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時(shí)間: 曉瓊996 分享


  1.大量,許多a great deal of (接不可數(shù)名詞)

  2.大量,許多a good/great many

  3.一種,一類 a kind of

  4.一瓶   a bottle of

  5.兩個(gè)   a couple of

  6.一滴  a drop of

  7.幾個(gè)   a few(可數(shù)名詞復(fù)數(shù))

  8.一點(diǎn)兒 a little(不可數(shù)名詞)

  9.一點(diǎn)兒 a little bit

  10.一群  a group of

  11.許多   a lot

  12.許多,大量的 a lot of

  13.剛才     a moment ago

  14.一張、片   a piece of

  15.一堆     a pile of

  16.一連串    a series of

  17.一套……   a set of

  18.一種類型的  a type of

  19.一雙,一對(duì)  a pair of

  20.一些,許多 a number of  (跟可數(shù)名詞復(fù)數(shù))

  21.根據(jù),按照 according to (接名詞)

  22.合計(jì)達(dá) add up to

  23.各種各樣的 all kinds of

  24.到處,遍及,結(jié)束 all over

  25.行了,好吧 all right

  26.(作為)結(jié)果 as a result of

  27.像,如同 as … as …

  28.一……就……as soon as

  29.至于,盡…… as far as(表示程度,范圍)

  30.好像,仿佛 as if

  31.只要 as long as

  32.好像,仿佛 as though/as if

  33.通常,平常 as usual

  34.也,還有 as well

  35.至于,關(guān)于 as for

  36.除……之外,(也),和……樣,不但……而且…… as well as

  37.多達(dá) as many/much as

  38.有時(shí)at times

  39.至少at least

  40.最多 at most

  41.首先at first

  42.最后,終于 at last

  43.全然,究竟 at all

  44.在工作 at work

  45.在上課 at school

  46.正在吃早餐/中餐/晚餐 at breakfast /at lunch/at dinner

  47.目前,現(xiàn)在 at present

  48.此刻,目前 at the moment

  49.在末尾 at the end

  50.一直 all the time

  51.此刻,目前 at the moment

  52.整日整夜 all day and all night

  53.到處,全身 all over

  54.周圍,四周 all round

  55.仍然,照樣 all the same

  56.與此同時(shí) at the same time

  57.一年到頭 all the year round

  58.至始至終 all through

  59.在---多大的時(shí)候 at the age of

  60.立刻,馬上  at once

  61.一開始   at the beginning of

  62.在……腳下 at the foot of

  63.首先,首要 above all

  64.畢竟,終究 after all

  65.到達(dá) arrive at (小地方) arrive in (大地方)

  66.付得起 afford to do sth.

  67.同意某人 agree with sb.

  68.同意(計(jì)劃或建議) agree to sth.

  69.商定,達(dá)成共識(shí) agree on

  70.允許做某事 allow doing sth.

  71.允許某人做某事 allow sb. to do sth.

