學(xué)習(xí)啦 > 學(xué)習(xí)英語 > 英語其它 > 初一英語上冊Unit6單元試題附答案(2)


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  §2 單元話題閱讀訓(xùn)練


  It's 12:00.Mom is not at home.No one makes lunch for Sally and Bob.Bob wants to have some bread,but Sally doesn't __1__ it.

  “How about making fruit salad?We have __2__,oranges and bananas at home,” Sally says.

  “Sounds nice.__3__ I also like some hot food,” Bob says.

  Sally __4__ some rice,some eggs and two tomatoes.She has a __5__ idea (想法),“I can make tomato and egg rice for you.It's very __6__.”

  The two have lunch at 1:00 pm.Bob __7__ the tomato and egg rice is great.And the fruit salad is nice,__8__.Sally is happy he likes them.

  __9__ the evening,Mom comes home.She is happy that Sally and Bob have a good __10__.She says,“I'm proud (自豪的) of you.You can look after yourselves when I'm out.Great!”

  ( )1.A.call B.help C.like D.play

  ( )2.A.carrots B.hamburgers

  C.ice-cream D.apples

  ( )3.A.So B.And

  C.Because D.Or

  ( )4.A.finds B.asks

  C.knows D.calls

  ( )5.A.difficult B.good

  C.relaxing D.boring

  ( )6.A.happy B.right

  C.easy D.tidy

  ( )7.A.thinks B.gets

  C.thanks D.spells

  ( )8.A.too B.sure

  C.then D.only

  ( )9.A.After B.On C.At D.In

  ( )10.A.breakfast B.lunch

  C.friend D.sport



  Hi! My name is Jenny. In the morning, I eat bread and fruit. I drink milk, too. For lunch and dinner, I like rice and vegetables. After dinner I often (經(jīng)常) have ice-cream and Coke. But I know they are not healthy. I like sports. I’m on the basketball team (隊) in my school.

  Hello! I am Colin. I have good eating habits. I often have milk and bread for breakfast. For lunch, I like hamburgers. I often have chicken and vegetables for dinner. I like them. After school, I like to play soccer with my classmates.


  ( )1. Jenny doesn’t have ________ for breakfast.

  A. fruit B. milk

  C. bread D. vegetables

  ( )2. 文中畫線單詞“drink”的漢語意思是“________”。

  A. 送 B. 買

  C. 喝 D. 吃

  ( )3. What does Colin like for lunch?

  A. Hamburgers. B. Vegetables.

  C. Milk and bread. D. Chicken and rice.

  ( )4. What does Colin like to do after school?

  A. Watch TV. B. Play soccer.

  C. Go to the library. D. Play basketball.

  ( )5. Jenny and Colin like ________ for dinner.

  A. rice B. vegetables

  C. chicken D. fruit


  I'm Zhao Kai.I have a good friend.His name is Ben.He comes from America.He comes to China because his parents work in China.He has a sister and they are in the same school but in different grades.Ben and I are in Grade 8.Ben speaks English very well,but his Chinese isn't good.I often help him with his Chinese and he helps me with my English. We help each other. ①He__has__many__friends__in__our__school. Ben often plays with his friends.He likes to eat Chinese food.His favorite food is jiaozi.I often invite (邀請) him to my home for dinner.On Sundays,his family like going fishing because they often have fish for dinner.Ben has a happy life.②你想成為本的朋友嗎?


  16.He is from America.








  19.Are Zhao Kai and Ben's sister in the same grade?


  20.What do the Ben's family often have for dinner?



  一、Ⅰ.1-4 BBAD

 ?、?5.I want a dictionary. 6.She wants to eat hamburgers/burgers for lunch. 7.Kate wants me to help her.

  二、Ⅰ.1-3 DAD

  Ⅱ.4.well 5.good 6.good 7.well 8.good

  三、Ⅰ.1-4 DCAD

  Ⅱ.5.and 6.but 7.so 8.and 9.but

  四、Ⅰ.1-3 BDC

 ?、?4.How/What about 5.How/What about yours 6.How/What about playing

  §2 單元話題閱讀訓(xùn)練

  Ⅰ.1-5 CDBAB 6-10 CAADB

 ?、?11-15 DCABB 16.He comes from America. 17.他在我們學(xué)校有很多朋友?!?8.Do you want to be Ben's friend? 19.No,they aren't. 20.Fish./They often have fish for dinner.



2.七年級英語上冊Unit 6基礎(chǔ)知識復(fù)習(xí)題


