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時(shí)間: 韋彥867 分享




  A: Madison Industries. This is Cathy Winer speaking. Can I help you?

  Madison工業(yè),我是Cathy Winer, 我能幫您嗎?

  B: Good afternoon. Could you connect this call with Mr. Black, please?

  下午好,麻煩你接到Black先生,好嗎? A: May I know who’s calling?


  B: This is Mary Fox of A.B.C. Computer Co…I’m calling on behalf of Mr. Tom Backer, the general manager of our company.

  這里是A.B.C電腦公司的Mary Fox. 我是替我們公司總經(jīng)理Tom Backer先生打電話。 A: I am sorry, Ms. Fox. Mr. Black is now in a meeting. May I have your number and ask him to call back later?


  B: I’m afraid Mr. Baker would like to speak to Mr. Black right now. He has got an urgent matter to discuss with Mr. Black without delay.

  我想Baker先生想現(xiàn)在和Black先生說(shuō)話,他有緊急事情與Black先生商量,不能拖延。 A: OK. Then, would you please hold the line? (one minute later)


  Ms. Fox, the line is through. Mr. Black is ready to answer the call. Go ahead.


  B: Thank you for your kind assistance, Ms. Winer


  A: You are welcome.




  Hello,this is ABC company.May I help you?



  This is Daivd , is Director Carlos here ?



  Wait a minute ....Hmmm..He's just out here .May I take a message ?



  Okay , please tell him to call me back asap and my telephone is XXXX00013



  Right , I will tell him . Thanks for calling . Bye



  Bye .



  a: stone corp. hi, mary speaking.四通公司,您好,我是mary.

  b: hello, i'd like to speak to mr. hunter, please.你好,我想找hunter先生。

  a: may i ask who is calling, please?請(qǐng)問(wèn)您是哪位?

  b: my name is herbert wood of ibm computer company.我是ibm電腦公司的herbert wood.

  a: thank you, mr. wood. one moment, please… (into pbx) mr. hunter, mr. wood of ibm computer company is on the line.謝謝,wood先生,請(qǐng)稍等。(打內(nèi)線電話)hunter先生,ibm電腦公司的wood先生找您。

  c: can you find out what he wants?你可以問(wèn)他有什么事嗎?

  a: yes, mr. hunter. (to caller)i'm sorry to have kept you waiting, mr. wood. mr. hunter is rather busy right now and would like to know what you wish to speak to him about.好的,hunter先生。(對(duì)來(lái)電者說(shuō))對(duì)不起wood先生,讓您久等了。hunter先生現(xiàn)在非常忙,他想知道你有什么事對(duì)他說(shuō)。

  b: yes, i want to buy some computer software and talk about developing some other software. i don't know whether he is interested in that or not?是的,我想買(mǎi)一些計(jì)算機(jī)軟件,另外再談一談開(kāi)發(fā)一些其它的軟件。我不知道他是否有興趣。

  a: i see. thank you very much, mr. wood. would you wait a moment, please?(to pbx) mr hunter, mr. wood wants to buy some computer software.我明白了,非常感謝,wood先生。請(qǐng)你等一下好嗎?(打內(nèi)線電話)hunter先生,wood先生想買(mǎi)一些計(jì)算機(jī)軟件。

  c: i see. put him on line two.好的,請(qǐng)轉(zhuǎn)到2號(hào)線。

  a: yes, mr. hunter. (to caller) mr. wood, i'm very sorry to have kept you waiting. i'll put you through to mr. hunter.好的,hunter先生。(對(duì)來(lái)電者)wood先生,不好意思讓你久等了,我把你的電話接給hunter先生。

  a: good afternoon, sales department. may i help you?下午好,銷(xiāo)售部,我能幫你什么忙嗎?

  b: could i speak to mr. bush, please?可以和bush先生說(shuō)話嗎?

  a: i'll see if he is available. who shall i say is calling, please?我要看一看他是否在。請(qǐng)問(wèn)我得告訴他誰(shuí)打來(lái)的?

  b: john smith.

  a: hold the line, please. mr. bush is in a meeting with the managing director at the moment, i'm afraid. can i help you?請(qǐng)別掛機(jī),bush先生正在和總經(jīng)理開(kāi)會(huì),我可以幫你忙嗎?

  b: well, i want to discuss with him the new contract we signed last week.好的,我想跟他討論一下我們上星期簽訂的合同。

  a: i don't think the meeting will go on much longer. shall i ask him to call you when he is free?我想會(huì)議不會(huì)開(kāi)得太久,我讓他有空給你打電話,好嗎?

  b: yes, that would be easiest.是的,那樣最好了。

  a: could i have your name again, please?請(qǐng)?jiān)僖淮胃嬖V我你的姓名,好嗎?

  b: yes. it's john smith.好的,我叫john smith.

  a: and the number?電話號(hào)碼呢?

  b: 021-64358796

  a: ok. you'll be hearing from mr. bush later in the morning then, mr. smith.好的,smith先生,早上晚些時(shí)候,你會(huì)收到bush先生的電話。

  b: thank you for your help. good-bye.謝謝你的幫助,再見(jiàn)。

  a: you are welcome. good-bye.別客氣,再見(jiàn)。

  a: madison industries. this is cathy winer speaking. can i help you?madison工業(yè),我是cathy winer,我能幫您嗎?

  b: good afternoon. could you connect this call with mr. black, please?下午好,麻煩你接到black先生,好嗎?

  a: may i know who's calling?請(qǐng)問(wèn)您是哪位?

  b: this is mary fox of a.b.c. computer co…i'm calling on behalf of mr. tom backer, the general manager of our company.這里是a.b.c電腦公司的mary fox.我是替我們公司總經(jīng)理tom backer先生打電話。





