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時(shí)間: 朝燕820 分享





  ( )1.I want____ cakes.

  A:some more   B:more some   C:any much   D:more any

  ( )2.He is ready____ me when I have problems.

  A:help     B:helps     C:helpful   D:to help

  ( )3.Last Sunday we didn’t go to the park____ the heavy rain.

  A:because    B:because of   C:so      D:and

  ( )4. I have something____ you.

  A:telling     B:tells      C:to tell    D:told

  ( )5.Climbing is as____as swimming.

  A:excited    B:exciting     C:excite    D:bored

  ( )6.We need____money and____people to do the work.

  A:less,few    B:less,fewer     C:little,few   D:fewer,fewer

  ( )7.I never feel____with you.

  A:boring    B:bore       C:bored    D:bores

  ( )8.He offered a glasses of orange juice____me.

  A:to      B:for      C:with     D:from

  ( )9. We often spend half an hour____football.

  A:with    B:to      C:on   D:in

  ( )10. Who jumped____of all?

  A:far    B:farthest    C:farther    D:the most far

  ( )11.At last he began to cry____.

  A: hard and hard       B:more hard and more hard

  C:harder and harder       D: less hard and less hard

  ( )12.Tom draws____ better than his brother.

  A:more     B: many     C:most     D: much

  ( )13.It is very____ of you to come to the hospital to see me.Thanks a lot.

  A:lucky     B:true      C:kind      D:hard-working

  ( )14.Thank you very much for____me with my English.

  A:helping    B:your help   C:help     D:helps

  ( )15. Our Chinese teacher often makes us____in class.We all like him a lot.

  A:laughing   B:to laugh   C:laugh   D:laughs


  Hi,all!Welcome to the Friendship Club!You will meet many new people here.We have some advice to help you make _1_new friends.

  Firstly,be friendly and_2_to everybody in the club.This will make people comfortable when they _3_to you .Rude people are not welcome here and we usually ask them_4_.

  Secondly,be_5_ and truthful(誠(chéng)實(shí)的).We hope that our members can trust each other and will not be hurt by_6_member.If we find you are telling lies to other club members,we will ask you to leave the club.

  Thirdly,be a good listener and keep your friends’_7_. This will make your friends _8_you and it will also help you know_9_ about your friends.If you share your friends’ secrets _10_ someone else,you will hurt their feelings.

  Finally,be generous and helpful__11__your friends.Sharing thoughts,ideas and opinions will__12__you know more about each other and__13__friends.

  Please__14__ our advice when you come to the club.We__15__every Friday afternoon after school.

  ( )1.A:much    B:many C:a lot D:lot of

  ( )2.A:polite    B:impolite C:rude D:silly

  ( )3.A:to talk   B:talking C:talk D:be talking

  ( )4.A:leave B:to leave C:left D:leaving

  ( )5.A:beautiful B:clever C:fool D:honest

  ( )6.A:other’s B:others C:other D:another

  ( )7.A:secret B:secrets C:secrets’ D:secretly

  ( )8.A:trust B:to trust C:trusts D:trusting

  ( )9.A:little B:less C:more D:many

  ( )10.A:and B:with C:to D:between

  ( )11.A:at B:about C:for D:to

  ( )12.A:help B:helps C:helping D:to help

  ( )13.A:becoming B:become C:became D:will become

  ( )14.A:forget B:to forget C:remember D:to remember

  ( )15.A:need meet B:going to meet C:meet D:to meet



  In Britain,people often invite friends to a meal,a party or just a cup of coffee.People who know each other very well—close friends,family members or neighbours—visit each other’s houses without an invitation(邀請(qǐng)).When people invite someone to their homes,they often say,“Would you like to come for dinner on Saturday?”Answers are “Thanks.We’d love to.What time?”or“I’m sorry.We’d love to,but we have tickets for the concert.”However,it is not polite to say“No,we wouldn’t!”

  Sometimes,the British use expressions(表達(dá))that sound like invitations but not real ones.For example,“You must come over for a drink sometime.”or“Let’s go out for a meal one of these days.”These are usually just polite ways of ending a talk.They are not real invitations because they don’t mention an exact(確切的)time or day.They just show that the person is trying to be friendly and answers are“Yes,that would be nice.”or“OK,yes,thanks.”

  So next time you hear what sounds like an invitation,listen carefully.Is it a real invitation or is the person just being friendly?

  ( )1.It is always necessary for____ to visit each other’s houses with an inv itation.

  A:close friends B:family members C:neighbours D:new friends

  ( )2.Which is NOT the polite answer to a real invitation?

  A:Sorry,we’ d love to but we have tickets for the concert.

  B: No,we wouldn’t.

  C:Sure.We’d like to.Thanks a lot.

  D: Thanks.We’d love to.What time?

  ( )3.What may the British say if they want to end a talk politely?

  A:Would you like to come for dinner on Saturday?

  B: Shall we go for a drink this afternoon?

  C: Let’s go out for a meal one of these days.

  D: Let’s go out for a meal on Saturday.

  ( )4.The British often use“____”to answer the invitations that are not real.

  A: OK,yes,thanks. B:No,that’s not a real invitation.

  C: Yes,what time? D:No,you just want to be friendly.

  ( )5.Which is the best title for the passage?

  A: A letter to friends    B: Britain

  C:A talk with friends    D: Invitations in Britain


  My name is Ma Yan.I am 13 years old and I live in Shanghai.My English name is Sarah.I think that school is very interesting.I can learn about many important things.I have nine classes every day.My favourite subjects are English,Maths and Chinese.I like Chinese because I like reading Chinese stories.I think that Maths is very useful and I enjoy learning a new language.I do not like Art because it is too difficult for me.On Thursday afternoons,I go to the English club.Many students love going to the English club.There,we can talk to each other in English.My English teacher is called Scott.He is from Britain.At the English club,he often tells us about his life in Britain.Last week he showed us some beautiful photos of Britain.I think that it would be great to go there one day.During lunchtime,I go to the basketball club.I think that playing basketball is fun and it can make me heathier.There are fewer girls than boys at the basketball club.Sometimes,I find it difficult because most of the boys are taller than girls.

  ( )6.How many classes does Ma Yan have each day?

  A.Eight B.Nine C.Ten D.Eleven

  ( )7.Ma Yan likes Chinese____.

  A.because it is interesting    B.because it is important

  C. because it is very useful   D. because she likes reading Chinese stories

  ( )8.What club does Ma Yan go to on Thursday afternoons?

  A. The English club B. The basketball club C.The Chinese club D.The Maths

  ( )9. Scott is Ma Yan’s____

  A.friend B.Maths teacher C. English teacher D. Chinese teacher

  ( )10.What do we know about the basketball club?

  A.Only girls go to the basketball club.

  B. Fewer girls than boys go to the basketball club.

  C. More girls than boys go to the basketball club.

  D.Only boys go to the basketball club.


  Dear Mum,

  I don’t think you understand my life.You think I should be studying all the time.I know you want me to find a good job when I grow up,but I would like to have a wonderful time,too.You never think about funny things for me to do like music and sports.Two days ago,when I was watching a football game on TV,you asked me to stop and to do my homework.After finishing my homework,I wasn’t allowed(允許)to read my football magazines still.You said I had to go to bed early.That was bad enough,but yesterday w as the worst day.I bought some computer games,and put them in my bag so that you wouldn’t find them.I told you I had to do my homework first.I know it was wrong to lie(說(shuō)謊)to you,but you told me Dad would talk to me later.Mum,I didn’t quite like what you had done to me!I really love you,Mum,but I wish both of you could try not to push so hard on me.


  Zhang Ning

  ( )11.Zhang Ning’s mother wants him____when he grows up.

  A:to be a teacher B:to find a good job

  C:to work in a big city D:to become a football star

  ( )12.Zhang Ning watched a____game two days ago.

  A:football B:volleyball C:basketball D:basebal

  ( )13.Zhang Ning’s mother thinks her son should____.

  A:watch more TV B:do more sports

  C:play more computer games D:study all the time

  ( )14.Why did Zhang Ning put the computer games in the bag?

  A:Because he didn’t like them.      B:Because he played them many times.

  C:Because he didn’t want his mother to find them.

  D:Because he wanted to play them at school.

  ( )15.We know from the letter____.

  A:Zhang Ning lives a very happy life     B:Zhang Ning hates his mother

  C:Zhang Ning wishes to study all the time

  D:Zhang Ning’s parents push very hard on him



  tells a lie;keep secrets;come on;grows up;to travel around;playing chess

  1.The young man often____.We can’t believe what he said to us.

  2.My dream is____and learn the history of each place.

  3.She is a good friend and she can____for me.

  4.I spend one hour in____every day.

  5.She wants to be a singer when she____.



  1.You al ways____(關(guān)心)about me.Thank you so much.

  2.Millie studies better than Kate because he works____(更努力).

  3. He is my____(親密的)friend.I often play with him.

  4.When I was a child,my father was my __ (偶像).

  5.There is enough time for you to do it,so please be____(耐心的)。

  6.We should use the____(最少的)time to finish the plan.

  7. The first question is much more____(重要)than the second one.


  8. Lucy wants __(be) a singer.

  9.He is the __ (tall) boy in his class.

  10.Who’s __ (slim),Lucy or Lily?

  11.Tom is good at____(sing).

  12.Don’t go out.It’s raining____(heavy).

  13.We can’t hear you.You have to speak____(loud).

  14.Look!The two men are____(chat)under that tree.

  15.I am very____(interesting)in this book.



  I think good friends _________________


  They go to England __________________.


  She is excellent,but she should____________.


  I don’t ____________ alone.Let’s to together.


  __________,we looked through all the questions.


  I know a man named Jack.When he was a young man,he was already rich enough to live a very comfortable life.Then,at the age of 23,he inherited(繼承)a million dollars.After he inherited the money,he decided to keep living a simple life just like everyone else.He gave some of his money to a charity(慈善機(jī)構(gòu))to help poor children live a happy life.Even now,he still wears cheap clothes and shoes and drives an ordinary(普通的)car.

  So far,Jack has helped many poor children from different countries by sending each of them 0 a month.With his help,these children have been able to go to school again.He and the children often write to each other.In this way,he gets to know how the children are getting along with their studies and lives.Some of the children are already adults,but they still feel very grateful to him.It makes him happy to be able to help those children.“I want to do everything I can to go on helping those children around the world,”he said.

  1. How much money did Jack inherit when he was 23?


  2.Why did Jack give some of his money to a charity?


  3.How m uch money does each of the children get from Jack a month?


  4.What do Jack and the children often do?

  __________________ ________________________

  5.How does Jack feel when he is able to help the poor children?

  _______________________ ___________________


  根據(jù)下列信息,以“My best friend”為題寫(xiě)一篇短文。要求語(yǔ)法正確,語(yǔ)句通順??梢赃m當(dāng)發(fā)揮(80詞左右)(注意:文中不得出現(xiàn)真實(shí)的人名、地名和校名)




  My best friend

  _______________________________________________________________________ ______




  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

  A D B C B B C A C B C D C A C

  II. 完形填空(共15小題:每小題1分,滿分15分)

  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

  C A C B D D B A C B D A B C C


  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

  D B C A D B D A C B B A D C D



  1.tells a lie 2.to tr avel around

  3.keep secrets 4.playing chess

  5.grows up



  1.care 2. harder 3. close 4. hero

  5.patient 6. least 7. important


  8.to be 9.tallest 10.slimmer 11.singing

  12.heavily 13.louder 14.chatting 15.interested


  1. should be honest 2. twice a year

  3. learn to smile 4. want to go there

  5.At first


  1.A million dollars

  2.To help poor children live a happy life


  4.They often write to each other

  5.He feels happy.


  以“My best friend”為題寫(xiě)一篇短文。要求語(yǔ)法正確,語(yǔ)句通順??梢赃m當(dāng)發(fā)揮(80詞左右)





