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  導語:韓國政府新近一項調(diào)查結果顯示,在全球30個國家中,韓國兒童幸福指數(shù)排名墊底,學業(yè)壓力大是孩子內(nèi)心“悲苦”的首要原因。“排名墊底”的英文表達是rank at the bottom。

  South Korea ranked at the bottom among 30 countries in terms of children's satisfaction with their lives.

  "The most relevant factor to the children's life satisfaction is academic stress, followed by school violence, internet addiction, negligence and cyber violence," the health ministry said. The survey involved more than 4,000 households with children younger than 18.

  World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim, himself born in South Korea, said the educational system put a heavy burden on children, with its focus on competition and long hours of work.





  文中的rank at the bottom就是“排名墊底”的意思,其中rank作動詞,意為“給……排名;名列”,如:The report ranks the U.S. 20th out of 22 advanced nations.(這份報告把美國排在22個發(fā)達國家的第20位。);rank也可以作名詞,意為“等級;職位”,如:social rank(社會等級)。

  at the bottom是介詞短語,解釋為“在底部;是……的根本原因”,如:Wine is at the bottom of his illness.(飲酒是他生病的根本原因。)