

時間: 楚欣650 分享





  Inside the reactor the large molecules are cracked into smaller molecules. 在反應(yīng)堆內(nèi)部大的分子被裂解為較小的分子。

  We can't deal with the whole work,we shall have to give some of the smaller jobsout to other workers. 我們不可能完成全部工作,我們必須把一些較小的活交給其他工人去做。

  With the changes in the world's climate, dinosaurs died, but many smalleranimals lived on. It was the survival of the fittest. 隨著世界氣候的變遷,恐龍絕跡了,但許多較小的動物卻繼續(xù)活了下來。這就是適者生存。

  Some smaller cities now emulate the major capitals in their cultural offerings. 某些小城市在提供文化設(shè)施方面如今比得上大都市。

  This desk looks fine, but it is a little [bit] smaller. 這張桌子倒很好看,不過小了點兒。

  Yes, this machine is even smaller than those before. 是的,這種機器甚至比以前那些還要小。

  Do you have any smaller bills? 你有沒有面額小一點的鈔票?

  Of course, you should then test those smaller methods. 當(dāng)然,隨后應(yīng)該測試那些更小的方法

  Well, it used to be much, much smaller. 但是,它曾經(jīng)要比現(xiàn)在小很多很多。

  Take the smaller car on any long trips you can this week. 您可以在這個星期開較小的汽車做任何長途旅行。



  Software may turn out to be a bigger hurdle.


  I don't see how we can afford a bigger house.


  Their ship fell astern of the bigger one. 他們的船落到了一條更大的船的后面。

  The firm was merged into a bigger company. 這家公司被并到一家大公司里去了。

  We joined up small plots of land and made bigger fields. 我們把小塊的地連成大塊的田。

  That uncertain thing was swelled bigger. 那個不知叫什么的東西膨脹得更大了。

  Not all of them have convincing business models, but the bigger challenge seems to be acquiring a customer base at all. 它們并非都有令人信服的商業(yè)模式,但歸根到底,更大的挑戰(zhàn)似乎來自于如何獲取客戶。

  There was one insurmountable problem, however. He was bigger than me. 這是一個不容置疑的問題,盡管他比我年紀大。

  Creativity is understanding that sometimes you are not the creator but only themedium of a transcendent creative force, bigger than you or I. 要有創(chuàng)造力,就要明白,有時你并不是創(chuàng)造者,而只是比你我都大的至高無上的創(chuàng)造力量的一個中介。

  Americans want to get rid of the deficit, they want smaller government, but theywant bigger benefits from government. 美國人想擺脫赤字,想擁有一個更小的政府,但他們更想從政府那獲得更大的好處。

  If these tiny invertebrates at the bottom of the food chain die, he said, that ultimately harms bigger sea creatures and the entire fishing industry. 他說,如果這些處在食物鏈底層的微小的無脊椎動物死掉了,將最終危害那些大的海洋生物及整個水產(chǎn)業(yè)。

  There is another, bigger, circle – the ‘circle of concern’ – containing things wehave some interest in, but most of this is beyond our ability to influence. 另一個更大的圈子---“關(guān)注圈”,包含我們感興趣的事物,但是其中大部分的事物都超出了我們的影響范圍。

  Compared with any discourse, hunger is the bigger truth. 和任何話語相比,饑餓都是更大的真理。

  They tend not to see the bigger picture. 他們往往看不到更大的圖景。

  A bigger problem is with the selection of the control group, which might not beentirely random. 另一個更大的問題是,病例對照人群的選擇或許并不完全是隨機的。

  At 29, I’m hardly what you would consider an expert, but I do usually only have tolearn each lesson once before I’m on to bigger, better experiences. 當(dāng)我29歲的時候,我?guī)缀醪豢紤]專家的想法,但在接受更大、更好的考驗以前,我通常不得不學(xué)習(xí)金錢管理的每門課程 。

  Why not allocate a bigger buffer pool instead? 為什么不分配一個更大的緩沖池呢?

  Normally you would stack or snap the blocks together to build a biggerapplication, which could become yet another one of the blocks. 通常情況下,您會將這些構(gòu)造塊堆疊在一起以構(gòu)建較大的應(yīng)用程序,而后者又可作為另一種構(gòu)造塊。

  He was much bigger than us. 他比我們個頭都要大很多。

  But the bigger hurdle was attitude. 但是更大的障礙是態(tài)度。

  But the bigger problem is usability. 但更大的問題是可用性。

  While women fantasise about love and romance, men fantasise about fast cars,bigger computers, boats and motorcycles. 當(dāng)女人幻想愛情與浪漫時,男人幻想快速汽車、更大的電腦、船和摩托車。