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  Joining in early morning exercises is a good health habit to develop,but it takes a lot of effort to begin with.Everyone loves to stay longer in bed in the morning and only a few would actually love to get up early even if its purpose is to add more years to your life by exercising.Fortunately,here are some tips that can help you to develop your morning exercise habit.

  Firstly,get prepared for your morning exercise the night before.In other words,prepare your exercise outfit(服裝) the night before your scheduled morning exercise.This will help you to change immediately as soon as you wake up.You also need to make sure that all the things you need for your activity are all ready.This will help you to go out as quickly as you can.

  Secondly,you do not need to force yourself to wake up at once to perform the activity.Remember,you are on your way to developing a habit,and you should not do something that you are going to hate afterwards.Allow your body to adjust(適應(yīng)) itself instead of jumping out of your bed and forcing your body to exercise when it still needs to rest a bit.Take time to gargle(漱口),wash your face,brush your teeth and enjoy a cup of coffee before actually moving.

  Thirdly,try to change your exercise to keep the excitement.Making some changes to your exercise can help you to avoid feeling dull.For example,if you like to walk or jog,you can change your route(路線) to see some changes in scenery.But you should always head to places that offer fresh air and sights that can encourage thinking and imagination.You can also try swimming or cycling for a change.

  Lastly,get enough sleep and rest.Waking up early is a challenge if your body is short of enough rest and sleep.It is hard to force yourself to rise and get up if it has not replenished(補(bǔ)充) the energy that it lost the day before.Exercise is a serious business because it has something to do with your health.When you develop your exercise habit,you should also give yourself enough rest to get the energy you need to keep it.

  These are some of the ways to develop early morning exercise habit.Do it for health.It can be your way to live a healthy lifestyle.

  How to develop the morning exercise habit


  outlines Supporting details


  51.______ the night before. ●Get your sport shoes and clothes ready the night before to make it

  52.______ to change your clothes in the morning.

  ●Prepare all the 53.______ things for your activity,so you can go out as quickly as possible.

  Don't force yourself to wake up immediately. ●You don't need to get up if you still feel a little 54.______in the morning.

  ●Remember to allow your body to adjust itself before you 55.______.

  ●Don't get moving the 56.______ you get up;you can take time to gargle,wash your face,brush your teeth and drink a coffee.

  57.______your exercise to keep excited. ●You can walk or jog in a different route every morning.

  ●Make sure that your 58.______ offers fresh air and meaningful sights.

  ●You can 59.______ walking or jogging with swimming or cycling.

  牛津版高一英語必修三Unit 1期末訓(xùn)練試題答案

  1.B make the most of意為“充分利用”,為固定搭配,由此排除A、C兩項(xiàng)。rise具體指“學(xué)習(xí)效率”,為抽象名詞具體化,故前面用不定冠詞a。

  2.A 句意:——媽媽,別擔(dān)心。醫(yī)生說只是流感。——我可以松口氣了。我要告訴你爸爸沒有什么嚴(yán)重的。A項(xiàng)意為“可以松口氣了”,符合語境。B項(xiàng)意為“祝賀”;C項(xiàng)意為“多么令人驚訝啊”;D項(xiàng)意為“我很抱歉”。根據(jù)句意,應(yīng)選A項(xiàng)。

  3.A 句意:——很可能會(huì)下雨。——我們?cè)谟陙碇皩⒐ぷ髯鐾臧?。根?jù)問句的意思,第一句應(yīng)用It's likely to rain.it指天。所以形容詞不能用possible和probable。第二空構(gòu)成“get+賓語+過去分詞”句型,表示“使某事完成或解決”,故選A項(xiàng)。

  4.A 句意:我一踏進(jìn)他的辦公室,Auster就伸出了手與我握手。reach out在此意為“伸出手”。

  5.A 句意:由于她的偉大成就,她得到了總裁的認(rèn)可。recognition“認(rèn)可”;contribution“貢獻(xiàn)”;devotion“奉獻(xiàn),專心”;attraction“吸引”。

  6.C 句意:買舊房子時(shí)我應(yīng)該注意什么問題?watch out for在此意為“密切注意,當(dāng)心”。come up with提出;make up for彌補(bǔ);make use of利用。

  7.D 考查fit和suit的區(qū)別。fit多指衣服的大小、尺寸等合適;suit表示顏色、花樣等合適。故選D。

  8.B 句意:遠(yuǎn)程教育正發(fā)揮越來越重要的作用,這使得無論在何處的人們都可能受到教育。wherever,無論何地。

  9.D 第一空可用sitting和seated作賓補(bǔ),her與sit是主謂關(guān)系,seat與her為動(dòng)賓關(guān)系;第二空用fixed作賓補(bǔ),fix與her attention為動(dòng)賓關(guān)系。

  10.C 考查名詞辨析。out of one's reach 某人夠不著;out of touch失去聯(lián)系;out of sight看不見。句意:要時(shí)刻記著把刀一類的危險(xiǎn)物放在孩子夠不著的地方。故選C項(xiàng)。

  11.C 句意:當(dāng)一些人說地理令人困惑并且很難學(xué)時(shí)我感到很困惑。confused表示“感到困惑的”;confusing表示“令人困惑的”。

  12.B 句意:李教授觀察蜜蜂的行為已經(jīng)多年了,他發(fā)現(xiàn)它們通過跳舞來交流信息。第一空用observed表示“觀察”;第二空用to dance,不定式短語作主補(bǔ),表示一般情況。

  13.B 句意:為了制造電腦,科學(xué)家們研究人腦如何動(dòng)作。 study后接賓語從句,引導(dǎo)詞在從句中作方式狀語,故本題用how。

  14.D 分析句子結(jié)構(gòu)可知,題干中主語從句后置了,結(jié)合句意可知,從句中缺少原因狀語,故本題選D。that引導(dǎo)主語從句時(shí),不在從句中作成分,how表示方式,when表示時(shí)間,這三個(gè)選項(xiàng)均與語境不符。

  15.B 引導(dǎo)詞在從句中作賓語,排除C;由honesty and happiness可排除D;which引導(dǎo)主語從句時(shí),通常含有疑問含義,而題干并無疑問含義,排除A,故本題選B。what在此引導(dǎo)主語從句,并在從句中作offers的賓語,相當(dāng)于“代詞+關(guān)系代詞”,即the things that,意為“……的東西”。


  16.C “我”能模糊地記得陽(yáng)光(sunshine)的明亮和紅色是什么樣子。mist“薄霧”。

  17.B 要是能再次看見就太好(wonderful)了。

  18.A 但是災(zāi)難(disaster)有時(shí)能給人們帶來奇特的事情。incident“發(fā)生的事情(尤指不尋常的或討厭的)”;wonder“奇觀,奇跡”。

  19.D “我”的意思并不是“我”喜歡(prefer)失明。

  20.B “我”只是說失明讓“我”更珍惜“我”剩余(left)的東西。

  21.B “我”的父母和老師在“我”身上看到了某樣?xùn)|西——一種生活的潛能(potential)。

  22.D 他們使“我”決心用失明(blindness)把這種潛能給激發(fā)出來。

  23.A “我”必須要學(xué)的最難的(hardest)一課就是相信自己。

  24.C “我”不是說那種能幫助“我”獨(dú)自走完一段不熟悉的樓梯的簡(jiǎn)單的自信(self­confidence)。23空后面的“believe in myself”是線索提示。

  25.D “我”的意思是(mean)比那更大的東西。20空前面的“mean”是線索提示。

  26.A 雖然不完美(imperfect),但是“我”要相信自己是個(gè)重要的、積極向上的人。

  27.C 曾經(jīng)(Once)有個(gè)人給了“我”一個(gè)室內(nèi)棒球。

  28.D “我”認(rèn)為他在嘲笑“我”,“我”受傷(hurt)了。

  29.A 這些話在“我”的腦海里揮之不去。stick in one's mind “(因不同尋?;蛴腥ざ?深深留在某人的腦海里,令某人記憶猶新”。

  30.B 通過滾動(dòng)球,“我”能聽到(hear)它滾到了哪里。

  31.D 這讓“我”有了一個(gè)想法——如何能達(dá)到“我”打棒球的目標(biāo),在這之前“我”認(rèn)為這是不可能的(impossible)。

  32.A 在費(fèi)城的歐文布魯克盲人學(xué)校,“我”成功發(fā)明了一種棒球的新打法。根據(jù)30空后面的“gave me an idea”可知,是發(fā)明(invented)而不是發(fā)現(xiàn)(discovered)。

  33.D “我”必須要清楚“我”的局限(limitations)。

  34.B 嘗試“我”一開始就知道根本不可能完成的事是沒有好處的,因?yàn)樗荒軒硎〉耐纯?。wildly表示“極其,非常”。

  35.C 不管怎樣,“我”也會(huì)失敗,但(but)一般來說,“我”進(jìn)步了。

  36.A 推理判斷題。根據(jù)第一段After a hurried talk with Dad's doctors,Mother told my sister and me the worst.可知,答案為A。

  37.C 細(xì)節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)第二段...my father had survived many serious medical problems...可知,答案為C。

  38.B 細(xì)節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)第三段Out of it was a lighted cross.My eyes were fixed upon it.My fears died out.可知,答案為B。

  39.D 細(xì)節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)第四段...several months later he went to call on a friend at the same hospital.可知,答案為D。

  40.C 根據(jù)第三段的But because of my work I had to rent a flat near the coast in Devon.It was nearly a hundred miles away from my home可知作者去Devon工作所以只能將狗狗留在家里。

  41.D 由最后一段可知母親是在兒子的指點(diǎn)下找到了狗狗,可見,她不如兒子了解狗狗。

  42.D 由最后一段的Luckily he was there quite happily sniffing around,unaware of the panic he had caused可知小狗去公園是因?yàn)樵谀莾和娴瞄_心。

  43.D 根據(jù)第二段的I would try to take him on this walk every day,weather permitting可知D項(xiàng)為正確選項(xiàng)。其他三項(xiàng)說法錯(cuò)誤。

  44.B 細(xì)節(jié)考查題。從第二段中看出A、C、D三項(xiàng)與國(guó)家發(fā)展有關(guān),而情人節(jié)屬于生活節(jié)日。

  45.C 推理判斷題。由第二段中中國(guó)和美國(guó)都過新年(New Year's Day)可以得出答案。

  46.C 猜測(cè)詞義題。由該詞所在句子的下文“The Chinese have long celebrated the Chinese lunar year.”可以推知 observe 和celebrate 是同義詞,表示“慶祝”。

  47.C 細(xì)節(jié)考查題。由第三段第二句可以得出答案。

  48.A 根據(jù)第二段倒數(shù)第二句話可知,聽覺在某種程度上比其他重要。

  49.C 根據(jù)倒數(shù)第二段可知,變化的東西容易吸引注意力,而靜止的、習(xí)以為常的都不容易吸引人的注意力。

  50.B 根據(jù)緊跟其后的unchanging可知它的意思是“靜止的”。

  51.preparations 52.easier 53.required/necessary 54.sleepy/tired 55.rise 56.moment/minute/second 57.Change 58.destination 59.replace 60.forget


  My Teacher Mrs.Amon

  Of all my teachers,Mrs.Amon is the one who impresses me most.Though she is 44,she looks very young for her age.And she's one of the most popular teachers in our school.

  Compared with other teachers,Mrs.Amon pays more attention to her way of teaching.She tries various ways to make her classes lively and interesting.In her opinion,we should not only know “what”,but also understand “why”.So,instead of giving us answers immediately,she encourages us to think by ourselves whenever she puts forward questions.With her help,we've learned how to analyze and settle problems.What a wonderful world of “why” she leads us to!

  She is such a learned person that we all admire her very much.








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