1. All roads lead to Rome. 條條大路通羅馬。
2. Everything comes to him who waits. 耐心等待,萬事皆成。
3. Love me, love my dog. 愛屋及烏。
4. A bad workman always blames his tools. 拙匠總怪工具差。
5. Virture is fairer far than beauty. 美德遠(yuǎn)勝于美貌。
6. Beauty and folly are often companions. 美貌常和愚蠢結(jié)伴。
7. Misfortunes never come singly. 禍不單行。
8. Cleanliness is next to godliness. 整潔近于美德。
9. Absence makes the heart grow fonder. 別離情更深。
10. Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧。
1. Much cry and little wool. 雷聲大,雨點(diǎn)小。
2. Much water runs by the mill that the miller knows not of. 當(dāng)前發(fā)生諸種事,大多為人所不知。
3. Much will have more. 貪得無厭。
4. Murder will out. 殺人終必?cái)÷丁?/p>
5. Music hath charms to soothe the savage beast. 音樂有撫兇暴心靈的魅力。
6. Music is the eye of the ear. 音樂是耳朵的眼睛。
7. Music is the medicine of the breaking heart. 音樂是醫(yī)治心靈創(chuàng)傷的妙藥。
8. Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life. 音樂可洗去靈魂中日常生活所沾染的污垢。
9. My son is my son, till he hath got him a wife; but my daughter''s my daughter all the days of her life. 兒子只有在娶妻前是兒子,女兒則終生是女兒。
10. Napolean himself was once a crying baby. 即使是拿破侖,過去也是啼哭的嬰孩。
11. Nature abhors a vacuum. 自然界里是沒有真空的。
12. Nature has given us two ears, two eyes, and but one tongue, to the end that we should hear and see more than we speak. 天賦我們兩耳,兩眼,一張嘴巴,歸根到底該多聽,多看,少說話。
13. Nature is the glass reflecting truth. 大自然是反應(yīng)真理的一面鏡子。
14. Nature teaches us to love our friends but religion our enemies. 自然教我們愛朋友,宗教卻教我們愛敵人。
15. Nature, time, and patience are the three great physicians. 自然,時間和耐心,是三大偉大的醫(yī)生。
16. Nature will have its course. 天行其道。
17. Naughty boys sometimmmes make good men. 頑皮淘氣的男孩子有時成為仁人君子。
18. Necessity and oportunity may make a coward valient. 需要和機(jī)會可能使懦夫變成勇士。
19. Necessity (or Need) has (or knows) no law. 需要面前無法律。
20. Necessity is the mother of invention 窮則變,變則通。
1. Money has no smell. 金錢無所謂香臭。
2. Money is a bottomless sea, in which honour, conscience, and truth may be drowned. 金錢是無底的海洋,榮譽(yù)、良心和真理都可以淹沒在其中。
3. Money is a good servant, but a bad master. 金錢是好的仆役,壞的主人。
4. Money is neither good nor bad, but all depends on what use is made of it. 金錢本身無好壞,要看怎樣利用它。
5. Money is often lost for want of money. 往往由于缺乏金錢而喪失金錢。
6. Money is something, but no everything. 金錢能買到某物,但不是萬能的。
7. Money is the key that opens all doors. 金錢是打開一切門戶的鑰匙。
8. Money is the root of all evil. 金錢是萬惡之源。
9. Money is the sinews of war. 無錢莫打仗。
10. Money makes the mare to go. 錢可通神。
11. Money often unmakes the men who make it. 為富不仁。
12. Money spent on the brain is never spent in vain. 智力投資,決非虛擲。
13. Money talks. 有錢能講話。
14. More die by food than by famine. 饑饉而死的少,飽食而死的多。
15. More haste, less speed. 欲速則不達(dá)。
16. More of our worries come from within than from without. 煩惱發(fā)乎內(nèi)者多于發(fā)乎外。
17. More worship the rising than the setting sun. 人都向旭日膜拜,不向夕陽頂禮。
18. Most things have two handles. 大多數(shù)事物總有兩種解釋。
19. Mother''s darlings are but milksop heroes. 奶水泡出懦弱漢。
20. Mountains look beautiful from a distance. 遠(yuǎn)處看山山更美。