學習啦 > 學習英語 > 英語其它 > “大一新生”英語怎么說


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  Stores across China have seen a rush to buy electronic products in the run-up to the new school year, particularly among college students. However, such spending has highlighted the wealth gap that exists between college students, and the jealousy it can produce.

  Wuhan Evening News recently reported that a freshman at Central China Normal University threatened to drop out unless her parents bought her an iPhone 4S.

  Yangtze Evening Post in Jiangsu province also reported that 70 percent of freshmen spent 10,000 to 20,000 yuan on gadgets for school.





  文中的freshman即指“大一新生”,或指“高中一年級的學生”(a student in the ninth grade at school),其復數(shù)形式是freshmen。大二/大三/大四學生分別為sophomore/junior/senior。文中出現(xiàn)與開學相關的詞匯有:run-up (事情的)前奏,預備期,the run-up to the new school year 開學季,threaten 威脅,drop out 輟學,退學,gadget 裝備。