

時間: 楚欣650 分享



  let, permit, leave, authorize


  You can't work here without a work permit.


  He said that if he had a permit he could get a job.


  I'll come after the meeting if time permits.


  You are not permitted to smoke here.


  The rules of the club do not permit smoking.




  You are not allowed to smoke here.


  How much holiday are you allowed?


  I should allow an hour to get to London.


  The judge assented to allow the prisoner to speak.


  If you'll allow me,I will send you back.


  Allow me to pose several questions. 請允許我提幾個問題。

  Most stores will allow the purchaser to exchange goods. 大多數(shù)商店將允許顧客更換商品。

  The nurse will not allow the boy up until his leg is better. 護士要在小男孩的腿好些時才讓他下床。

  They deflated the tires slightly to allow the truck to drive under the overpass. 他們稍微放掉車胎的氣以讓卡車在跨線橋下行駛。

  Do not allow it. 不要允許這樣做。

  We should not allow them to succeed. 我們一定不能容許他們成功。

  Allow your children to do this. 讓您的孩子也這樣做吧!

  And not all schemas allow other schemas to be embedded within themselves. 也不是所有模式都允許其他模式嵌入自己內(nèi)部。

  However, neither it nor any of the others allow you to use their app to actually doreporting like this. 它們中沒有一款應用程序可以讓你使用它們的程序來像這樣來實際做新聞報道。

  Only allow yourself to do the important tasks in those times. 只允許你自己在那些時間內(nèi)完成重要的任務。

  We would allow some. 我們會允許一些。

  But I feel that we did allow them to get out. 但是我覺得我們做到了,讓它們盡快離開了這里。

  Allow me to introduce myself. 讓我來介紹我自己。

  In meditation, we allow this harmony to percolate to every layer of our existence.在冥想中,我們讓這種和諧滲透到存在的每一個層次。

  It does this by collecting information on what you do and do not wish to allow, and then monitors the sites you visit to see whether they comply with yourpreferences. 它會收集關于您希望和不希望允許哪些內(nèi)容的信息,然后監(jiān)控您所訪問的站點,查看它們是否符合您的偏好,通過這種方式來完成這一任務。

  She prayed daily to God that he might allow her sons to be together on earth withthe promised savior. 她天天向上帝祈禱,請他施恩,讓她所有的兒子能和那預言要降臨人間的救世主在一起。

  Never allow your partner or yourself to denigrate the other. 永遠不要讓你的配偶或你自己詆毀對方。

  Allow yourself to weep for things you have lost. 容許你為自己已經(jīng)失去的事物而哭泣。

  We have to protect this model because sport is not simply a business like anyother and we cannot allow it to be treated as such. 我們必須保護這種模式,因為運動不是與任何其他一種商業(yè)類似的活動,我們也不能允許它被如此對待。

  Only then, can we allow the child to be reintegrated. 只有那時,我們才能讓這個小孩再次和我們?nèi)诤稀?/p>