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  1. It has the biggest screens.它有最大的銀幕

  2. near here 在附近

  3. It’s the closest to home 它離我家最近

  4. It has the shortest waiting time.它等候的時間最短

  5. It has the best sound.它有最棒的音響

  6. the most comfortable seats.最舒適的座椅

  7. the best clothes store.最好的服裝店

  8. You can buy clothes the most cheaply there.你可以在那里買到最便宜的衣服

  9. They play the most boring songs.他們彈奏最乏味的音樂

  10. The DJs choose songs the most carefully.他們選擇歌曲最認真

  11. I’m new in town.我是鎮(zhèn)上新來的

  12. Welcome to the neighborhood!歡迎你來到我們的小區(qū)

  13. How do you like it so far?目前你喜歡它嗎

  14. I don’t really know my way around.我不知道我周圍的環(huán)境

  15. You can buy the freshest food.你可以買到最新鮮的食物

  16. around here.在周圍

  17. You can sit the most comfortably.你可以坐的最舒服

  18. Thanks for telling me.謝謝你告訴我。

  19. 10 minutes by bus (by car) (by bike) 乘坐公共汽車十分鐘的路程

  20. be good at something擅長做某事

  21. truly talented 真正有才華

  22. watch other people show their talents 觀看別人展示他們的才藝

  23. gett more and more popular 越來越受歡迎

  24. around the world = all over the world全世界

  25. such as = for example例如

  26. have one thing in common 有一件事是相同的

  27. all kinds of 所有種類的

  28. sing the most beautifully 唱的最好聽

  29. That’s up to you to decide 這是由你來決定的

  30. play a role in deciding the winner 他們扮演一個決定勝利者的角色

  31. gets a very good prize 獲得一個很好的獎

  32. the lives of the performers are made up 那些演員的生活是被編造的

  33. take these shows too seriously 太嚴肅的對待這些演出

  34. give people a way to make their dreams come true 給人們一條能將他們夢想實現的路

  35. There is something for everyone at Greenwood Park 在Greenwood Park里有一些事情對待所有人

  36. ten minutes on foot = ten minutes walk 走路需要十分鐘

  37.the best place to go to on weekends 在周末去的最好的地方


  1. on computer 在電腦上

  2. on paper 在紙上

  3. live to do 200 years old 活動200歲

  4. free time 空閑時間

  5. in danger 處于危險之中

  6. on the earth 在地球上

  7. play a part in sth. 參與某事

  8. space station 太空站

  9. look for 尋找

  10. computer programmer 電腦編程員

  11. in the future 在未來

  12. hundreds of 許多;成百上千

  13. the same„as„ 與„„一樣

  14. over and over again 多次;反復地

  15. get bored 感到厭煩的

  16. wake up 醒來

  17. fall down 倒塌

  18. will+動詞原形 將要做„„

  19. fewer/more+可數名詞復數 更少/更多„„

  20. less/more+不可數名詞 更少/更多„„

  21. have to do sth. 不得不做某事

  22. agree with sb. 同意某人的意見

  23. such+名詞(詞組) 如此„„

  24. play a part in doing sth. 參與做某事 w W w.x K b 1. c o m

  25. There will be + 主語+其他 將會有„„

  26. There is/are +sb./sth.+doing sth.有„„正在做某事

  27. make sb. do sth.

  28. help sb. with sth. 幫助某人做某事

  29. try to do sth. 盡力做某事

  30. It’s+ adj.+for sb. to do sth. 對某人來說,做某事„„的。


  1. grow up 成長;長大

  2. every day 每天

  3. be sure about 對„„有把握

  4. make sure 確信;務必

  5. send„to„ 把„„送到„„

  6. be able to能

  7. the meaning of „„的意思

  8. different kinds of 不同種類的

  9. write down 寫下;記下

  10. have to do with 關于;與„„有關系

  11. take up 開始做;學著做

  12. hardly ever 幾乎不;很少

  13. too„to„ 太„„而不能„„/太„„以至于不能

  14. be going to+動詞原形 打算做某事

  15. practice doing 練習做某事

  16. keep on doing sth. 不斷地做某事

  17. learn to do sth. 學會做某事

  18. finish doing sth. 做完某事

  19. promise to do sth. 許諾去做某事

  20. help sb. to do sth. 幫助某人做某事

  21. remember to do sth. 記住做某事

  22. agree to do sth. 同意做某事

  23. love to do sth. 喜愛做某事

  24. want to do sth. 想要做某事






