anemia 貧血
angina pectoris 心絞痛
appendicitis 闌尾炎
arthritis 關(guān)節(jié)炎
bronchitis 支氣管炎
cancer 癌
catarrh 粘膜炎
chicken pox 水痘
cholera 霍亂
cold 感冒,傷風(fēng),著涼
(head) cold 患感冒
diabetes 糖尿病
diphtheria 白喉
eczema 濕疹
epilepsy 癲癇
erysipelas 丹毒
gangrene 壞疽
German measles, rubella 風(fēng)疹 gout 痛風(fēng)
headache 頭痛
hemiplegy, hemiplegia 偏癱,半身不遂 interus, jaundice 黃疸
indigestion 消化不良
influenza, flu 流感
insanity 精神病
leukemia 白血病
malaria 瘧疾
malnutrition 營養(yǎng)不良
Malta fever 馬耳他熱,波狀熱 measles 麻疹
migraine, splitting headache 偏頭痛 myocardial infarction 心肌梗塞 mumps 流行性腮腺炎
neuralgia 神經(jīng)痛
neurasthenia 神經(jīng)衰弱
paralysis 麻痹
peritonitis 腹膜炎
pharyngitis 咽炎
phtisis 癆病,肺結(jié)核
pneumonia 肺炎
poliomyelitis 脊髓灰質(zhì)炎
If you only got six hours' shut eye last night, there is no need to lose sleep over it.
Scientists say that despite the widely held belief that we need eight hours of sleep a night, six to seven hours is the natural amount.
Advising short-sleepers to rest easy, the US researchers said: 'This has important implications for the idea that we need to take sleeping pills because sleep has been reduced from its natural level by the widespread use of electricity, TV, the internet and so on.'
The lead author of a study Ghandi said: 'There's this expectation that we should all be sleeping for eight or nine hours a night, and if you took away modern technology, people would be sleeping more.
'But now, for the first time, we are showing that's not true.'
Most of those studied slept for less than seven hours a night, with the average amount just six hours and 25 minutes. This is much less than the eight hours often recommended in western societies.
Despite this, the peoples studied were in good health, with lower rates of obesity, better blood pressure and healthier hearts than people in industrialised societies. They were also fitter.
關(guān)于健康的英文閱讀:健身與養(yǎng)生Fitness and Health
Many years ago, the commercial ads about losing weight was such popular, its aim was to show women to lose weight as more as possible, so that they could look as perfect as the stars. But now things have changed, skinny is not what most women what to chase, they look for another new trend, it is fitness and health.
When we look at the Vitoria’s Secret Fashion Show, we are very impressed by the models’ body shape. They look so perfect and healthy. Though they go on a diet, they keep fit as their target instead of being skinny. When we look at these models, they stand for the new trend, which is fitness and healthy.
Today, many stars show off their body shape on their blogs. They are very confident to let others know that they have the beautiful lines of the muscle. For looking fit, they go to the gym and practice so well, finally their body shapes look perfect. People used to chase for skinny, but today keep fit is the trend.
Fitness and health deserve people to chase.