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  help mother


  1. He often helped his mother with the household chores. 他常常幫助媽媽干家務(wù)活.

  2. I wanted to help her, but there wasn't any way I could do it. 我老想幫助媽媽, 可是插不上手.

  3. Mary always helps her mother to clear off the table. 瑪麗總是在飯后幫助媽媽清理餐具.

  4. Josh to help her take care of his younger brother special needs. 喬希不得不幫助媽媽照顧殘疾的弟弟.

  5. Dudule infant Hotness Clearing Treasures helps mother carefully to protectthe baby. 嘟嘟樂(lè)清火寶,幫助媽媽精心呵護(hù)寶寶.

  6. I help mother to wash dishes. 我?guī)椭鷭寢屜赐?


  7. We want to help mother adjust her eyesight and make her see things clearlywithout glasses. 我們倆想幫助媽媽調(diào)整好視力,這樣她不帶眼鏡也能看清東西了.

  8. John sprang to his feet to help his mother with the heavy box. 約翰連忙站起來(lái),幫助媽媽搬那只沉重的箱子.

  9. In general, employers do little to help the single working mother. 一般而言,雇主很少為工作的單親媽媽提供幫助。

  10. The doctor weakly puts the case that the mother-to-be has many relatives, so needs less support from the hospital. 那個(gè)大夫還草率認(rèn)為這位準(zhǔn)媽媽有不少親戚,因此不需要醫(yī)院過(guò)多的幫助。

  11. The aunt stands guard and helps the mother with her newborn calf. 這位“阿姨”負(fù)責(zé)站崗和幫助象媽媽照顧剛出生的小家伙.

  12. Her mother was always at her elbow to help her. 她媽媽經(jīng)常在她身邊幫助她.

  13. Mama had arranged that Mrs. B should come in occasionally to help us. 媽媽安排B太太有時(shí)來(lái)幫助我們.

  14. His mother helped to keep house for him. 他媽媽幫助他管家.

  15. We watch a school television programme every day and my mother helps uswith our lessons. 每天我們都收看學(xué)校的電視教學(xué)節(jié)目,并讓媽媽幫助我們學(xué)習(xí).

  16. I love to help my mom with some gardening work. 我特別喜歡幫助我媽媽做一些園藝工作.

  17. Her mother's words of love and help comforted the sobbing child. 媽媽充滿幫助心和愛(ài)心的話使哭泣的孩子得到安慰.

  18. Mother was always willing to set herself out to help people. 媽媽總是樂(lè)于費(fèi)心去幫助別人.

  19. Since their mother died my sister often helps them to keep house. 由于他們的媽媽去世了,我姐姐經(jīng)常幫助他們料理家務(wù).

  20. Yes, I'll make him a chocolate cake. Mum will help me. 好, 我將給他做一個(gè)巧克力蛋糕. 媽媽會(huì)幫助我的.

  21. Mama had arranged that Mrs. should come in occasionally to help us. 媽媽安排B太太有時(shí)來(lái)幫助我們.

  22. While helping his friend's mom, Charles spills on Sophia's tits. 同時(shí)幫助他朋友的媽媽, 查爾斯滴了索菲亞的大山雀.

  23. Her heartbeat helps control the baby's breathing rate. 媽媽的心跳可以幫助寶寶控制呼吸率.

  24. Father and mother help each other. 爸爸和媽媽互相幫助.

  25. Steven sometimes helps his mother. 史帝文有時(shí)幫助他的媽媽.

  26. Mama was a dynamo: a hospital volunteer, spotless housekeeper andneighborhood guardian angel, always helping someone. 媽媽是一個(gè)精力充沛的人: 她是醫(yī)院的志愿工作者, 一位無(wú)可挑剔的管家和守護(hù)鄰里們的天使, 她總是在幫助別人.

  27. In these programmes , single mothers, single - parent households and otherearthquake affected individuals are beneficiaries. 這個(gè)[以工代賑]的計(jì)畫(huà), 幫助了單親媽媽 、 單親家庭及其他的震災(zāi)受害個(gè)人.

  28. With her mother's help, Jenny could write many words, and now she beginsto write books. 在她媽媽的幫助下, 珍妮能夠?qū)懺S多單詞, 并且現(xiàn)在開(kāi)始寫(xiě)書(shū).

  29. Being able to be a mom of service to other moms -- that's my passion. 當(dāng)一個(gè)能幫助其他媽媽的媽媽是我的夙愿.

  30. She had promised her mother that she would help her brother through fairand foul. 她答應(yīng)過(guò)媽媽無(wú)論在什么情況下她都要幫助弟弟.


你知道幫助媽媽的英文是什么嗎?下面一起來(lái)看看吧 幫助媽媽的英文釋義: help mother 幫助媽媽的英文例句: 1. He often helped his mother with the household chores. 他常常幫助媽媽干家務(wù)活. 2. I wanted to help her, but there was