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人教版初三上冊英語Unit 4同步練習試題及答案(2)

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人教版初三上冊英語Unit 4同步練習試題及答案


  Jack was a hard-working student when he was young,but he had some big problems. He used to be shy before his classmates. So he had__26__ friends at school. Bob was a new student in his class. All the students were soon familiar with him and got on well with him __27__ Jack.

  One day,some boys put some money into Jack's bag and Bob pretended to have__28__ his money. Of course,they found the money in __29__ bag at last.

  Jack felt shameful(可恥的)__30__ he could not say anything about it. Soon his classmates called him a thief and __31__ him in the school. His teachers also __32__ that and called his parents to the school,too. Just then,Bob stood out and helped Jack make everything __33__.

  From that day,Jack and Bob __34__ good friends. Bob often took Jack to take part in many activities and Jack became outgoing. Bob was weak in English and Jack often helped him __35__ it. Now Jack became the monitor in his class,and he had more friends. He enjoyed the nice friendship and the school life.

  ( )26. A. many B. few C. several D. new

  ( )27. A. against B. like C. except D. for

  ( )28. A. lost B. wasted C. found D. made

  ( )29. A. your B. their C. Bob's D. Jack's

  ( )30. A. but B. if C. since D. unless

  ( )31. A. agreed with B. laughed at C. dealt with D. got excited about

  ( )32. A. allowed B. faced C. developed D. believed

  ( )33. A. clear B. easy C. hard D. wonderful

  ( )34. A. greeted B. met C. became D. loved

  ( )35. A. to B. in C. by D. with

  Ⅴ. 配對閱讀。


  I was really shy in the past. Talking to strangers was my worst fear. But now I am outgoing. Now let me share with you some ways of getting rid of shyness completely.

  ( )36. In this step you need to accept your shyness and be comfortable with it. You can start by saying to yourself repeatedly, “Yes, I am shy and I accept it.”

  ( )37. For 99% of us, we become shy when we think if we speak up or stand out, we'll embarrass (使……尷尬) ourselves. That's why it's important to focus on others and place our attention elsewhere. When we stop focusing on ourselves, we will stop worrying about the embarrassment.

  ( )38. This is the most important way. Talk to strangers and force yourself to have long conversations with others. It's extremely hard in the beginning but each time you do it, the difficulty will decrease (減少). Keep doing it until it becomes a piece of cake.

  ( )39. There will be always someone who is better than you. The more you compare yourself with others, the shyer you will be. It's no good to you comparing yourself with anybody else.

  ( )40. Before you start a conversation, make sure that you have a small list of things in your mind which you're going to talk about. I used to get well-prepared before I talked to someone.

  人教版初三上冊英語Unit 4同步練習試題答案

 ?、?1-5 CAADA 6-10 CBDDB

 ?、?A)11.humorous 12.ants 13.interview 14.private 15.background

  B)16.speech 17.European 18.exactly 19.interested 20.guards

 ?、?21.in public 22.in person 23.took up 24.were absent from

  25.from time to time

 ?、?26-30 BCADA 31-35 BDACD

 ?、?36-40 EABFD
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