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時(shí)間: 若木631 分享



  1. The next time someone tells you something is the "least worst option", tell them that their most best option is learning grammar.

  下次要是有人跟你講XXX是the “least worst option”(最好選擇),你就告訴他們對(duì)于他們來(lái)說(shuō)最最最好的選擇是滾回去學(xué)語(yǔ)法。

  2. When people ask for something, I often hear: "Can I get a..." It infuriates me. It's not New York. It's not the 90s. You're not in Central Perk with the rest of the Friends. Really."

  當(dāng)某些人想要什么東西時(shí),我經(jīng)常聽到他們說(shuō):“Can I get a...(我能要一個(gè)……)”這讓我大為惱火。這里又不是紐約,又不是90年代,你以為你是在Central Perk里演《老友記》啊,真是的!

  3. The phrase I've watched seep into the language (especially with broadcasters) is "two-time" and "three-time". Have the words double, triple etc, been totally lost? Grammatically it makes no sense, and is even worse when spoken. My pulse rises every time I hear or see it. Which is not healthy as it's almost every day now. Argh!

  我經(jīng)歷過(guò)的漸漸滲入到英語(yǔ)里的短語(yǔ)(特別是播音員使用的)是“two-time(兩次)”和“three -time(三次)"。難道double啊triple啊什么的都徹底消失了么?從語(yǔ)法上來(lái)說(shuō),這根本構(gòu)不成短語(yǔ),而且用在口語(yǔ)中更糟糕。每次聽到或者看到它我就心跳加速。這對(duì)我的健康造成了威脅,因?yàn)榛久刻於家?jīng)歷這些。我去!

  4. Using 24/7 rather than "24 hours, 7 days a week" or even just plain "all day, every day".

  使用24/7來(lái)表達(dá)“全天候”,而不是“24 hours, 7 days a week”,或者就樸實(shí)地說(shuō)“all day, every day”。

  5. The one I can't stand is "deplane", meaning to disembark an aircraft, used in the phrase "you will be able to deplane momentarily".

  我不能忍受的就是“deplane”這個(gè)詞,意思就是下飛機(jī),用法是這樣的:“You will be able to deplane momentarily(您很快就能下飛機(jī)了)”。

  6. To "wait on" instead of "wait for" when you're not a waiter - once read a friend's comment about being in a station waiting on a train. For him, the train had yet to arrive - I would have thought rather that it had got stuck at the station with the friend on board.

  用“wait on”而不是“wait for”,而且你還不是服務(wù)員。有次我讀了一段朋友就在車站等車(waiting on a train)發(fā)表的評(píng)論。他所表達(dá)的意思是,火車一直沒(méi)到站。而我卻以為朋友在車上,但是車卻困在了車站里。

  7. "It is what it is". Pity us.

  這就是事實(shí)。同情同情我們吧!It is what it is.(該是什么就是什么。)美劇中經(jīng)常出現(xiàn),那么它的英式表達(dá)呢?There is no British way of saying this… it means nothing! 好吧,英國(guó)人覺(jué)得這個(gè)說(shuō)法毫無(wú)意義!

  8. Dare I even mention the fanny pack?

  敢不敢提fanny pack(腰包)啊?

  9. "Touch base" - it makes me cringe no end.

  “Touch base(聯(lián)系)”——這讓我不停地哆嗦。

  10. Is "physicality" a real word?


  11. Transportation. What's wrong with transport?


  12. The word I hate to hear is "leverage". Pronounced lev-er-ig rather than lee-ver-ig. It seems to pop up in all aspects of work. And its meaning seems to have changed to "value added".


  13. Does nobody celebrate a birthday anymore, must we all "turn" 12 or 21 or 40? Even the Duke of Edinburgh was universally described as "turning" 90 last month. When did this begin? I quite like the phrase in itself, but it seems to have obliterated all other ways of speaking about birthdays.

  難道沒(méi)人慶祝生日(celebrate a birthday)了嗎?我們一定都要“turn”12歲或者21歲或者40歲嗎?連愛(ài)丁堡公爵過(guò)生日也統(tǒng)統(tǒng)說(shuō)成上個(gè)月他“turning”90歲。這是什么時(shí)候開始的?我喜歡這個(gè)表達(dá)本身,但它似乎取代掉其他所有談?wù)撋盏恼f(shuō)法了。

  14. I caught myself saying "shopping cart" instead of shopping trolley today and was thoroughly disgusted with myself. I've never lived nor been to the US either.

  我發(fā)現(xiàn)現(xiàn)在自己會(huì)說(shuō):"shopping cart(購(gòu)物手推車)”而不是shopping trolley ,我非常討厭這一點(diǎn)。我從沒(méi)去過(guò)美國(guó),也沒(méi)在美國(guó)生活過(guò)。

  15. What kind of word is "gotten"? It makes me shudder.


  16. "I'm good" for "I'm well". That'll do for a start.

  用“I'm good(我很好)”替代“I'm well”。剛開始感覺(jué)都可以。

  17. "Bangs" for a fringe of the hair.


  18. Take-out rather than takeaway!


  19. I enjoy Americanisms. I suspect even some Americans use them in a tongue-in-cheek manner? "That statement was the height of ridiculosity".


  20. "A half hour" instead of "half an hour".

  說(shuō)“a half hour(半小時(shí))”而不是“half an hour”。

  21. A "heads up". For example, as in a business meeting. Lets do a "heads up" on this issue. I have never been sure of the meaning.

  A “heads up(提醒)”。比如,在商業(yè)會(huì)議上說(shuō),Lets do a "heads up" on this issue. 我至今還不知道是什么意思。

  22. Train station. My teeth are on edge every time I hear it. Who started it? Have they been punished?

  Train station(火車站)。每次聽到它,我就很惱火。誰(shuí)開始用這個(gè)詞的?他們沒(méi)有被罰嗎?

  23. To put a list into alphabetical order is to "alphabetize it" - horrid!

  把一張表按照字母順序排列就是去“alphabetize it”——非常不爽!

  24. People that say "my bad" after a mistake. I don't know how anything could be as annoying or lazy as that.

  那些在犯錯(cuò)后說(shuō)“my bad(我的錯(cuò))”的人,我真不知道事情怎么可以變得如此讓人惱火、將惰性體現(xiàn)得淋漓盡致的。

  25. "Normalcy" instead of "normality" really irritates me.
