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  摘要:中東呼吸綜合征是由一種冠狀病毒引起的肺部感染疾病,也叫做MERS-Cov。 國家衛(wèi)計委員會通報,廣東出現(xiàn)首例輸入性中東呼吸綜合征確診病例?;颊邽轫n國男性,目前已被隔離治療。你知道怎么用英語表達嗎?

  MERS is an infection of the lungs caused by a virus known as a coronavirus and is written as MERS-CoV.

  Coronaviruses can cause illness similar to the common cold in the winter months. This coronavirus is different than these viruses and has never been seen in humans before.

  Most people who became ill with MERS had traveled to, lived in, or were in close contact with someone who had traveled to the Arabian Peninsula.

  Most people who got infected with MERS became severely ill with a respiratory illness with symptoms such as: fever, cough, shortness of breath.






  文中的MERS就是“中東呼吸綜合征”的意思,即為Middle East Respiratory Syndrome,其中syndrome意為“綜合征”,是醫(yī)學(xué)術(shù)語,指機體同時出現(xiàn)的一系列癥狀,如:Lemon juice can help to prevent economy-class syndrome by improving blood circulation. (檸檬汁能夠改善血液循環(huán),有助于預(yù)防經(jīng)濟艙綜合征。)

  最后一句中的infect是及物動詞,意為“傳染,感染”,后面常接with表示“把……傳染給……”,如:The water was infected with germs. (這些水被細菌污染了。)