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牛津版高一上冊英語必修三Unit 3測試試題及答案(2)

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牛津版高一上冊英語必修三Unit 3測試試題及答案



  Sometimes you find yourself unable to sleep in a hotel.Therefore, in order to get a full night's rest in a bed unfamiliar to you, firstly, try to reduce as much noise as you can.Find out the location of the possible hotel you want to stay at and see if it is near possible noise sources(來源), such as highways or airports.Before being given a room, ask if there are any quiet rooms.These rooms are located on upper floors and away from elevators.Make sure the room is at least two or three floors above the dining rooms.Another idea is to ask for rooms located in the back of the building,away from parking lots.

  While finding the right room is important, it's also helpful to pack a few key items to make your hotel stay as pleasurable as possible.Pack some earplugs(耳塞),which can prevent noise entering your ears.Packing a sleep mask is also a good idea because it will prevent any annoying light entering the room, which is necessary if your room doesn't have curtains.If possible, bring some sheets, pillowcases, or blankets from your home.You'll find that your body is used to the material, which can help you sleep faster.

  Before you decide to go to bed, there are some further steps you can take to prepare yourself.Don't eat before sleeping.You can also try having a small cup of tea or a glass of wine.Ask the receptionist not to put any call through to your room, making sure that you will not be woken up in the middle of the night.Remember to adjust (調(diào)節(jié)) the temperature in the room to your liking.You can also take a warm bath, which lowers body temperature enough to help make sleeping easier.

  If you're a person who depends on background noise to sleep in hotels, there are plenty of steps you can try.You can put on background music and wear headphones.Also you can try putting the television on low, but make sure it will not annoy your neighbors.

  Once you're in bed,clear your thoughts.If you have ideas and feelings controlling your mind,you'll find that it will be difficult to concentrate on sleeping.Look for ways to control your breathing and find a comfortable position (位置)on the bed.While sleeping in a new room might be scary at first, following these steps will help you make sure that your nights in hotels will be quite peaceful.

  How to sleep better in hotels

  Paragraph outlines Supporting details

  Reduce as much noise as possible. ●Choose to stay at a hotel far from noise sources like highways or airports.

  ●Ask for a 51.______ room on upper floors,away from elevators,at least two or three floors above the dining rooms or in the back of the building.

  Pack a few key items. ●Pack some earplugs in order to 52.______being annoyed by noise.

  ●Pack a sleep mask to 53.______ light out.

  ●Bring sheets,pillowcases or blankets from your home.

  Make some

  54.______. ●55.______nothing but you can drink a little tea or wine before going to bed.

  ●Adjust the temperature in the room and make it comfortable for you.

  ●Take a warm bath to 56.______ body temperature.

  Make proper use of background noise. ●Wear headphones while 57.______ background music.

  ●Put the television on low without 58.______ others.

  Clear your thoughts. ●Get rid of all ideas and feelings from your 59.______.

  ●Control your 60.______ and sleep at a comfortable position.











  牛津版高一上冊英語必修三Unit 3測試試題答案

  1.D 考查冠詞。throughout history“貫穿整個歷史”,history前不加冠詞;sb.become+職業(yè)/身份等“……成為……”,表示獨一無二的職位的名詞在作表語時,前面不加冠詞。

  2.B 考查動詞詞義辨析。consist of“由……組成,由……構(gòu)成”,不用于被動語態(tài)中;be made up of“由……構(gòu)成/組成”;be made of“由……制成”。故選項B正確。

  3.D 表示前面的否定情況也適用于后者時常用“Neither/Nor+be動詞/助動詞/情態(tài)動詞+另一主語”,故D項切題。

  4.A 句意:——你的報告完成了嗎?——沒有,再過十分鐘才能完成。another ten minutes表示“還需要10分鐘”,可用ten more minutes替換。

  5.A 句意:——你覺得明天開會吉姆會遲到嗎?——毫無疑問,他就愛遲到。no doubt毫無疑問,符合句意。not really并非如此,how come怎么可能,no way不可能。

  6.A 句意:——你有衣服要洗嗎?我?guī)湍阆础?mdash;—不用了,謝謝,我要自己洗。have sth.to do有某事要做(do所表示的動作由主語發(fā)出),have sth.to be done有某事要做(do所表示的動作不是主語發(fā)出的),此處you不是wash這一動作的執(zhí)行者,故不定式用被動式,選A。

  7.D 句意:不要被承諾讓你迅速減肥的產(chǎn)品給騙了。take off起飛,迅速流行;take out帶……出去;take away帶走;take in欺騙。D項符合句意。

  8.D 考查非謂語動詞。本題用還原法做。定語從句先行詞為plan,從句謂語動詞為see,關(guān)系代詞代替the plan在從句中作賓語,the plan與carry out之間為動賓關(guān)系,故應(yīng)用過去分詞作賓補,構(gòu)成see sth.done結(jié)構(gòu)。

  9.D 動詞詞義辨析。句意:我們本來打算去成都看一個朋友,但那天發(fā)生的強烈地震把我們的計劃全毀掉了。ruin指外界原因使事物受到破壞,弄糟。

  10.A 考查“make+賓語+賓補”結(jié)構(gòu),結(jié)合句意和句子結(jié)構(gòu)可知此處應(yīng)用interested(感興趣的)作賓補。

  11.C as well as連接的兩個名詞作主語時,謂語動詞與as well as之前的名詞在人稱和數(shù)上保持一致,排除B、D。因every Sunday afternoon in winter暗示此處表示經(jīng)常性、習(xí)慣性的動作,因此應(yīng)用一般現(xiàn)在時。故選C。

  12.D 句意:——你昨晚去看演出了嗎?——是的,這個地區(qū)的每個女孩和每個男孩都被邀請了。every boy and girl屬于“every+可數(shù)名詞單數(shù)+and+(every+)可數(shù)名詞單數(shù)”結(jié)構(gòu),該結(jié)構(gòu)作主語時謂語要用單數(shù)形式,排除A、B;此處說的是過去的一般情況,所以用一般過去時。

  13.B 考查主謂一致的“就近一致”原則。either...or...連接的名詞或代詞作主語時,謂語動詞要與or后面的名詞或代詞在人稱和數(shù)上保持一致,one of your students表示單數(shù)概念,故本題選B。

  14.C with的復(fù)合結(jié)構(gòu)中,賓語補足語的非謂語形式根據(jù)賓語決定,這里date和fix是被動關(guān)系,因此用過去分詞。

  15.A 句意:——你對求職面試很有信心,對嗎?——當(dāng)然了,我做好了全面準(zhǔn)備并且認(rèn)為自己準(zhǔn)備好了他們需要的一切。A項“當(dāng)然”;B項“很難說”;C項“希望如此”;D項“或許”。

  16.C 由下文描述...with a fine home on the waterway...及how the very wealthy...可知這位老板很有錢(rich)。

  17.A 老板很有錢,在航道上有一座豪宅,車比自己的房子都貴。

  18.B 朋友有機會去富人家作客,所以很高興(glad)。

  19.D 因為是去老板家作客,所以朋友很高興有機會能看看富人是如何生活(live)的。

  20.A 由下文...and took them to the finest restaurant可知這位老板招待人很大方(generous)。

  21.C 由上文...and took them to the finest restaurant可推知老板帶領(lǐng)他們正要走進(jìn)一家豪華的(expensive)餐館。

  22.D 由后文Arlene wondered if she was supposed to pass him可知老板走在(walking)客人的前面。

  23.B 老板低頭(looking down)看著人行道看了一會兒。

  24.A nothing...except“除……之外沒有,只有”;地上除了一枚別人掉的(dropped)臟兮兮的一便士硬幣和煙頭之外什么也沒有(nothing)。

  25.C 同上。

  26.D 根據(jù)后文描述可知老板撿起了(picked up)地上的硬幣。

  27.A 看到這枚硬幣,老板把它放進(jìn)自己的口袋里就好像發(fā)現(xiàn)了寶貝(treasure)一樣。

  28.B Arlene很奇怪,就是一枚(single)硬幣,老板怎么能看在眼里呢?

  29.C 老板甚至(even)花時間停下來去撿這枚硬幣。

  30.A 吃飯的時候這個場景一直困擾著她,于是她再也忍受不了(stand)這種困惑。

  31.D 她問老板這枚硬幣(從收集角度來講)是否有某種價值(value)。

  32.C 由上文He held it up and smiled,then put it in his pocket...可知老板把手伸進(jìn)口袋(pocket)。

  33.B 她以前見過許多這樣的一便士的硬幣(pennies)。

  34.A says此處的意思是上面“寫著”,指硬幣上印的話。

  35.D keep reading“繼續(xù)讀”,由下文的描述可知老板要她繼續(xù)讀硬幣上的話。

  36.A 根據(jù)文章第二段“Easter falls in the spring,the yearly time of rebirth”可知答案。

  37.B 根據(jù)前面一句話可知復(fù)活節(jié)前人們不吃肉,而復(fù)活節(jié)是在“長時間的齋戒之后”首次享受肉、蛋等食物。

  38.C 根據(jù)第四段第一句話可知答案。

  39.B 通讀全文可知,文章主要介紹了復(fù)活節(jié)彩蛋及其由來。

  40.B 根據(jù)文章第一段Farming attracts me,and probably other people,because it's simple work outdoors,Mr.Bobman said.“It doesn't feel like you're a part of an oppressive company.”可知,大學(xué)畢業(yè)生在農(nóng)場工作不會感到壓抑。

  41.A 根據(jù)文章第二段But the recent research showed a 4% increase in the number of farms,the first increase since 1920,and some college graduates are joining in the return to the land可知,近年來農(nóng)業(yè)受到了更廣泛的關(guān)注。

  42.D 根據(jù)文章第三段but in college,she worked at a student­run farm and fell in love with agriculture可知,喬丹•施密特畢業(yè)后放棄科研的原因是在大學(xué)期間,她在一家學(xué)生經(jīng)營的農(nóng)場工作,并由此對農(nóng)業(yè)產(chǎn)生了熱愛。

  43.C 根據(jù)文章第四段But it is worth having such people.A lot of young people want to farm for themselves,so they are motivated to learn quickly可知,舒特先生高度評價大學(xué)畢業(yè)生加入回歸農(nóng)田的行列。

  44.B 由文中第二段“Then one day in the year 79,many dogs and farm animals began to act strangely.”一句可知。

  45.C 由文中第三段“At first the people locked their doors and windows,hoping that this would only last a short while.”一句可知答案。

  46.B 由前后文可知,應(yīng)是“火山爆發(fā)后,城市被掩埋了,火山逐漸平息,人們逐漸忘了這個城市和那些被埋在火山灰下的人們。”可推知subsided的意思為“漸漸平息”。

  47.C 根據(jù)第一段的This idiom is most commonly used in American English可知C項錯誤。“慢船到中國”指長途緩慢的航行,是一個美國俚語,還曾是一首歌名。

  48.A 根據(jù)第二段的The player who lost at a slow and steady pace was often referred to as a“slow boat to China”可知被稱為一條慢船到中國的牌手往往是輸家。

  49.B 根據(jù)第三段的Both of these meanings referred to the fact that shipping something to China took a long time,and it would have taken even longer to cross the Pacific on a slow boat可知那時中國在美國人眼中是遙遠(yuǎn)、不易到達(dá)的。

  50.D 根據(jù)最后一段的People continue to use this term to refer to long trips,or to suggest that they have a great deal of time to do something可知D項正確。

  51.quiet 52.avoid 53.keep 54.preparations

  55.Eat 56.lower 57.enjoying/playing 58.annoying 59.mind 60.breathing


  The Palace Museum, which is also called the Forbidden City,is regarded as one of the five greatest palaces in the world.The Palace Museum, which was mainly made of wood and bricks,was completed in 1420.Located at the heart of Beijing, the Palace Museum is surrounded by 10­metre­high walls and a 52­metre­wide moat.Measuring 961 meters from north to south and 753 meters from east to west, it covers an area of more than 720,000 square meters.

  In the Palace Museum, you can see more than 8,000 palaces of different sizes and structures.In history, twenty­four emperors once lived in it.As a splendid building, the Palace Museum has become a great symbol of Chinese civilization.

  Nowadays, tens of thousands of visitors from home and abroad come to visit the Palace Museum every day and they are all fascinated by the magnificent building.
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