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時間: 楚欣650 分享


  名詞解釋: 慕課,是新近涌現(xiàn)出來的一種在線課程開發(fā)模式,它發(fā)展于過去的那種發(fā)布資源、學(xué)習(xí)管理系統(tǒng)以及將學(xué)習(xí)管理系統(tǒng)與更多的開放網(wǎng)絡(luò)資源綜合起來的新的課程開發(fā)模式。你知道怎么用英語表達嗎?

  MOOCs have become highly popular in the last couple of years in the United States, where the concept evolved.

  Often produced by well-known colleges or universities, MOOCs are frequently hosted on third party commercial platforms. Depending on the platform, students may be able to watch top-quality lectures and tutorials online.

  Some educators believe that these free virtual lectures could completely change the nature of post-secondary education.





  文中的MOOC就是“慕課”的意思,是英語Massive Open Online Courses的英譯,指大規(guī)模在線開放課程,Coursera、edX和Udacity是其中最有影響力的“三巨頭”,前兩個均已進入中國。

  此外,第二段中的tutorial作名詞,解釋為“課程;指南”,如:Why doesn't Ann give her tutorial on time?(為什么安不能準(zhǔn)時去上課?);tutorial也可以作形容詞,意為“輔導(dǎo)的”,如:tutorial resources(輔導(dǎo)材料)。