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On the school bus英語教案

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On the school bus英語教案

  英語教案是小學(xué)英語教學(xué)活動正常開展的重要保障,下面學(xué)習(xí)啦小編為大家?guī)硇W(xué)On the school bus英語教案,供你參考!

  On the school bus英語教案:

  教學(xué)目標 :

  1、知識目標:boots, umbrella, dry, wet,always, sometimes, often, never






  always, sometimes, often, never頻率副詞的靈活運用。




  Class Opening and Review



  How are you today?

  Key Concepts

  boots, umbrella, dry, wet,

  always, sometimes, often, never


  Demonstrate “wet and dry” with some water and some paper.

  T: How is the weather today? Ask the Ss what they like to have on the rainy day ?Demonstrate “ boots ” and “ umbrella ” with real objects . Talk about: Do you have boots or umbrellas ?

  What colour is your boots / umbrella?

  Do you like your boots / umbrellas?

  Talk about: Are you dry or wet if you stand in the rain with your boots and umbrella?

  Are you dry or wet if you stand in the rain without your boots and umbrella?

  Student book No. 1


  T: Here is a chart. This is a week. There are seven days in a week. What are they? (Say Monday, Tuesday……)

  Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday T: Look, When do I wear dresses?

  When do I eat breakfast?

  Introduce Always, sometimes, often, never .

  Make sentences with these words .

  Student book No. 2

  Listen to the audiotape and fill in the blanks.

  Jenny _______ eats a sandwich for lunch. ___________ she eats soup. Steven ________ wears pants. He ________ wears dresses.


  T: I go to school buy bus every day. (Picture) Look, this is a school bus. Read it.Talk about: What colour is it? Is it big?

  I wait a bus at the bus stop. (Picture) Look, this is a bus stop. Read it.

  A bus driver drives a school bus. (Picture) Look, this is a bus driver. Read it.

  Student book No. 3

  T: How does Jenny go to school? Let's look.

  Talk about:

  Does Jenny go to school by bus?

  Does Jenny go to school by bicycle?

  Does Jenny walk to school? Why?

  Make up a dialogue

  How do you go to school or how do you go to school on a rainy day? Present