

時(shí)間: 曉瓊996 分享

  1) URead:體驗(yàn)英語(yǔ)

  What is airport check in?

  You register your arrival at an airport, etc

  You report your arrival, esp. at an airport or hotel, so that you can get the service you are paying for

  Airport check in is the procedure by which an airline or hotel formally registers the arrival of a passenger for a flight or a guest for a stay.

  Airport check-in is normally handled by an airline.Passengers usually hand over any baggage they do not wish or are not allowed to carry-on to the aircraft's cabin and receive a boarding card before they can proceed to board their aircraft.

  When a passenger checks in at the airport, he will show his passport or ID card and his air ticket at the check-in counter and hand over his luguagge and receives his boarding pass.

  2) UTalk: “學(xué)”“用”同步“使用英語(yǔ)”



  讀到一再重復(fù)的詞匯You register your arrival at an airport, etc/You report your arrival, esp. at an airport or hotel, so that you can get the service you are paying for/ Airport check in is the procedure by which an airline or hotel formally registers the arrival of a passenger for a flight or a guest for a stay等英語(yǔ)時(shí),你的“反應(yīng)”是什么?



  Well I know when we say airport check in, we can say we register our arrival at an airport,or we can also say we report our arrival at an airport so we can get the servicewe are paying for.

  也就是說(shuō),我們不說(shuō)check in這個(gè)表達(dá),我們也可以說(shuō)register our arrival at the airport或report our arrival at the airport這樣的表達(dá)。

  能這么練就我們“使用英語(yǔ)”的能力,我們對(duì)check in的英語(yǔ)表達(dá)就豐富起來(lái)、多樣化起來(lái)了。

  其實(shí),你學(xué)習(xí)英語(yǔ)這么多年,最缺乏的就是在這個(gè)能力上得到他人的系統(tǒng)訓(xùn)練,而不是讓他人教你“辦理英語(yǔ)登機(jī)用英語(yǔ)怎么說(shuō)?”從而學(xué)會(huì)和記住airport check in 這個(gè)單詞而已。

