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  處在初一的你,臨近英語考試時還不知道怎樣復(fù)習(xí)的嗎?是這樣的話,那不妨和學(xué)習(xí)啦小編一起來做份外研版初一上冊英語Module 4檢測試題,希望對各位有幫助!

  外研版初一上冊英語Module 4檢測試題

 ?、? 單項選擇

  1. Rice and juice ______ healthy food and drink.

  A. is B. are

  C. aren’t D. isn’t

  2. —Have you got any tomatoes?

  —______ .

  A. Sorry, we haven’t got any

  B. Yes, please

  C. No, thanks

  D. Sorry, there isn’t any

  3. How many ______ can you see in the picture?

  A. bus B. box

  C. child D. children

  4. —What’s it? And what are they?

  — It’s ______ and they are ______ .

  A. fruit; tea B. hamburgers; noodles

  C. meat; vegetables D. beef; milk

  5. —Mary, are there ______ apples in the fridge?

  — Let me see. Oh, there are ______ in it.

  A. some; any B. some; some

  C. any; any D. any; some

  6. There ______ some chicken on the table. And there ______ some potatoes in the basket.

  A. is; are B. is; is

  C. are; are D. are; is

  7. —Is there any ______ in the cup?

  —Yes, there is.

  A. tomato soup B. tomato soups

  C. tomatoes soups D. tomatoes soup

  8. I remember ______ my grandma every week.

  A. to visit B. visiting

  C. visited D. visit

  9. Eating more vegetables ______ your health. A. is good for B. is good at

  C. is good to D. is good in

  10. — The juice is delicious, John.

  — Then, do you want ______ more?

  A. a little of B. a bit

  C. little D. a bit of

 ?、? 完形填空

  Do you want to 1 healthy? Food is very 2 . There 3 many healthy foods. You can 4 bananas, apples, oranges, tomatoes, because 5 are good for you. 6 don’t eat too much chocolate. 7 healthy food. There is 8 old saying (諺語) that goes, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away (去別處). ”

  Sports can also keep you healthy. Go to bed early, 9 and do some sports every day. Don’t be lazy! You will be 10 .

  1. A. is B. am

  C. are D. be

  2. A. healthy B. unhealthy

  C. important D. well

  3. A. is B. are

  C. be D. have

  4. A. eat B. drink

  C. like D. has

  5. A. fruits B. vegetables

  C. fruit and vegetable

  D. fruit and vegetables

  6. A. or B. Or

  C. but D. But

  7. A. It’s B. It’s not

  C. They are D. They are not

  8. A. a B. an

  C. the D. /

  9. A. get up early B. get up late

  C. go home early D. go home late

  10. A. unhealthy B. nice

  C. happy D. healthy

 ?、? 閱讀理解

  There are many foods in Linda’s fridge (冰箱). There are three eggs, one carrot, some apples, some cheese and ten bottles of milk. They are delicious.

  She has a big family—her grandparents, her parents, her little brother and her. Her grandma likes to eat tomatoes and potatoes. But her grandpa likes to eat potatoes and cheese. Her parents like to drink soup with eggs. Her little brother likes to drink milk. She loves to eat hamburgers.

  1. What does the word “delicious” mean (意思是) in Chinese?

  A. 味道不好的 B. 好看的

  C. 便宜的 D. 好吃的

  2. How many people are there in her family? A. Five. B. Six. C. Seven. D. Four.

  3. Who likes to drink soup with eggs?

  A. Linda.

  B. Linda’s grandfather and grandmother.

  C. Linda’s brother.

  D. Linda’s father and mother.

  4. What does Linda's brother like to drink?

  A. Juice. B. Milk.

  C. Water. D. Orange.

  5. How many kinds of delicious foods are there in Linda’s fridge?

  A. Five. B. Seven. C. Six. D. One.


處在初一的你,臨近英語考試時還不知道怎樣復(fù)習(xí)的嗎?是這樣的話,那不妨和學(xué)習(xí)啦小編一起來做份外研版初一上冊英語Module 4檢測試題,希望對各位有幫助! 外研版初一上冊英語Module 4檢測試題 Ⅰ. 單項選擇 1. Rice and juice ______ hea