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時間: 楚欣650 分享



  Liu Zhijun, former railway minister, was expelled from the Communist Party of China due to serious disciplinary violations, according to a decision by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection announced on Monday.

  Liu, 59, was also blamed for fostering corruption throughout the railway system.

  The disciplinary watchdog said Liu had taken advantage of his position to help Ding Yuxin, board chairwoman of Beijing Boyou Investment Management Corp, make huge illicit gains.

  He was also charged with accepting a large number of bribes and leading a corrupt life.


  【講解】 文中的 be expelled from the Communist Party of China 即指“開除黨籍”,還可以說成be stripped of CPC membership,expel有“驅(qū)逐,開除”的意思,如to expel the student from college for cheating(因作弊開除那個學生的大學學籍)。 disciplinary violations指違紀,disciplinary是指“紀律的”,discipline是名詞,指“紀律”。另外文中的illicit gains是指“非法所得”,還可以說成illegal gains。