學習啦 > 優(yōu)秀作品專欄 > 學習心得 > 英語冠詞:不定冠詞,定冠詞種類


時間: 春生1139 分享



  (1)不定冠詞:a / an a unit / an uncle

  元音開頭的可數(shù)名詞前用an :

  an egg / an apple / an orange / an eraser / an answer / an ID card / an alarm clock / an actor / an actress / an e-mail / an address / an event / an example / an opera / an houran old man / an interesting book / an exciting sport / an action movie / an art lesson /

  (2)定冠詞:the the egg the plane

  2. 用法:


  特指某(些)人或某(些)物: The ruler is on the desk.

  復述上文提到的人或物:He has a sweater. The sweater is new.

  談話雙方都知道的人或物:The boys aren’t at school.

  在序數(shù)詞前: John’s birthday is February the second.

  用于固定詞組中: in the morning / afternoon / evening


  專有名詞前:China is a big country.

  名詞前有定語:this , that , my , your , some, any , no 等:

  This is my baseball.

  復數(shù)名詞表示一類人和事:Monkeys can’t swim. They are teachers.

  在節(jié)日,日期,月份,季節(jié)前:Today is Christmas Day. It’s Sunday.

  一日三餐前:We have breakfast at 6:30.

  球類 棋類運動前:They often play football after class. He plays chess at home.

  * 但樂器前要用定冠詞:I play the guitar very well.

  學科名稱前:My favorite subject is music.

  在稱呼或頭銜的名詞前:This is Mr Li.

  固定詞組中:at noon at night by bus

