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  As prices and transaction volumes fall, several Chinese cities are considering looser limits on home purchases and mortgages, according to media. The moves could stimulate weak housing markets by bringing back buyers—especially speculators.

  New construction starts so far in 2014 are down more than in any year since 1996. Property investors are right to worry that all the excess supply will take substantial time to be absorbed. Higher borrowing costs and fears of a credit freeze hover over the sector.




  文中的housing market就是“房地產(chǎn)市場(chǎng)”的意思,也可以表達(dá)為property market或者real estate market,其中housing作名詞,意為“房屋,住宅”,如:They are living in good housing conditions.(他們住房條件非常好。)與地產(chǎn)相關(guān)的短語還有:housing price(房?jī)r(jià)),property tax(物業(yè)稅),immovable property(不動(dòng)產(chǎn))等。

  第一段中的speculator是名詞,意為“投機(jī)者,投機(jī)商”,由動(dòng)詞speculate(投機(jī))和后綴-or組合而成,如:a successful speculator(一個(gè)成功的投機(jī)者)。