學(xué)習(xí)啦 > 學(xué)習(xí)方法 > 小學(xué)學(xué)習(xí)方法 > 五年級方法 > 五年級英語 >


時間: 詩盈1200 分享




  一、Listen and choose.聽一聽,選出所聽到單詞。

  ( ) 1. A. sometimes B. weekend C. often D. usually

  ( ) 2. A. mountains B. morning C. exercises D. eleven

  ( ) 3. A. May B. March C. June D. July

  ( ) 4. A. swim B. summer C. spring D. snow

  ( ) 5. A. pick B. play C. about D. get

  ( ) 6. A. June B. July C. January D. November

  ( ) 7. A. 9:00 B. 8:30 C. 7:30 D. 10:00

  ( ) 8. A. now B. no C. November D. noon

  ( ) 9. A. sunny B. windy C. cool D. cold

  ( ) 10. A. which B. what C. why D. when

  二、Listen and choose.聽一聽,選出所聽到的詞組或句子。

  ( ) 1. A. go to school B. get up C. go home

  ( ) 2. A. play with the ball B. play sports C. play football

  ( ) 3. A. go shopping B. go hiking C. go swimming

  ( ) 4. A. Is your birthday in January?

  B. My birthday is in February.

  C. Uncle Booky’s birthday is in February.

  ( ) 5. A. What can you do in winter?

  B. What do you usually do in the morning?

  C. What do you often do in the evening?

  三、Listen and tick.聽一聽,選出與錄音內(nèi)容相符的圖片。

  ( ) 1. A. B.

  ( ) 2. A. B.

  ( ) 3. A. B.

  ( ) 4. A. B.

  ( ) 5. A. B.

  四、Listen and choose.聽一聽,選擇合適的答句。

  ( ) 1. A. Go to school. B. At 8:30. C. I usually get up at 6:30.

  ( ) 2. A. Yes, I do. B. At home. C. Usually I watch TV.

  ( ) 3. A. Spring. B. No, I don’t. C. It’s sunny.

  ( ) 4. A. Because I can swim in the lake. B. It’s fall. C. At 7 p.m.

  ( ) 5. A. It’s November. B. My uncle does. C. My birthday is on December lst.

  五、Listen and write.聽一聽,填上所缺單詞,補全句子。

  1. ________ do you have on ________?

  2. ________ is good, but ________ is my favourite.

  3. I ________ visit my grandparents on the ________.

  4. I usually ________ ________ at 7:00.

  5. Zoom sleeps in ________.

  六、Listen and tick or cross.聽一聽,判斷句子正√誤×。

  ( ) 1. There are a few fun things in summer.

  ( ) 2. There is a sports meet in spring.

  ( ) 3. There is an Easter party in April.

  ( ) 4. There is a school trip in April.

  ( ) 5. There is a school trip in May.


  一、Read and tick or cross.讀一讀,判斷每組單詞畫線部分發(fā)音是否相同,相同的打√,不同的打×。

  ( ) 1. class April ( ) 2. season breakfast

  ( ) 3. kite climb ( ) 4. get bed ( ) 5. make have

  二、Look and write.看一看,補全對話,每空只填一個單詞。

  1. A: What do you usually do on the weekend?

  B: I usually ________ ________.

  2. A: ________ do you like ________?

  B: Because it’s pretty.

  3. A: When is Teachers’ Day?

  B: It’s ________ ________.

  4. A: When do you get up?

  B: ________ ________.

  5. A: What do you do on the weekend?

  B: We often ________ ________.

  三、 Reorder the words and write.將所給單詞組成句子,寫在橫線上。

  1. I, with, my, family, often, go, on, a, picnic, (.)


  2. I, make, a, snowman, like, because, can, winter, (.)


  3. birthday, her, May, in, is, (.)


  4. like, summer, I, can, every, day, I, because, go, swimming, (.)


  5. do, usually, go, to, bed, you, when, (?)


  四、Read and choose.閱讀短文,選擇正確答案。

  Tom: Hi! I’m Tom. Can I ask you some questions?

  Mike: Sure.

  Tom: When do you usually come to school?

  Mike: I come to school at 8:00. Classes begin at 8:30.

  Tom: How many classes do you have every day?

  Mike: Six or seven.

  Tom: What’s your favourite class?

  Mike: I like maths best.

  Tom: What do you do after school?

  Mike: I do homework. Sometimes I play ping-pong.

  Tom: Which season do you like best?

  Mike: Spring. The weather is good. My birthday is in spring, too.

  Tom: When is your birthday?

  Mike: It’s in May.

  Tom: Cool! I like spring, too.

  ( ) (1) How many classes does Mike have on Monday?

  A. Six. B. Seven. C. Six or seven.

  ( ) (2) When do classes begin?

  A. At 8:00. B. At 9:00. C. At 8:30.

  ( ) (3) What class does Mike like best?

  A. Maths and art. B. Maths. C. Computer class.

  ( ) (4) Why does Mike like spring?

  A. Because the weather is good.

  B. Because his birthday is in spring.

  C. Both A and B.

  ( ) (5) When is Mike’s birthday?

  A. In March. B. In April. C. In May.

  五、Think and write.五一勞動節(jié)就要到了。你打算做哪些事情?和家人徒步旅行、爬山?還是和同學(xué)一起逛商店、看電視?試著用英語寫寫你在節(jié)日期間要做的事情,內(nèi)容不少于5句話。






  1. I usually get up at 6:30.

  2. I often climb mountains on the weekend.

  3. My birthday is in March.

  4. My favourite season is spring.

  5. Tom can play the piano.

  6. Children’s Day is in June.

  7. I go to bed at 8:30 in the evening.

  8. I usually eat lunch at 12 o’clock noon.

  9. Fall is always cool.

  10. Why do you like English?


  1. Sometimes I go home at 5 o’clock.

  2. I always play sports on Saturdays.

  3. I often go swimming on the weekend.

  4. Is your birthday in January?

  5. What do you often do in the evening?


  1. A: Which season do you like best?

  B: Summer.

  A: Why?

  B: Because I can swim in the sea.

  2. A: Who has a birthday in October?

  B: Sam. His birthday is on October 15th.

  3. A: When is your birthday?

  B: It’s in August.

  4. A: When do you usually eat breakfast?

  B: I eat breakfast at 7:00 every morning.

  5. A: What do you do on the weekend in winter?

  B: I often play in the snow.


  1. When do you go to bed?

  2. What do you do on the weekend?

  3. Which season do you like best?

  4. Why do you like hot days?

  5. Who has a birthday in November?


  1. What do you have on Mondays?

  2. Summer is good, but spring is my favourite season.

  3. I usually visit my grandparents on the weekend.

  4. I usually eat dinner at 7:00.

  5. Zoom sleeps in winter.


  Boy: We have a few fun things in spring. After the sports meet, we have an Easter party.

  Girl: When is the party?

  Boy: It’s in April. We have a school trip, too.

  Girl: When is that?

  Boy: It’s in May.

  Girl: Cool!



  1. D 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. B 6. A 7. B 8. D 9. C 10. C


  1. C 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. C


  1-5 ABAAB


  1-5 BCAAB


  1. What; Mondays

  2. Summer; spring; season

  3. usually; weekend

  4. eat; dinner

  5. winter


  1-5 ×√√×√





  1. read; books 2. Why; spring 3. in; September 4. At; 6:00 5. go; shopping


  1. I often go on a picnic with my family.

  2. I like winter because I can make a snowman.

  3. Her birthday is in May.

  4. I like summer because I can go swimming every day.

  5. When do you usually go to bed?


  (1)-(5) CCBCC





  ( )1.A should B would C doctor

  ( ) 2.A science B cinema C because

  ( ) 3.A bedtime B timetable C mushroom

  ( ) 4.snack B check C duck

  ( ) 5.A feel B full C fit

  ( ) 6.A shop B ship C shoe

  ( ) 7.A get on B get off C get to

  ( ) 8.A busy B because C before

  ( ) 9.A dentist B doctor C bedtime

  ( )10.A mushroom B understand C basket


  1. 2. 3.

  ( ) ( ) ( )

  4. 5. 6.

  ( ) ( ) ( )


  ( ) 1. A. He’s my Maths teacher. B. He’s young. C. He’s a bus driver.

  ( ) 2. A. No, he isn’t. B. Yes, she is. C. No, he doesn’t

  ( ) 3. A. She has Chinese and PE. B.I have a fever. C. He has a headache.

  ( ) 4. A. I usually watch TV. B.I usually go there by car. C. I’m not so good.


  ( ) 1.Mr Brown lives in ________ with his wife.

  A. a city B. a small town C. a big town

  ( ) 2.He works ________ days a week in his office.

  A. four B. five C. six

  ( ) 3.He doesn’t _________ on Saturdays or Sundays.

  A. go to school B. get up C. go to work

  ( ) 4.He likes ________ on Saturdays and Sundays.

  A. working in his garden B. walking in his garden C. looking at his garden



  ( )1. A. timetable B. cough C. headache

  ( )2. A. ears B. noses C. farms

  ( )3. A. dentist B. water C. driver

  ( )4. A. office B. lion C. giraffe

  ( )5. A. check B. drink C. medicine


  1.穿上 ___________________ 6.be bad for...________________

  2.來上學(xué) _________________ 7.excuse me_____________________

  3.右轉(zhuǎn) ___________________ 8.take medicine ________________

  4.看病 ___________________ 9.point at_______________________

  5.吃糖 ___________________ 10.be happy to... ________________


  ( ) 1.I can _______________.

  A ride a bike B by a bike C by bike

  ( ) 2.- ________do you live?

  - I live ________ Sunshine Town.

  A How; in B Where; in C When; on

  ( ) 3.You should ________some medicine and ________a rest.

  A eat; makes B take; have C take; make

  ( ) 4.Giraffe has a long _________.

  A hand B arm C neck

  ( ) 5.We usually brush_________ teeth in the morning.

  A we B our C us

  ( ) 6.—________ are you so happy?

  --Tomorrow is my birthday.

  A Why B What C How

  ( ) 7.You can see the shop _________ your right.

  A in B on C at

  ( ) 8 Eating too many sweets is bad _________ us.

  A to B with C for

  ( ) 9.You have a fever. You _______ watch TV.

  A should B should not C have to

  ( ) 10.How ________ Yang Ling feel?

  A does B do C is


  1.__________(put) on your coat. It’s cold outside.

  2.You shouldn’t _________(eat) or________(drink) in the library.

  3.--How ______(do)Mike_______(come)to school?

  --He usually ______(come) to school on foot.

  4.My ear ________(hurt).I can’t ________(write).

  5.My shoes _________(be) too old. I want to _________(buy) new ones.

  九、從II欄中選出與I欄相對應(yīng)的答句。(10 分) (改編題)

  I II

  ( )1.Where’s the supermarket? A. You can take a taxi.

  ( )2.Are you good at dancing? B:You’re welcome.

  ( )3.Let’s take the metro. C. It’s on Moon Street.

  ( )4.Thank you. D. Yes, I am.

  ( )5.How do I get to the library? E. All right.


  1.Yangling looks so happy because her mother gives her a new dress.

  ________ _________ Yang ling look so happy?

  2.We usually take a taxi to go to school.(寫出同義句)

  We usually go to school _________ __________.

  3.Don’t take any medicine, please.(改為肯定句)

  ________ _________ medicine, please.

  4.Lily lives in Sunshine Town(改為一般疑問句,并作肯定回答)

  - ________ Lily _______in Sunshine Town ?

  - Yes, she _______ .

  5.My home is not far from school.(寫出同義句)

  My home is _______ school.


  Su Hai: What’s the time, Su Yang?

  Su Yang: It’s eight o’clock. It’s late for the park.

  Su Hai: Don’t worry. We can go by bus.

  Su Yang: Good.

  Su Hai: Excuse me, is this bus to the People’s Park.

  A man: No, it isn’t.

  Su Yang: Which bus is to the People’s Park?

  A man: Sorry, I don’t know.

  Su Yang: Thank you.

  Su Hai: Let’s ask that policeman for help.

  Su Yang: Good idea. Let’s go.


  ( )1.It’s 8:00 now.

  ( )2.Su Hai and Su Yang want to go to the park today.

  ( )3.They always go to the park by bus.

  ( )4.The man is a driver.

  ( )5.They ask a policeman for help.



  1. should 2. cinema 3. bedtime 4. check 5. fit 6. shoe 7. get on

  8. before 9. dentist 10. understand

  二 聽錄音,給下面的圖片排序。(聽兩遍)(6分)

  1.Excuse me ,how do I get to the hospital?

  2.You should go to the supermarket by bus.

  3.You can get on the metro at Park Station.

  4.The prince visits every house .

  5.You shouldn’t turn left.

  6.He has a toothache.


  1.What does he do?

  2.Does he take any medicine?

  3.What’s wrong with him?

  4.How do you go there?


  Mr Brown lives in a nice house in a small town with his wife,Mrs Brown,From Monday to Friday he works in an office near his house.He doesn’t go to work on Saturdays or Sundays.He has a nice garden beside his house.He likes growing flowers and he often works in the garden on Saturdays and Sundays.The flowers are very beautiful and Mrs Brown likes them very much.She often helps Mr Brown.



  Answer:1.A 2.B 3.A 4.B 5.C 6.C 7.A 8.C 9.A 10.B


  二. 聽錄音,給下面的圖片排序。(聽兩遍)(6分)

  Answer:4 1 2 3 5 6



  Answer: 1. C 2. C 3. C 4.B



  Answer:1.B 2.B 3.C 4.A




  Answer:1.A 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.C



  Answer:1.put on 2.come to school 3.turn right 4.see the doctor 5.eat sweets

  6.對...有害的 7.打擾一下 8.吃藥 9.指著 10.高興做...



  Answer:1.A 2.B 3.B 4.C 5.B 6.A 7.B 8.C 9.B 10.A



  Answer:1.put 2.eat,drink 3.does,come,comes 4.hurts,write 5.are,buy


  九、從II欄中選出與I欄相對應(yīng)的答句。(10 分)

  Answer:1.C 2.D 3.E 4.B 5.A



  Answer:1.Why,does 2.by taxi 3.Take ,some 4.Does,live,lives 5.near



  Answer: 1.T 2.T 3.F 4.F 5.T





  ( ) 1. A. along B. long C. ask

  ( ) 2. A. mushroom B. bedroom C. bathroom

  ( ) 3. A. film B. full C. forest

  ( ) 4. A. before B. behind C. because

  ( ) 5. A. city B. try C. why

  ( ) 6. A. shop B. stop C. should

  ( ) 7. A. pick B. prince C. people

  ( ) 8. A. by taxi B. by train C. by metro

  ( ) 9. A. turn left B. turn right C. take off

  ( ) 10.A. get on B. get to C. get off


  ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )


  ( )1. A. On foot. B. Near the school. C. It’s Mike’s.

  ( )2. A. You can take the metro. B. She can get there on foot. C. Thank you.

  ( )3. A. You should have a rest. B. He should take some medicine C. Yes, I do.

  ( )4. A. I feel cold. B. He feels cold. C. She feels cold.

  ( )5. A. I am at home. B. I live on Moon Street. C. You live on Moon Street.


  The library is _________ from your _________. You can _________ a bus. You can ___ __ on the bus at City _______ Station and get _____ at Park Station. Then, _________ to Star Street. There’s a _________ on the street. You can see the library on your _______.



  1. ( ) A. tree B. driver C. drawing

  2. ( ) A. mushroom B. fish C. them

  3. ( ) A. chicken B. chair C. clothes

  4. ( ) A. under B. usually C. but

  5. ( ) A. sick B. writer C. traffic


  1. 看醫(yī)生__________________________ 2. too young____________________________

  3. 向右轉(zhuǎn)__________________________ 4. get off the train____________________

  5. 刷牙____________________________ 6. far from_____________________________

  7. 穿上你的衣服____________________ 8. ask him for help_____________________

  9. 勞駕;對不起____________________ 10. ask the way__________________________


  ( ) 1. I always _______ a policeman _______ help when I am lost.

  A. asks; for B. ask; for C. ask; to

  ( ) 2. ---- ________ are you so sad? ---- Because I can’t go to the party.

  A. What B. Why C. How

  ( ) 3. How many TV _______ are there in the building?

  A. rooms B. a room C. room

  ( ) 4. I go to Beijing _________.

  A. by a metro B. by a plane C. by metro

  ( ) 5. I don’t have _______ nice clothes _______ shoes.

  A. some, and B. any, and C. any, or

  ( ) 6. How do you get _______ the library.

  A. to B. from C./

  ( ) 7. Please come and help _______.

  A. I B. you C. me

  ( ) 8. There _______ a glass of water and three bottles of milk on the table.

  A. am B. is C. are

  ( ) 9. ---- _______ do you come to school ? ---- By bus.

  A. Where B. When C. How

  ( ) 10. He always _______ to school on foot.

  A. goes B. go C. going

  ( ) 11. How can we _______ the zoo? _______ foot.

  A. get; On B. to get; By C. get to; On

  ( ) 12. There's a bookshop ________ Moon Street.

  A. in B. on C. at

  ( ) 13. -----How do you get to the hospital ? -----I get _______ by taxi.

  A. there B. to there C. the hospital

  ( ) 14. Lucy _______ on the T-shirt but it _______ fit.

  A. try; doesn’t B. tries; don’t C. tries; doesn’t

  ( ) 15. Cinderella’s sisters _______ not happy.

  A. am B. is C. Are


  I II

  ( )1. Where do you live? A. Eight.

  ( )2. How many lessons do you have? B. They're Jim's.

  ( )3. How can I get to the bookshop? C. Because it's my birthday.

  ( )4. When does Mike go to the zoo? D.I live near City Library.

  ( )5. Whose clothes are these? E. You can take the bus.

  ( )6. Why are you so happy? F. No, I don't.

  ( )7. Do you see my football? G..He visits his uncle.

  ( )8. What does he often do on Sundays? H. Yang Ling and Su Hai.

  ( )9. Who cleans the classrooms? I. Yes, please.

  ( )10. Would you like some coffee? J. At weekends.


  1. Let’s go and __________ (have) a look.

  2. There are some __________ (egg) on the table.

  3. Are there _________ (some) pictures on the wall?

  4. Su Hai and Su Yang like _________ (read) books.

  5. How _________ (do) the girl go to school?

  6. Let me __________ (help) you.

  7. My aunt __________ (live) on Moon Street.

  8. __________ (do) your parents live there?

  9. There _________ (be) some coffee on the table.

  10. She should ______ (brush) her teeth every day.


  1. 你媽媽每天怎樣去上班?

  _________ does your mother go to _________ every day?

  2. Sam騎車去上學(xué)。

  Sam goes to school _________ __________.

  3. ----- 你怎么啦?----- 我生病了。

  ----- _________ wrong with you?

  ----- I’m _________.

  4. 我們學(xué)校在書店旁邊。

  Our school is _________ _________ the bookshop .

  5. 因為這些蘑菇對我們有害。

  Because these mushrooms _________ _________ for us!


  Li Ming and his friends go to his uncle’s home. Li Ming’s uncle lives on a farm near Nanjing. It’s a beautiful and big farm. Li Ming’s uncle shows them a lot of photos about his farm at first. There are many cows, chickens, ducks and fruit trees on the farm. Li Ming and his friends pick a lot of pears, apples and oranges. It is very hot. But the boys still have a good time on the farm.

  ( ) 1.Li Ming and his parents go to his uncle’s home.

  ( ) 2.Li Ming’s uncle lives in Nanjing.

  ( ) 3.The farm is beautiful and big.

  ( ) 4.There are many cows, chickens, ducks and fruit trees on the farm.

  ( ) 5.They are very happy.



  1. along 2. Bedroom 3. full 4. because 5.try

  6. stop 7. people 8. By taxi 9. Take off 10.get on

  1.A 2.B 3.B 4.C 5.B 6.B 7.C 8.A 9.C 10.A



  1. A: Why is Liu Tao so happy ?

  B: Because today is his birthday.

  2. A: How does your father go to Beijing ?

  B: He goes to Beijing by plane.

  3. Sam always sits in the basket.

  4. A: What’s wrong with you?

  B: I have a headache.

  5. A: What is the boy doing?

  B: He is seeing a dentist.

  5 3 4 1 2



  1. How do you go to school?

  2. You should drink some warm water.

  3. What should he do?

  4. What’s wrong with her?

  5. Where do you live?


  (評分說明:本題共5分,每題1分。 出題意圖:本題知識點為課文的基本句子。重點考察學(xué)生對基礎(chǔ)句子的辨認(rèn)和聽力能力,并選出相應(yīng)的回答。)


  The library is far from your home. You can take a bus. You can get on the bus at City Cinema Station and get off at Park Station. Then, walk to Star Street. There’s a bookshop on the street. You can see the library on your right.

  far home take get on Cinema off walk bookshop right



  A C C B B



  1.see the doctor 2. 太年輕 3.turn right 4.下火車 5.brush one’s teeth

  6.離…遠(yuǎn) 7.put on your clothes 8.向他求助 9.excuse me 10.問路









  1. have 2. eggs 3. any 4. reading 5. does 6. help 7. lives 8. Do 9. are 10. brush



  1.How work 2. by bike 3. What’s ill 4. next to 5. are bad



  1.F 2.F 3.T 4.T 5.T







