學(xué)習(xí)啦 > 學(xué)習(xí)英語 > 英語單詞 > 楊桃的英語怎么說


時(shí)間: 楚欣650 分享


  漢語解釋:陽桃(學(xué)名:Averrhoa carambola L.),別名:五斂子,楊桃,洋桃,三廉子等,被子植物門,五斂子屬。陽桃是一種產(chǎn)于熱帶亞熱帶的水果,具有非常高的營(yíng)養(yǎng)價(jià)值。那么,你知道楊桃的英語怎么說嗎?

  楊桃[yáng táo]


  [植] carambola ;



  Effect of activated carbon treatment on carambola during storage was studied.


  We eat star fruit and moon cake during the mid-autumn festival.



  Averrhoa caramhola L. polysaccharides


  Study on processing of a compound juice from carambola and chufa


  They are also cooked in puddings, tarts, stews and curries.


  Changes of Nutrient Components of Averrhoa arambola during Fruit Development


  The Mi-shih possessed the best quality among these fresh carambola fruits.


  Taiwan soft-branch star fruit


  Cultivation status of Taiwan's carambola and development directions of its industry

  1. Ingredients: carambola, glucose syrup, refined vegetable oil, flavor ( HVP,flavors, natural essential oil ), antioxidant. 配料: 楊桃 、 葡萄糖漿 、 精煉植物油 、 調(diào)味料 ( 水解植物蛋白 、 食用香料 、 天然植物精油 ) 、 抗氧化劑.

  2. The star fruit in the super market are not fresh now. 超市里的楊桃都不新鮮了.

  3. Dennis: Sometimes I eat star fruit, banana and pineapple. 丹尼斯: 有時(shí)我會(huì)吃楊桃 、 香蕉和鳳梨.

  4. Monica: Don't worry. I had a star fruit after lunch. 莫妮卡: 別擔(dān)心. 我午餐后吃了一個(gè)楊桃.

  5. That star fruit has been here a lot longer than the broccoli. 楊桃比西蘭花放在超高的時(shí)間更長(zhǎng).

  6. Effect of activated carbon treatment on carambola during storage wasstudied. 研究了活性炭處理對(duì)紅楊桃果實(shí)貯藏特性的影響.

  7. In additin it has the nutritive components of carambola maintained. 其制備方法科學(xué)合理,簡(jiǎn)單易行,能夠完全保留楊桃所含營(yíng)養(yǎng)成分.

  8. My favorite kind of fruit is the star fruit. 我喜歡的水果是楊桃.

  9. Carambola is rich in nutrition and having an evident effective health. 楊桃營(yíng)養(yǎng)豐富,保健功能顯著.

  10. Fruit: mango, lychee star fruit . cherry, etc. 水果: 芒果, 荔枝,楊桃,櫻桃.

  11. Juice: mango juice, peach juice, Liu Chengzhi , crystal grape juice, juiceBale, carambola Zhideng. 果汁系列有: 芒果汁, 蜜桃汁, 柳橙汁, 水晶葡萄汁, 芭樂汁, 楊桃汁等.

  12. Tasting Note : Intense dark red hue with flavors of tobacco, herbs & star fruiton nose. 酒評(píng): 深密度深紅色,帶煙草, 草藥 和 楊桃鼻子.

  13. Carambola is from India and Indonesia, but now many countries have it, suchas Taiwan. 楊桃來自印度和印尼, 但現(xiàn)在很多國(guó)家都有, 例如臺(tái)灣.

  14. Yangtao juice beverage of the present invention contains carambola juice, mangosteen glycoside , sugar and salt. 本發(fā)明為一種楊桃汁飲料及其制備方法.
