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人教版高三英語Book4 Module 2期末檢測試題及答案(2)

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人教版高三英語Book4 Module 2期末檢測試題及答案

  四、書面表達 (共兩節(jié),滿分45分)

  第一節(jié) 閱讀表達 (共5小題;每小題3分,滿分15分)

  Many international students choose large schools. But a growing number of them are attending smaller ones.

  Douglas Bennett, the president of Earlham College in Indiana, has written several articles aimed at helping students choose a college that best fits their needs. He says one of the important things for the international students to consider is the size of a school. He says Earlham College is small for a reason. “We’re that small because we think we educate much more effectively and much more powerfully because we stay small. It stretches everyone more. It draws everyone into more different kinds of activities.”

  Of course, there are also good arguments for attending a larger school. Many big schools are widely recognized. And in some cases that might lead to more job interviews than a degree from a lesser known college. Larger schools also have more money, which can mean more resources for education and research.

  In addition to size, Douglas Bennett says there are other important things to consider. For example: Which programs at the school are the strongest? Some schools have stronger programs in the sciences. Others are stronger in the liberal arts. Also, what do the school’s top students go on to do after they graduate? What kinds of activities are offered that might add to the educational experience? Are there sports teams? What about a radio station or newspaper?

  But Douglas Bennett says . “The most important choice you make is who you choose to be yourself. If you’re prepared to bring your best self to the college, then it matters where you go to college. On the other hand, if you choose not to prepare to work very hard, it doesn’t matter where you go.”

  56. What’s the best title of the passage? (within 8 words)

  57. Which sentence in the text is the closest in meaning to the following one?

  A graduate from a larger school may get a job more easily than one from a school of smaller size.

  58. Fill in the blank in Paragraph 5 with proper words. (within 6 words)

  59. Which kind of school will you choose if you are an international student, a large one or a smaller one? Why? (within 20 words)

  60. Translate the underlined sentence in Paragraph 5 into Chinese.

  第二節(jié) 寫作 (滿分30分)







  人教版高三英語Book4 Module 2期末檢測試題參考答案




  56. Some advice on choosing a college

  57. And in some cases that might lead to more job interviews than a degree from a lesser known college.

  58. one choice tops all the others/one choice is the most important

  59. I will choose a smaller one. Because smaller schools can educate students much more effectively. / I will choose a large one. Because large schools have more resources for education and research.

  60. 如果你打算在大學(xué)里最大限度地發(fā)展自己,那么到哪里上大學(xué)就很重要。

  One possible version:

  A traffic accident happened at 9:40 this morning. At the crossroad near the post office, the traffic lights turned red, but a red truck didn’t stop as if the driver hadn’t noticed it. Unluckily, it ran into a white car, whose driver was injured. Immediately, someone called the police and they came a few minutes later. The driver of the white car was sent to hospital at once. At the same time, the truck driver was taken to the police station. Obviously it was the truck driver who broke the traffic rule and he would be punished. Luckily, the car driver was not seriously hurt, but he should stay in hospital for another day to make sure he was all right.
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