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  The world's largest coffee chain, Starbucks, has come under fire in China for reportedly charging locals higher prices than in other major markets.

  "Starbucks has been able to enjoy high prices in China, mainly because of the blind faith of local consumers in Starbucks and other Western brands," Wang Zhendong, director of the Coffee Association of Shanghai, told CCTV.

  Starbucks is rapidly expanding in China, which is set to overtake Canada as its second-biggest market next year.





  文中的come under fire就是“抨擊”的意思,也可以用be criticized或be slammed表示,如He came under fire/was criticized from all sides.(他受到來(lái)自各方的責(zé)難。)

  第三段中的overtake,基本意思是“超過(guò),趕上”,如:It's dangerous to overtake on a bend. (在轉(zhuǎn)彎處超車十分危險(xiǎn)。)