪開

  stage name 藝名

  standing room 立足之地

  stone by stone 一塊石頭一塊石頭地

  straight away 立刻地,毫不猶豫地

  stare at 凝視,盯著看

  start a fire 引起火災(zāi)

  starve to death 餓死

  stay away 不在家,外出

  stay away from… 與……保持距離

  stay the same = remain the same 保持不變

  stay up 挺住,站立,開夜車,醒著,不睡,熬夜

  stick to 粘住,堅(jiān)持,忠于

  stick with 繼續(xù)支持,保持聯(lián)系

  stop doing sth 停止做某事

  [比較:stop to do sth 停下來(lái)做某事

  stop … (from) doing sth 阻止……做某事]

  strike at 向……襲擊/打擊

  struggle against… 同……做斗爭(zhēng)

  struggle to one’s feet 掙扎著站起來(lái)

  struggle to do sth 掙扎著(竭力去)做某事

  succeed in… 在……獲成功

  (比較:succeed in doing sth = be successful in doing sth成功地做了某事)

  suffer from… 受……苦

  suit … to … 使……適合于……

  support / raise the family 養(yǎng)家

  surf the internet 上網(wǎng)沖浪

  sweep away (風(fēng))吹走,(浪)卷走

  sweep down 吹倒,席卷,沖倒

  sweep the floor 掃地

  switch on /off 開/關(guān)(電燈、機(jī)器等)

  swimming pool 游泳池

  Say “Hi” to sb for me. = Give my regards to sb =Remember me to sb 代我向某人問(wèn)好。

  Say goodbye to sb 向某人告辭/告別。

  See you soon / later. 再見。