
初一到初三的重點英語短語加翻譯 (3)

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  初一到初三的重點英語短語加翻譯 5

  1. have a look (at sth.) 看一看(某物)

  2. at school/ at home 在學(xué)校/在家里

  3. relax sports 休閑運動

  4. some runners 一些運動員

  5. go out on a picnic 去野餐

  6. fast food restaurant 快餐店

  7. How much are these pants ?

  8. how much + (U) 多少/多少錢

  9. how many + (C)復(fù)數(shù) 多少

  10. Here you are. 給你

  11. bag for sports 運動包

  12. come down to 到達

  13. I’m sorry. 對不起

  14. can I help you?=What can I do for you? 需要我?guī)兔?

  15. want sth. /to do sth 想要 sth /想要做某事

  16. what color 什么顏色

  17. Can you believe it? 你相信嗎

  18. want sb to do sth 想要某人做某事

  19. That’s OK.= It’s my pleasure.(

  20. 種) 不用謝

  21. That’s not all. 不只這些

  22. black and blue 黑白相嵌

  23. on sale 在出售

  24. at the price of 以…的價格

  25. at a very good price 一個好價錢/價格合理

  26. What’s the price of sth ?=How much … 多少錢

  27. like something cheap 喜歡便宜的東西

  28. that time of year 一年中的那個時候

  29. in all colors 各色

  30. in+顏色 著色

  31. see for yourself 親眼看

  32. boys and girls=class 同學(xué)們

  33. clothes store= clothes shop 服裝店 =clothing store= clothing shop 服裝店

  34. ask sb to do sth 叫某人做某事

  35. I don’t think so. 我不這么認為

  36. national flag 國旗 提問人的追問 再來點!

  37. 出生日期 date of birth

  38. 排隊 line up

  39. 演講比賽 speech contest

  40. 郊游 school trip

  41. 校慶日 School Day

  42. 生日聚會 birthday party

  43. 籃球比賽 basketball game

  44. 藝術(shù)節(jié) Art Festival

  45. 音樂節(jié) music festival

  46. 排球比賽 volleyball game

  47. 去看電影 go to a movie/ go to movies/ go to the cinema

  48. 看一部動作片 see an action movie

  49. 幾種電影 some kinds of movies

  50. 京劇 Beijing Opera

  51. 在周末 on weekends

  52. 和他父親去看恐怖片和紀(jì)錄片 go to see thrillers or documentaries with his father

  53. 了解中國歷史 learn about Chinese history

  54. 兩部成功的喜劇 two successful comedies

  55. 想要去做 want to do

  56. 彈吉它 play the guitar

  57. 彈鋼琴 play the piano

  58. 拉小提琴 play the violin

  59. 吹喇叭 play the trumpet

  60. 打鼓 play the drums

  61. 下象棋 play chess

  62. 講英語 speak English

  63. 用英語說這個單詞

  64. say this word in English

  65. 加入……俱樂部 join the swimming/art/music/ basketball club

  66. 音樂節(jié) music festival

  67. 搖滾樂隊 rock band

  68. 打中國功夫 do Chinese kung fu

  69. 了解 learn about

  70. 郵件地址 e-mail address

  71. play/ eat/ learn/ teach/ sing well

  72. 去上班 go to work

  73. 去睡覺 go to bed

  74. 到 家 get home

  75. 起 床 get up

  76. 做某人的家庭作業(yè) do(one’s) homework

  77. 幾 點 what time

  78. 乘公共汽車 take a bus

  79. 淋 浴 take a shower=have a shower

  80. 聽某人… listen to sb

  81. 為…而感謝 thanks for

  82. 大約在

  83. 點鐘 at around/about

  84. o’clock。

  85. 整晚 all night

  86. 刷牙 brush one’s teeth

  87. 做調(diào)查 make a survey

  88. 對某事嚴(yán)格要求 be strict in sth.

  89. 對某人嚴(yán)格要求 be strict with sb.

  90. 忙于做某事 be busy doing sth.

  91. 忙于某事 be busy with sth.

  92. 談?wù)撽P(guān)于..... talk about

  93. 圍著某人跑 run around sb.

  94. 下課后 after class

  95. 午餐后 after lunch

  96. 早餐前 before breakfast

  97. 某人最喜愛的科目 one’s favorite subject

  98. 想要成為 want to be

  99. 與……相處好 be good with

  100. 幫助……做某事 help…with…

  初一到初三的重點英語短語加翻譯 6

  1. get something to drink 拿點喝的東西

  2. watch one show 觀看一個節(jié)目

  3. hang out 閑逛

  4. pass sb. sth. 把某物傳給某人

  5. lend sb. sth. 把某物借給某人

  6. get sth. wet 使某物弄濕

  7. hate to do sth. 討厭做某事

  8. do chores 做雜務(wù)

  9. help sb. (to ) d o /with sth•幫助某人干事

  10. bring a tent帶頂帳篷來

  11. buy some snacks買些小吃

  12. go to the store去商店

  13. invite sb. to a party邀請某人參加聚會

  14. make sb. do sth. 使某人做某事

  15. enough stress足夠的壓力

  16. a waste of time浪費時間

  17. in order to為了

  18. get good grades取得好成績

  19. mind doing sth. 介意做某事

  20. depend on依賴;依靠

  21. develop c children ‟ s independence發(fā)展孩子的獨立性

  22. look after/take care of 照顧;照看

  23. do one‟ s part in (doing ) sth. 做某人分內(nèi)的

  24. have free time有空閑時間

  25. allow sb. to do sth. 允許某人做某事

  26. hang out with sb. 與某人閑逛

  27. after-school classes課外活動課

  28. get into a fight with sb. 與某人吵架/打架

  29. until midnight直到半夜

  30. talk to sb. 與某人交談

  31. too many太多

  32. study too much學(xué)得過多

  33. get enough sleep有足夠的睡眠

  34. write sb. a letter給某人寫信

  35. call sb. up打電話給某人

  36. surprise sb. 令某人驚訝

  37. look through翻看

  38. be angry with sb. 生某人的氣

  39. a big deal重要的事

  40. work out成功地發(fā)展;解決

  41. get on with 與…和睦相處;關(guān)系良:

  42. fight a lot經(jīng)常吵架/打架

  43. hang over籠罩

  44. refuse to do sth. 拒絕做某事

  45. offer to do sth. 主動提出做某事

  46. so that以便

  47. mind sb. doing sth. 介意某人做某事

  48. all the time一直

  49. in future今后

  50. make sb. angry使某人生氣

  51. worry about sth. 擔(dān)心某事

  52. copy one‟ s homework抄襲某人的作業(yè)

  53. be oneself做自己

  54. family members

  55. spend time alone獨自消磨時光

  56. make sure 確信;確認

  57. the Animal Helpline 動物保護熱線

  58. beat against... 拍打… …

  59. walk by 走路經(jīng)過

  60. fall asleep 進人夢鄉(xiāng);睡著

  61. make one‟s way to… 在某人去……的路上

  62. die down 逐漸變?nèi)?逐漸消失

  63. hear the news 聽到這個消息

  64. wake up 醒來

  65. important events in history 歷史上的重大事件

  66. in a mess 一團糟

  67. for example 例如

  68. break.. . apart 使……分離

  69. be killed 被殺害

  70. in times of difficulty 在困難的時候

  71. over 多(歲)

  72. at the time of 當(dāng).......時候

  73. a school pupil 一個小學(xué)生

  74. go off (鬧鐘)發(fā)出響聲

  75. on the radio 通過廣播

  76. take a hot shower 洗熱水澡。

  77. in silence 沉默;無聲

  78. miss the bus 錯過公交車

  79. more recently 最近地;新近

  80. pick up 接電話

  81. the World Trade Center 世貿(mào)中心

  82. bring... together 使……靠攏

  83. take down 拆除;摧毀

  84. in the area 在這個地區(qū)

  85. have meaning to 對……有意義

  86. miss the event 錯過這個事件

  87. remember doing sth. 記得做過某事

  88. by the side of the road 在路邊

  89. at first 首先;最初

  90. work on doing sth. 致力于做某事

  91. be able to 能;會

  92. as soon as ...... 一……就…....

  93. come out (書、電影等)出版

  94. once upon a time 從前

  95. become interested in…對……感興趣

  96. continue to do sth. 繼續(xù)做某事

  97. walk to the other side 走到另一邊去

  98. make sth. happen 使某事發(fā)生

  99. a fairy tale 一個神話故事

  100. try to do sth. 試圖做某事

初一到初三的重點英語短語加翻譯 (3)

初一到初三的重點英語短語加翻譯 5 1. have a look (at sth.) 看一看(某物) 2. at school/ at home 在學(xué)校/在家里 3. relax sports 休閑運動 4. some runners 一些運動員 5. go


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